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Reviews for Send Her To Me (MF)

Reader Reviews

9 Ratings
Avg - 3.44
Send Her To Me (MF) by Ronna Gage (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 2 - Fair

The book started out good. Sweet heroine who has been hurt, and a hero who is afraid women will just love him for his money. So the hero conceals the fact that he's rich. They fall in love and have great sex. Then the twist, the heroine finds out he's rich. How awful! And she dumps him because he lied. The for six months she puts him through a "we can be friends" stage because even though she loves him, she can't trust him. Then to find out she loves him, she has her male friend LIE to him so she can figure out if he loves her. So the hero after getting totally drunk confronts her and the friend and basically says I love her so much I want her to be happy with you and lets her go. And then the heroine feels she can love him because she knows the truth. And the whipped hero is ecstatic! All I could think of at the end was the heroine was manipulative and played a much worse game than any lie the hero said. I felt sorry for the hero at the end. And I sincerely hoped that as a woman I never play such a harsh game on a guy.

Reviewed by: Grace (Date: 06/19/2011)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 3 See all my reviews

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