Bobbi Brattz

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Well, dip me in chocolate and lick me clean! The imagination is a wonderful tool!

Let your imagination soar as women love one man or more. Where sex crosses the line into love, and ecstasy fills heart’s tender glove.

As a multi-published author of paranormal romance and reviewer of erotic romance, I decided I was past the blushing stage and ready to explore my innermost fantasies (on computer). Enjoy stories of love, lust, and laughter as they come from my heart and a vivid imagination.

It’s my goal to spin tales of heartwarming relationships where anything is possible in the bedroom...or anywhere else. Enjoy.


Bobbi Brattz

A true brat in your imagination.

Q: What made you choose erotic romance as a genre to write, Bobbi?

A: I’ve written in the romance genres for years and wanted to search deeper into my imagination to see if I could stir up some super yummy stories that would make a gal, or guy squirm in their seats. There’s nothing like a super hot romance to warm the heart and seat.


Q: You use a lot of humor in your books, Bobbi. Do you think it’s important to have it in yourstories?

A: ‘Live, Love, and Laugh’, as the saying goes. If you need to cry or lose your temper, you also should learn to laugh. It’s the best medicine when it comes to healing. My stories have a great deal of heart in them. Be prepared to ride the emotional rollercoaster.


Q: Can you tell us about your heroines? Are they feisty or feminine?

A: BOTH! I believe a gal can be feminine and feisty as well as strong and determined. Though they love the alpha males, you’ll find my girls won’t let you down when it comes to fighting for their rights to love and be loved in return. No man has a chance when they get ready to rumple the sheets.


Q: Why do you choose tropical paradises for your books?

A: I’ve been to the Caribbean a number of times and am enchanted by the heat, sun, sand, and especially the people. Pour me a mojito and bring on the Spanish dancers, muchachas. I’m ready to Zumba with the best of them.

In my eyes, a tropical paradise is the best place to heat up a romance. After all, where else can you get steam for free but from a lava bath? Ooops! I shouldn’t give away my next Dr. Love Shark story yet, but it’s a scorcher!


Q: Will all your books have ménage a trois in them?

A: Not necessarily. I tend to write what strikes me. Another story I’m working on is about a wacky vampiress who—Nope, sorry, that one is classified for now. Let’s just say that she and a hunky alpha vampire are going to take all the cold out of being undead and be super cool characters with a story you won’t want to miss.


Q: Where do you live, Bobbi?

A: I’m a Canadian through and through. My father came from England and my mother’s family was on Canuck soil just after the Mayflower in the late 1600s. My husband and mother and I live in a rural town and share the house with our three dogs and one cat. Canada has four different seasons but I love the heat particularly so I’m always ready to head south for a vacation. Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll get to do that this year. I create the most awesome story ideas over a piña colada or two.


Q: Where do you get the funny scenes in your stories?

A: Believe it or not, I actually put some of my own experiences into my novels. Not the ‘grrrrrr, come here baby’, ones, but the comedy that will have you rolling on the floor or at least make you spill your wine. Oh, and don’t forget to have a glass while you sit back and relax. Reading should be a...shall we say, pleasurable experience for you. Don’t forget to add a few chocolates to boot.


Q: Do you act out your scenes on your husband?

A: Now come on, my friends. I don’t kiss and tell. Let’s just say that he is getting pretty quick at escaping from me when I get ‘that look’ in my eyes. HAHAHA. Poor guy doesn’t know what’s going on with me at times. He thinks I’m menopausal.


Q: Do you have children, and if so, what do they think of you as a writer?

A: I do have three full-grown adult children who thankfully don’t read my works. My youngest daughter read over my shoulder once as I chuckled while writing, and she swore she’d never read another word. Move over Doctor Ruth!


Q: What would you suggest to someone who wants to be an author of erotic romance?

A: Start writing, get over the blushing, and never give up on your dreams of being an author if you love what you’re doing. Half the fun of getting published is in creating the characters and scenes. As the story builds, so does your confidence. I have eight published books under another pen name and the pride I feel in my accomplishments goes a long way. I love what I do.


Q: Have you ever lost a story due to a computer issue?

A: YES! Three words: BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP! I’ve lost a few and let me tell you, I’ve even overwritten one of my copies with a blank document by mistake. I save them in three, sometimes even four places just to make sure they are safe. Computers are not intelligent. They are machines and can fail. The way we don’t fail as humans is to keep on trying.


Q: What do you think of pirating?

A: It’s sad when you think of all the work you’ve gone through to only find that someone else is selling your baby and you get squat out of it while they get paid. It’s like a slap in the face. Pirates are nasty little creatures, for sure. I suppose they simply don’t wish to take the time to write their own stories. That’s rather sad because they miss out on so much fun.


Q: What is next for Bobbi Brattz?

A: Don’t fear. I’m going to continue with my novels to keep you entertained. Perhaps you’ll have your partner running for the hills when you learn something new from my words of wisdom. Just wait until you read about Rae’s romantic ménage with Mateo (Dr. Love Shark) and Piers in Hawaiian Triple Heat. It will set you aflame with desire. I hope you enjoy every moment.


Q: Bobbi, one last question. How did you get a publisher?

A: The first time it took me six years, but I’m a persistent gal and never surrendered to doubts. Siren-BookStrand is my new publisher and I’m thankful they accepted me into their fold. The best advice I can share with you is to always continue no matter what. Rejection from publishers/agents is part of the publishing business and you have to develop a tough skin or you might as well not bother seeking one out in the first place. You have to focus on the fact that you LOVE what you do and leave it at that. If you’re determined, it will happen. Good luck.

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