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Reviews for Danny's Escape (MM)

Books written by
Skye Michaels

Calleigh's Collar (MF)   Kelly's Challenge (MF)   Anne's Courage (MF)
4 Ratings
Avg - 4.25
Danny's Escape (MM) by Skye Michaels (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Contemporary , Alternative (M/M, Gay)

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Hi, all! Here’s DANNY’S ESCAPE, Book 3 of The Wilton Park Grand Hotel series. I love to communicate with you readers, so I hope you won’t mind me posting here. Well, now the first three WPG books are out on Bookstrand.com, and they are doing well. I’m thrilled with this new series. The Wilton Park Grand Hotel is also set in Fort Lauderdale with The Black Iris Club and Black Dahlia Hotel. The hotel, a small, luxurious and slightly quirky boutique property, is located in Wilton Park, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. There actually is a town called Wilton Manors that has a substantial gay population, although the hotel is fictional. There are many businesses and even condo communities there that cater to gay customers, and many gay people own homes there. Each book in this series will feature a new gay couple with their own story to tell and appearances by old friends from other series. I hope you are enjoying my new path. For earlier readers, I will still also be writing my BDSM M/f stories. – Skye Michaels

Reviewed by: Skye Michaels (Date: 01/16/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 29 See all my reviews

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