Fault Lines Box Set (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 186,130
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The fault lines that flaw the surface of our lives will sometimes break away the hard, unserviceable parts of us, revealing strengths that lead to a better existence. Occasionally, it can even lead to new love.

This collection combines all six stories in A.F. Henley’s best-selling MM romance series, Fault Lines, into one box set. Contains the stories:

Coloring Outside the Lines: After moving to a small town, Rory has regrets. As his partner gets more distant, Rory feels time, happiness, and his career slipping away. After another argument, Rory ends up in a bar where he meets a beautiful, young local, Danny Weber. As their friendship grows, so do Rory's feelings, even though he's more than aware he's going to have to make a decision.

A New Finish Line: When Gabe Devries loses his partner, he's not sure how to cope. Once again, he's destroyed a good thing. Jeff Rideau is an old friend, but he's also a psychologist, known Gabe since they were kids, and won't tolerate Gabe's posturing. If anyone can get Gabe and his ex back together, it's Jeff. Yet the longer Jeff tries, the more Gabe realizes that might not be what either of them want or need.

Straddling the Line: Scott Riley spent his childhood waiting for the day he could leave town, but that was until Sid's Tavern came up for sale. With a bit of money, a lot of hard work, and some help, Scott is confident he can make it successful. Lee Warner has a dark, but he's sober, hungry, and willing to try anything to change his life. Scott may be just the thing he needs. Too bad Scott's straight.

Crossed Lines: Aaron Fielde has no idea what love is, even though he's managed to fake it his entire life. A car accident leads him to Dante Hyako, heir to the Hyako hotel fortune, and while Dante is classy, sexy, and elicits feelings in Aaron that Aaron didn't think he was capable of, Aaron can't shake the feeling that something isn't right.

Realignment: Finally clean and out of jail, Blake is ready to find his ex and start over. Instead, he finds Lee with a new man. Connor is hoping that Blake's surprise arrival might provide the help he needs on his farm. As their unexpected attraction grows, Scott can only wonder what's going to happen when Connor's son Scott finds out he's the man Scott believes ruined his lover's life.

Waiting in Line: As Dante's assistant, Tristan isn't surprised when Dante asks him to travel along to a country wedding reception. Or that Gavin, Dante's security officer and Tristan's archenemy, is coming as well. Gavin is sexy and smart, but he drives Tristan crazy. However, as they start to learn a bit more about each other, Tristan isn't sure if the disgust he's been feeling for Gavin is really hate at all.

Fault Lines Box Set (MM)
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Fault Lines Box Set (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 186,130
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

EXCERPT FROM "Coloring Outside the Lines"

Sid stepped up, shaking his head at Rory's request. "We’re closing up, boys."

Rory glanced at his watch. "You're closing at ten?"

"Game's done so we are too. Not enough business to keep the lights on tonight."

Rory rolled his eyes at Danny. "My list of things to dislike about this town continues to grow." He sighed and slid off the stool. "See you around, Danny. Thanks for the conversation."

Rory tugged on his jacket, still damp from the rain, and dug for his keys. He watched in amusement as Danny stood and deftly slipped the almost full beer inside his hoodie. Danny smirked at Rory and gave him a wink. "I'll walk out with you."

Out on the sidewalk, the rain had slowed but a cold wind had rolled in, putting a bite in the air that hadn't been there before. Rory tucked up his collar and stared through the dampness at his waiting car. The car with the dent. The dent that caused the argument. The argument with the boyfriend back home ... and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. He really didn't want to go home yet. The two beers had not brought a strong enough buzz to fall into a soundless sleep and ignore the blah, blah, blah that was waiting, and no way was it late enough for Gabe to be in bed yet.

Danny slapped Rory's shoulder. "What's wrong? You look like you've swallowed a mouthful of cat piss."

"What? No, that's ... no. Just a bad night."

Danny’s expression brightened. "Hey! I've got an idea! Why don't you come up to my place? I don't have beer, but I've got some weed."

Rory laughed. Good God, how long had it been since he'd smoked weed? Years. It had been years. "I don’t think so. Do I look like a teenager to you?"

"Uh, no offence, Rory, but no, you sure don't. However, not only teenagers indulge, my friend. After all, as already noted, I am twenty-one and still choose to enjoy Nature’s herbal temperament manager."

"Ooh," Rory exaggerated, "right! Twenty-one! I almost forgot. You're practically an old man!"

Danny narrowed his eyes. "Not as old as you, old man. Come on, it'll be fun. You look like you could use some fun."

Rory paused and took a hard look at the young man beside him. Goddamn, if it had been two years ago, it would have never crossed Rory's mind not to go. He would have jumped at the chance. So much had changed, and not necessarily for the better.

"I heard what you said in the bar."

The drop of Danny's voice and the press of body as Danny moved closer, inspired all kinds of dirty thoughts in Rory’s mind. He had to clear his throat before he responded. "What exactly did you think you heard?"

"You know, what you said to Sid. About me not being interested in him." He paused, seemingly gauging Rory closely. "I thought ... maybe ... you might be."

"What? Interested in Sid?"

Danny laughed, dropping his seductive expression for a lighter, brighter one. "Yeah, sure. Totally. I know he puts me in the mood every damn time." He paused, still smiling, then continued, "Come up. Whatever chased you outside on a night like this, whatever has you so pissy, it's not missing you right now."

No, Rory supposed Gabe was certainly not missing him at the moment, and Rory had to admit that he wasn't exactly missing Gabe either. But that was just now. The light of tomorrow would change all that back. They would get over the bickering eventually. They had to. Nobody wanted to live a life in constant chaos. It was just stress. "I ... Well, I actually live with someone. Thank you for the offer, though."

"So? I didn't ask you to marry me. I asked you to come up and burn one with me." Danny shrugged when Rory frowned at him. "I get it. You're not interested. That’s cool. But that doesn't mean you need to run off. Bar's closed. Nothing else is open. Come up and relax." Again, Danny paused. Again, he seemed to assess. "Or go home and deal with your thing. It's your choice."

Rory watched Danny move away but he didn't go far. The door to what Rory assumed was Danny's apartment was less than six feet from the bar's entrance. Rory looked back at his car and then up into the night sky. He cursed the thought that had him rooted to the sidewalk instead of walking away – the one that told him he'd probably be pretty damn comfortable sitting in Danny's apartment instead of driving through the rain. It was that same thought that was telling him it was okay to go up because it's not like he was planning on doing anything. He was a grown man, in control of his body and his emotions and there was not a damn thing wrong with sitting in another man's home and watching TV.

Yeah, right.

As if to add fuel to that fire, his stomach growled angrily. The beer had been too inviting, the conversation too amusing, and he’d forgotten all about ordering food.

Danny looked back and grinned. "I have frozen pizza."

Rory sighed at the smirking man leaning against the door. "Fine then. But only because you have pizza."

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