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Reviews for The Depth of Desire (MF)
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The Depth of Desire (MF)
Jill Blair
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
What I liked the most about this book was that the two lovers had known each other for a long time and had been friends all that time. Then things change and they begin to see each other from a different point of view and realize that love had always been there waiting for them to reach out and take it. Good book, great setting.
Reviewed by: Mardi Maxwell
(Date: 12/26/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 9 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 9 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: The Depth of Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair

6 Ratings
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The Depth of Desire (MF)
Jill Blair
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Excellent reading for the romantic at heart!
The heroine, Sarah Templeton, vacations at a scuba diving resort owned by the best friend, David Maddex, of her brother. Although David and Sarah have known each other for years and they had always been like brother/sister, the exotic location and her reaction to the new tan & muscular David sparks new feelings in Sarah.
I was able to easily connect with Sarah as she grew in both personal discovery and in her feelings for David. The dialog is fun and the sex scenes are tactfully descriptive. This story is steamy.
The writer's skill in bringing me into the story made it feel personal. I especially enjoyed "Cliffy Boy" and the antagonistic role he played in the’ll have to read the book to find out who he is!
Reviewed by: Romance Reader 76
(Date: 09/24/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: The Depth of Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
6 Ratings
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The Depth of Desire (MF)
Jill Blair
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
What if everything that you have ever wanted, was right in front of you the whole time?
I think that every reader of romantic fiction roots for a happily ever after for the couple whose story is being told. This is especially true for characters that have been burned by love in the past.
The Depth of Desire tells the story of Sarah Templeton, who has given up hope that she will ever find the passion that she craves in a good, solid man who is willing to commit. Sarah has been dating her dive instructor Cliff for a few months and although they share similar interests, she hasn’t felt compelled to take their relationship to the next level. Hoping that a week away together on the beautiful island of Cozumel will spark some previously untapped desire in her, the couple book rooms in her good friend David Maddex’s dive resort.
Sarah can’t wait to see David again. She’s missed him since he bought the resort and moved so far away from her. The long-time friends greet each other enthusiastically, but the hello kiss that they share sparks something between them that neither of them expects.
As the story progresses, the friends decide to take a chance and explore this new found desire that they arouse in each other, hoping that their friendship can sustain the fallout if things don’t work out between them. It doesn’t help matters any that Cliff is completely peeved that Sarah gently kicks him to the curb and he becomes just one more obstacle that the couple must overcome.
Written in third person, Ms. Blair uses multiple viewpoint to allow the reader to see into the hero’s mind and heart as well as the heroine’s, a technique that I wholeheartedly enjoy! She expertly describes the internal struggles that each character experiences as the passion between them grows to love. Although tastefully depicted, the sex scenes are smoking hot and the emotional development of the characters is on point, arousing the reader’s empathy and sympathy.
I encourage you to find out for yourself if this couple can turn a week’s worth of passion into a lifetime of love. BUY
Reviewed by: Bea LaRocca
(Date: 10/12/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 10 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 10 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: The Depth of Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
6 Ratings
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The Depth of Desire (MF)
Jill Blair
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Loved this book, it was really romantic. Tells the story of Sarah who meets up with and falls in love with her old friend David, who has changed into a much more laid-back man than he was before, having now become the owner of a diving resort. The story is very humorous in parts and has loads of wonderful descriptions. The author obviously knows all about diving and the location in which the book is set, as this shines through her work beautifully. She enables the reader to feel as though they were actually diving alongside the heroine - and when she panicked underwater I actually held my breath! The hero and heroine are very likeable, and well suited to each other. Very well written and extremely enjoyable book - didn't want it to end!
Reviewed by: Bella Settarra
(Date: 12/03/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 5 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 5 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: The Depth of Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
6 Ratings
Avg - 4.83
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The Depth of Desire (MF)
Jill Blair
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was an amazing story. I loved the two main characters Sarah and David. They were amazing together. Their chemistry was palpable.
The author, Jill, does an amazing job of taking the reader through the emotional roller coaster of the characters. They were amazingly frustrating in navigating their journey. The sex was steamy and titillating. This is a story I will definitely be revisiting!
Reviewed by: Amanda Kay
(Date: 10/31/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 3 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 3 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: The Depth of Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
See all MER reviews for this author: Jill Blair
Items: 5