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Reviews for Heartbreaker (MFM)

Books written by
Skye Michaels

Paula's Commitment (MF)   Harper's Submission (MF)   Violette's Vibrato (MF)
4 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Heartbreaker (MFM) by Simone Sinna (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Contemporary , Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Heartbreaker, the third book of Simone Sinna’s Breaker series, takes place on a fast-paced journey across the U.S. from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. via New York. The Aussie heroine, Savannah James, has hooked up with an ex-cop private eye, Ben Masterton, and his step-brother, FBI Agent Zac Bateman, who are trying to keep her safe while chasing her roots, her mysterious father, and the terrorist connections of the right-wing Christian militia group, The Soldiers of Leviticus. They are attempting to prove the patriarch of the fundamentalist group is a terrorist responsible for bombings in the 1980’s and the recent attempts to kidnap Savannah and prevent her connecting with her biological father. Clues to the mystery are provided by items in a keepsake box left to her by her dead mother, the ballerina Audrey James. The brothers are trying to determine the involvement of Savannah’s unsavory step-father, Sal Mazzola aka a Palestinian named Salil El Massari, who may have a connection to the current mystery as well as the 1980s bombings in California and Rome. When the Christian fundamentalists are successful in kidnapping Savannah and holding her hostage at a farmhouse in Vermont, Zac and Ben, the FBI, and Savannah’s father’s special forces team mount a rescue operation. A desperate swim in a raging cold river, a fast foot chase through the woods after the dangerous zealot, and a heartwarming first meeting between father and daughter keep this book moving right along. Savannah’s visa is about to expire, and she has to return to Australia. Would the two handsome brothers be able to let her go? Will there be a happy ever after for the three lovers? The sex is ménage and hot – ice cubes, nipple clamps, and crops, oh my! Champagne, warm chocolate syrup and whipped cream, on no! Altogether a very satisfactory read.

Reviewed by: Skye Michaels (Date: 03/13/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 29 See all my reviews

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