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Reviews for Men of Station 23 (MFMMM)

Reader Reviews

29 Ratings
Avg - 4.31
Men of Station 23 (MFMMM) by Stacey Espino (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

This was a good book and I will probably read it again and again! LOL

Reviewed by: rhondavb (Date: 03/22/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 891 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Men of Station 23 (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Stacey Espino

29 Ratings
Avg - 4.31
Men of Station 23 (MFMMM) by Stacey Espino (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

This gals fantasy come true with four hot firemen. I loved everything about this truely amazing book. Keep them coming *winks* with a big YEA HAW from this gal.

Reviewed by: Barefoot Okie (Date: 04/18/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 455 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Men of Station 23 (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Stacey Espino