Rocknocker: A Geologist’s Memoir reviews the life of George Devries Klein, an immigrant who made it through the American System as a geologist. It chronicles his life from early childhood, graduate school, work MORE...
Once you have seen an autistic child that is what you have seen – one, unique individual. Jack E. George is a veteran Special Education teacher who has taught some of the most difficult autistic children to go MORE...
Age was only an illusionary figure in Elleta Nolte’s life, not to be taken seriously. She enrolled at age 71 as a freshman at a prestigious university from which six of her nine children graduated. At age 89, MORE...
Una vez que ha visto a un niño autístico es justo lo que usted ha visto – un individuo único. Jack E. George es un maestro veterano de Educación Especial quien ha enseñado a algunos de los niños autistas más di MORE...
Once you have seen an autistic child that is what you have seen – one, unique individual. Jack E. George is a veteran Special Education teacher who has taught some of the most difficult autistic children to go MORE...