365 Days of America: Inspirational Quotes for Every American

Hot Tropica Books

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 9,240
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Our forefathers gathered together to found this great nation, and lead us out of a most turbulent time. Their basic beliefs still hold true today: We the people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These patriotic quotes are meant to inspire and to amuse everyone, but each one gives us insight into our history and the troubled times that the individual leader had to face.

Some are quotes from the presidents, from the past to the present, leaders, public figures, and writers. All of whom we looked to for wisdom during both times of war, and peace. From the Great Depression where families were jobless, starving and looking for hope where there there was none, to the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln had to try and hold the country together over a dispute on slavery and what was righteous, this book focuses on the darkest hours, and what gave us hope.

Enjoy this collection of quotes all about the American spirit and values. You can ensure a smile every day by reading one quote a day, or just read the entire book in one sitting.

365 Days of Happiness also makes a terrific gift.

365 Days of America: Inspirational Quotes for Every American
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365 Days of America: Inspirational Quotes for Every American

Hot Tropica Books

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 9,240
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Cover Art by Jackson Falls