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Reviews for Pandora's Box (MF)

Books written by
Simone Sinna

Were-Devils' Revenge (MFM)   The Ghosts' Return (MFM)   Icebreaker (MFM)
3 Ratings
Avg - 4.33
Pandora's Box (MF) by Skye Michaels (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

The Golden Dolphin Cruise sets sail again, this time up north. As I'm going to Vancouver for the first time in May this really added to my interest- will have to get to Alaska another time! Our heroine in this book is Pandora (love the name of the book and its double entendre...!)and the book opens promisingly (albeit it sadly) on the death of her sister whom she finds has been caught up in the BDSM lifestyle. Pandora wants to find out what happened and how much the lifestyle and the "master" had to do with her death, so wangles her way onto the cruise ship to find out all she can. I would have liked more plot/tension about the sister and her master but it does get resolved (and I am a romance-suspense author with an emphasis on suspense which this book isn't aiming to be). In the middle is a long interlude where we get to lay back and enjoy the cruise. The author clearly has fun playing with how married couples would enjoy such a cruise (and keeping them essentially faithful) and at times I found it stretched my imagination somewhat, and Pandora as a newbie is a lot more relaxed about public display than most would be, but the romance is strong, Gray the hero hangs in there, and we get action in the mine as well as plenty of action in the dungeons! Have fun!

Reviewed by: Simone Sinna (Date: 02/22/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 17 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Skye Michaels

Simone Sinna >
Total reviews by Simone Sinna: 17

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Books written by
Skye Michaels

Kelly's Challenge (MF)   Paula's Commitment (MF)  
3 Ratings
Avg - 4.33
Pandora's Box (MF) by Skye Michaels (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I hope you enjoy your cruise to Alaska aboard the Golden Dolphin. It was fun to write this book, and I hope you all feel like "you are there." The story of Pandora and Gray had some interesting psychological underpinnings, and the continuation of Captain Con and Purser Casey's story was also fun. Coming next is Hannalore's Treasure, Book 6, which takes us to Guatemala and through the Panama Canal. I'm having fun, and I hope you all are as well. Enjoy - Skye Michaels

Reviewed by: Skye Michaels (Date: 02/20/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 29 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Skye Michaels

Skye Michaels >
Total reviews by Skye Michaels: 29

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