Falling in a Fortnight (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 34,161
0 Ratings (0.0)

Jay Turner is a helper by nature. So when his best friend ropes him into helping Leith Porter finish repairs on his house, Jay is happy to lend a hand. It doesn’t hurt that Leith is easy on the eyes and injured to boot. Everything about Lieth brings out the caretaker in Jay. And when one moment between them sparks Jay’s inner Daddy Dom, things shift between them.

With only two weeks to get the repairs done, the men spend a lot of time together. Jay didn’t expect to find a perfect submissive in Leith. But the man pushes all the right buttons, and their kinks align. The closer they get, the more they want to explore the dynamic between them. The easy way they fall into their roles and the connection between them, only spurs them on. It might be fast, but they both want more.

But they’ve been living in a bit of a bubble, together all the time, and it’s only a matter of time before that bubble will burst. Fourteen days is too fast to fall in love. To want to build a future. Except both men know they’ve found their forever and maybe a fortnight is exactly the right length of time.

Falling in a Fortnight (MM)
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Falling in a Fortnight (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 34,161
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

That sounded much nicer than “I told you so.” I chuckled. “You did. You mentioned you liked interesting words. Is it because you’re a librarian?”

Leith hummed thoughtfully, and it gave me the opportunity to nudge him toward the chair next to me. He seemed not to notice but did sit. I didn’t miss the way he let out a relieved sigh once he’d take a load off. I knew he’d had to have built up new muscles from being on crutches all this time, but that didn’t mean it was easy.

“I suppose it’s more accurate to say I became a librarian because of my love of words. I’ve always loved to read, ever since I was very young, and the library always seemed like a magical place. By the time I entered college, I was dedicated to a degree in library sciences.”

It wasn’t lost on me how we were complete opposites in that department. I was a TV and movie sort of guy, and I’d barely made it through high school. I wasn’t going to point that out though. And the turn in conversation gave me an opportunity to change the subject.

“Speaking of the library ...” I ate a strawberry that was perfectly ripe, the flavor nearly making me moan. “We need to talk about what happened earlier.”

Leith’s brows scrunched together. “Whatever do you mean?”

I wiped my fingers on my napkin and took a drink before I answered. “I mean, my tone and words. You know, I was a bit, uh, forward or whatever. I stepped over a line and --”

“Because you went all dommish on me?”

My brain stuttered out for a good six seconds before I managed to bring it back online. Then all I could do was shake my head, a small chuckle escaping. “The man who uses words like wamble and crapulent now pulls out dommish?”

The mischief in his gaze would be my undoing. I was sure of it.

“I never said all words that I like to use are real. Just most of them.” Leith’s expression sobered and he took a breath. “As I said before, there’s no need to apologize. In fact, perhaps I’m the one who should. It’s incredibly possible that it’s been an extended period of time since I’ve been able to play. And that may have affected my response to you. If two men, who naturally fall into particular roles happen to interact, it’s entirely plausible that they bring out certain attributes each other.”

It took me an embarrassingly long minute to actually work out what he was saying. “You’re a submissive?”

“And you’re a Dominant. Is that what we just said?” He blinked innocently. But there was no mistaking the twinkle in his eye that belied said innocence.

I coughed out a laugh. “And apparently you’re a brat.”

“Heavens no. I’m a good boy.”

My world stuttered to a halt, right then and there. Brain function, gone. Heart, refusing to beat. Lungs, not working. Because he meant that. This man didn’t mouth off or act up for attention. He didn’t like to break the rules just for the funishment. He very much liked following rules and behaving himself.

I leaned into his space. “You want to be a good boy for Daddy?”

Leith’s sharp inhalation was all I needed.

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