Chrysalis Cage (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 53,288
0 Ratings (0.0)

Freedom fighter Jarrett Blake’s escaping from prison after months of torture and solitary confinement, but his bid for freedom ends when his stolen ship crashes into a remote moon. He wakes to find himself with two broken legs and helpless in the care of Marc Satie, a technician stationed alone at an isolated monitoring station. Marc saved Jarrett’s life, but was it an act of mercy or does he want to claim the reward on Jarrett’s head? It’s a big reward -- as Jarrett’s the galaxy’s most wanted terrorist.

Jarrett gradually recovers under Marc’s care and seduces him, hoping Marc will never turn his lover over to the authorities. As time passes. Jarrett begins to think of it as more than a seduction. Marc is beautiful, gentle and kind and Jarrett’s had none of those things in his life for a long time.

But Marc has a secret and the exposure of it will show Jarrett he’s been in more danger than he ever realized. Marc is not the man Jarrett thought he was. After the truth comes out, Marc proposes a daring plan. If it succeeds they can walk away together as free men. But they have very different ideas about where they’re walking to.

Chrysalis Cage (MM)
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Chrysalis Cage (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 53,288
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

After they ate he spent a couple of hours out in the common area, relaxing. Jarrett sometimes glanced over at the systems alcove, thinking about his new computer access. A mad fear that the computer bitch would suddenly denounce him and report how he’d spent half the night fiddling with her most intimate parts hovered around his brain. He kept it at bay and tried to concentrate on Marc, on flirting with him. Flirting didn’t come naturally to Jarrett. He’d never learned how to do it. The only flirting you did in battle was with death -- and you always hoped he didn’t put out.

He was also, to be frank, not even close to being at the top of his game sexiness-wise. His hair was a mess. He wore a hospital gown that fitted like a sack, and of course, his battered and maybe disfigured legs stuck out in front of him in two big plastic sheaths. No, not at his most seductive. But he’d had a shave and was feeling good today, which gave his face a bit of color and put a sparkle in his eyes. And his hair wasn’t so bad. Clean, at least, and some said it looked good when it was long enough to flop over his eyes.

“Are you tired?” Marc asked when a yawn escaped Jarrett after a couple of hours in the common room. The night’s activities were catching up with him. “Let me take you back so you can rest.”

Jarrett didn’t argue. He was tired. But he had something to do before he went back to sleep. Time to see just how much Marc would respond if Jarrett went further than flirting. Just the thought of it started to give him the horn, and he willed his cock to stay down. It took the usual amount of notice it did of such efforts -- none at all. But the tent in his robe wasn’t too big yet. Only when he moved across onto the bed did Marc notice. Jarrett locked gazes with him and smiled, glancing at it and back at him. That gorgeous blush colored Marc’s cheeks again.

Jarrett loved that shy-boy thing. Marc probably didn’t have much experience with men, given how nervous Jarrett’s cock apparently made him. But he wanted it. Oh yes, he wanted it, Jarrett knew, because he didn’t run off again at the sight of it. He came up to the head of the bed and pulled the sheets and blanket up over Jarrett, leaning over him to tuck them in. Jarrett accepted the invitation Marc was clearly offering, took Marc in his arms, and pulled him close to kiss him. Marc didn’t fight. He didn’t respond much either. He opened his mouth and let Jarrett’s tongue in, but otherwise he lay quite passive in his arms. Marc could easily get away if he wanted to, but he didn’t try. Maybe he just lacked the experience to know how to respond to a man kissing him. Jarrett’s cock was fully hard. He needed Marc.

“I’m sorry,” Jarrett said softly when they came up for air. He kept Marc in his arms, pulling him against his chest, beautiful face so close, lips swollen and shining from the kiss. “I’m sorry if I frightened you. I couldn’t resist, not when you’re so close to me. You feel so good, Marc. You smell so good.” He did, so clean and with some faint scent of a fruit-scented soap on him. “You taste so good.” Marc didn’t answer, so Jarrett went on. “I can’t stop thinking about what happened before.” He didn’t want to say handjob. It sounded sleazy, might shock him. “When you touched me. It felt so good. I want you again. Every day I think about it and hope you’ll do it again.” He stroked Marc’s back and arm as he spoke. “Did you like it too?”

“Oh yes!” Marc looked embarrassed. “It ... it was nice. But I did feel I was taking advantage. With you being laid up.”

“You weren’t, not at all. I wanted it. My cock isn’t laid up, that’s for sure. I dream about you touching me every night and wake up hard.” An exaggeration, but it worked. Marc’s eyes went wide, and he smiled, obviously flattered. “I dream of what you did then and of us doing so much more. Do you want it? Do you want me?”

“Jarrett, you’re ... very handsome. But I ...”

“I know. I’m probably not your type.”

“Actually you’re just ... um, I mean ...” He stopped and went shy again, looking away. Jarrett felt him move away and didn’t allow it. He pulled Marc closer and kissed him again. This time Marc responded, his body going limp in Jarrett’s arms, mouth opening and tongue thrusting. Jarrett had him. He’s mine.

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