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Reviews for Panthers' Prey (MFM)

Reader Reviews

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

I can't believe that I'm about to say this....but there was too much sex. Way too much sex, in the end I just skipped over the sex scenes!

Reviewed by: AussieGirl (Date: 09/21/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 205 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

I was so delighted to find the newest Leah Brooke novel and dived right in, but I found these three characters to be irritating in a way I hadn't experienced for quite some time. Marcus' anger at fate's arranging his life was understandable--he felt he had lost control over so much in the past and now to have a quirky, complaining, irritatingly independent woman fall into his lap--it wasn't to be endured. James was much more mellow and seemed to be better able to "roll with the punches" but Bailey--well that's another story. Angry, hard to understand, refusing to accept that these two men were actually shifters, even after repeated demonstrations? O come on, kiddo! Enough already. I just never liked all the adversarial stuff--all the arguments, the love making that was shared even when they were angry over being attracted to one another. Went on way too long and was waaaaaay too intense. Yet for all that, Ms Brooke is a wonderful writer and I could visualize all their anxiety, their worry over how to get past all that Fate had dumped in their laps, their desire to have a normal and loving relationship. I just couldn't get comfortable with the progress of this relationship and wanted things to settle down just a little bit faster. It's an OK paranormal romance, but I don't think it was her best. Just a bit disappointing to say the least.

Reviewed by: Dr. J (Date: 03/03/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 172 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Panthers' Prey was So AWESOME i feel in love with the characters that at times I wanted to smack Marcus and Bailey to just accept it as James did on being mates. I couldnt put this amazing book down. Truthfully I had to take a cold shower after reading it lol. There was such feeling and sexual tention you felt for these characters and even turned on by the words Leah Brooke wrote, now that is one amazing writer. I so look forward to reading the next books in this series to hear the other characters stories. BRAVO! and YEEHAW! This gal cant wait for more. I will be waiting for the next amazing story.

Reviewed by: Barefoot Okie (Date: 02/22/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 455 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I love her books, but this may be my favorite. Awesome!!!!!!!

Reviewed by: melinda.ann (Date: 02/16/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 7 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

I love Leah Brooke's series and was so looking forward to this new one. I was so disappointed with the characters and plot of this story. I love Jame's character but the other two especially Bailey was so annoying and whiny and just unlovable. Her so many references to the bat was irritating because it was irrational on so many level. She believed that her bat has the power to stop all violence against her. I had a hard time understanding her and her continuous changes in her reality every few pages believing and not believing in shape shifter. Even when she finally admits to her love for both of them...she still arguing with herself. I know there are no such things as a perfect heroine but come on, this female character had no likability aspects for us reader to connect and enjoy. Marc's character was almost as bad. How can a shape-shifter be so anti-mating...its ridiculous.I can understand some hesitation at the beginning but to have it go through the entire story was unbelievable and annoying. I just wanted to kick these two characters asses out and tell James to go find a new mate and partner. You would think after what happen with Leland and Joe situations and having been told about it, he would learn from it but of course not. The only saving grace was the secondary characters and hoping that Leland & Joe story would be redeeming one for this series...otherwise its a lost cause for the panthers series. The other secondary characters had more potential and was more likable then Baily and Marc combine.

Reviewed by: neomishas (Date: 02/16/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 21 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Terrific book.. exciting.. can't wait for the next book.

Reviewed by: Joyce (Date: 02/15/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 12 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

62 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Panthers' Prey (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I think this is a great start to a new series. Not as good as her others but no one writes a steamy scene better than Leah! I can't wait to meet the other panthers!

Reviewed by: dancerinpa (Date: 02/13/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 9 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Panthers' Prey (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke