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Reviews for Unleashed Desire (MF)

Books written by
E.A. Reynolds

The White Panther's Claim (MM)   The Siren's Demon (MM)   Claiming His Dramatic Mate (MM)
10 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Unleashed Desire (MF) by Tilly Slaton (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

The concept of the story was great, and I enjoyed it. However, there seemed to be too much focus on the people around Madison and Dorian for me to focus on them. I enjoyed getting to know the others characters. I liked how Dorian, who didn't want to share Madison put his own feelings aside and shared her anyway. On the other hand, Madison didn't seem to get that she wasn't the center of the universe. Still, I do look forward to the next story.

Reviewed by: E.A. Reynolds (Date: 01/31/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Tilly Slaton

E.A. Reynolds >
Total reviews by E.A. Reynolds: 2

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10 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Unleashed Desire (MF) by Tilly Slaton (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Filled with twisted entanglements of lust and desire, Unleashed Desire will leave your body throbbing and craving more. This is a story of an exceptionally sensual man in need of the woman who will trust him to push her limits as they explore the lifestyle of BDSM. This book is filled with extreme erotic descriptions and contains M/F, M/M, M/M/F and F/F. I am ever so impatiently waiting for the next book in this series! I highly recommend this book to adults only who are in search of wild, body gripping desires as well as undoubtedly some of the most detailed and mouthwatering sex scenes I have ever read.

Reviewed by: bstruss60 (Date: 01/19/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Unleashed Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tilly Slaton

10 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Unleashed Desire (MF) by Tilly Slaton (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Dorian and Madison’s relationship progression is intense and all consuming. As Stephen and Nathaniel are introduced, the M/M/F scenes are mouthwatering and erotic! I read this book in one night because I couldn’t put it down. If you’re looking for an intense sexual ride that is filled with multiple relationship progressions and background drama, this book is for you!

Reviewed by: [email protected] (Date: 01/19/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Unleashed Desire (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tilly Slaton