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Reviews for Cooper's Condition (MM)

Reader Reviews

4 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Cooper's Condition (MM) by Jacey Holbrand (Published by: Evernight Publishing )
Categories: Paranormal, Science Fiction, Alternative (M/M, Gay)

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

Seth decides to start an Alien Encounters support group which Zen, and their boss, Owen, isn't too thrilled with. At the first meeting, Seth meets Cooper, and wouldn't you know it? Cooper and his partner, Micha's situation mimics Seth and Zen's. Huh. Who'da thunk it?? *grins* I got kind of disappointed with the author after Cooper relayed his whole story to Seth, and then showed up in the middle of the night at Seth and Zen's place in pain. Why? Because Seth didn't recognize the description and the details and realize that Cooper was pregnant. Seriously, dude? You just went through this. Duh. Even though there were a lot of inconsistencies throughout this story, I still had fun with it, and I guess that's all I could ask for.

Reviewed by: Christy Duke (Date: 03/24/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 218 See all my reviews

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