101 Funny Barnyard Jokes For Kids

Hot Tropica Books

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 1,950
2 Ratings (4.0)

Everyone knows Old MacDonald and his barnyard critters love to laugh! What’s not to love? In this book you will find 101 Hilarious jokes about the every kind of animal that lives on a farm from chickens to pigs and everything in between. Fill your days with laughter, give this book as a gift, or use it to entertain your loved ones. These punny jokes make great icebreakers and will lighten any mood. Great to use in a classroom, near events, or times when you just need a laugh.

This collection of jokes is clean fun and family friendly, with no violence or offensive language. The jokes are good for any age.

101 Funny Barnyard Jokes For Kids
2 Ratings (4.0)

101 Funny Barnyard Jokes For Kids

Hot Tropica Books

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 1,950
2 Ratings (4.0)
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