Kalissa Alexander's Special BDSM Collection, Volume 5 (MFMM)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 75,447
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AVAILABLE: Thursday, March 13th

Quatre, Contemporary, Witch, Spanking, Light Bondage, Sex Toys, MFMM, HEA]

Bewitched by Three

Amber lived the first twenty years of her life with her mother and the man she had thought was her father. The life she had known was nothing more than a series of penances for wrongs that she couldn’t understand. Heartbroken and scared, Amber begins a journey to find her family that she had no idea existed in a place called Justine Falls. There she meets three men, Nathaniel, Markus, and Parker, who are convinced she’s their destiny.

They bring her into their world that opens her eyes to not only being a Witch but a woman who no longer has to be ashamed of her body or the overwhelming passion she feels for them. For the first time in her life Amber finds acceptance, but there are secrets that threaten to destroy her new life. Will she be able to face the truth and still be able to return to the men she loves or will she succumb to the darkness that waits for her?

The Power of Her Submission

When tragedy strikes and Brianna’s friend and landlady dies, she has to cope with moving and the woman’s three nephews who have inherited her home. However, their aunt’s will stipulates Brianna can remain in the carriage house. She soon finds that her new landlords, Nick, Toby, and Teddy have more to offer than just a place to live. It doesn’t take long for Brianna to fall head over heels in love with the three men who have literally swept her off her feet. They have never breathed a word of love to her and yet they have admitted what has transpired between them is more than they have ever experienced. However, there are signs that their time together may be coming to an end.

Will she be able to cope with their rejection or will she sink back into her past life that she has so desperately tried to escape?

Kalissa Alexander is a Siren-exclusive author.

Kalissa Alexander's Special BDSM Collection, Volume 5 (MFMM)
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Kalissa Alexander's Special BDSM Collection, Volume 5 (MFMM)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 75,447
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Bewitched by Three


“This is awesome,” Amber breathed, not able to believe what was happening to her. Her skin tingled from the caress of the wind that whipped around like an old friend she had been missing for a long time. She had never felt such freedom. She couldn’t wait to be able to do this on her own.

“Flying on your own is even better,” Lea told her as she gripped Amber’s hand a little tighter.

 Amber smiled. She could see the lights of her grandmother’s house below her. Beyond were the lights of Justine Falls.  It was larger than she had thought. Again, she wondered how her mother could have the ability to do this and not want to.

Dark shadows blotted the sky ahead of them. Amber tensed. Could there be birds that big? Would they attack them? But as the shadows moved closer, they looked less like birds and more like other Witches.

“You just never know who you’re going to run into, do you?” Mardi’s voice whispered into her ear. “Just stay calm. We know these guys.”

“I should hope so,” Amber whispered back, her voice thick with trepidation.

The girls went into a holding pattern with Amber at their center

 “What are you girls up to?” the first in the group to reach them asked.

“Hi Markus,” Sherry said, treading the air as she came eye to eye with the young man. “Where are you guys going?”

 “As if we don’t know,” Lea smirked.

“Hey,” Markus reprimanded, glaring at Lea, “You don’t know a thing about where we’re going, but you sure like to think you do.”

“Right, I know enough to know that you and your little group of followers are heading toward Hastings and we all know what happens there,” Lea glared right back at the man Amber couldn’t take her eyes off.

She couldn’t help but stare at his face and body that were reflected in the moonlight. His long dark hair shimmered as the breeze blew it away from his face. But it was his eyes that caught her attention. They actually had a bluish glow about them that gave him a somewhat sinister look. She couldn’t actually see the rest of him very well, but she had the impression that he tall. His skin was really white or possibly it just looked that way because of the moon. But no one else looked that pale. Regardless of its lack of color, it was still the most beautiful face she had ever seen.

“We’re just taking my cousin, Amber, for a spin,” Mardi spoke up.

“You’re going in town to that bar,” Lea said with disgust. “You know it’s off limits.”

“That bar can be a lot of fun. Maybe,” he said, his voice becoming lighter with a teasing tone, “you’re hoping we’ll take you there. I think that’s exactly what you want.”

Lea looked away quickly. Amber sensed her embarrassment.

 “You must be kidding if you think we’d go anywhere near that place with you,” Sherry said heatedly.

Amber could see Markus much more clearly now that he had spoken. His long dark hair that reached his shoulders blew around his handsome face as he spoke.

 “Really? I could have sworn I saw the four of you spying on us not too long ago from a hiding place where you didn’t think you could be seen, at least by the outsiders.”

“We don’t’ have to explain ourselves to you. Besides you have enough secrets in your family without worrying about ours,” Mardi said sarcastically.”

Ignoring Mardi’s jab, Markus floated even closer to them. “So this is the infamous Amber. I thought I’d have to wait until Community Day to meet her.”

She felt the intensity of his perusal from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

“ Hello Amber. You’re even more beautiful than the reports I’ve received. Makes me wish you’d come back a lot sooner.” Turning his focus back to Mardi, he said, “This promises to be an intriguing summer. And as far as secrets go, I’d say your family has their share.”

 “Stay away from her!” Mardi said protectively, taking Amber’s hand and gripping it tightly.

“You’re not scared of me, are you Amber?” Not waiting for an answer, he continued, directing his words toward Mardi. “She’s different, I can feel it.”

“Don’t get too excited,” Mardi breathed still gripping Amber’s hand as she drew her closer. “You know her story and you know she has a lot of catching up to do. She’s not ready for the likes of you. I’m going to be the one to teach her. I don’t think Nana wants you anywhere near her. She won’t be your pet for the summer.”

“I meant no disrespect, Mardi.”

“Only she wouldn’t just be your pet for long unless your brother’s approval.”

 It’s nice to meet you, Amber.” His eyes turned from her cousin to look deeply into hers. “Don’t believe everything you hear about me and my brothers. I’d like to think you’ll make up your own mind.,”

“You bastard,” Mardi hissed.

“Keep your distance, Markus. She’s doesn’t need to know you or your brothers,” Sherry said, her voice low.

Markus eyed the girls, but was silent.

“We should be going,” one of his friends said, flying closer to him.

He nodded. “Remember what I said, Amber.”

Her heart began to beat more rapidly as she stared back into those cool blue eyes. Then from out of nowhere she felt the brush of his body against hers and then he was gone, leaving only the scent of burnt leaves and cinnamon in his wake. The other men followed as they spiraled upward and blended into the night. Amber blinked, wondering what on earth had just happened.




Her body trembled as they untied her and Parker carried her out of her bedroom, down the stairs and out the front door. She looked around surprised. Why were they outdoors?

“Into the woods, Parker,” Nathaniel told him. “And hurry. We don’t have much time. We promised we’d bring her to Community Day. But before we do, she needs to be spanked properly and thoroughly.”

“Will you hurt me,” she asked softly, wondering why she pushed for this when she had no idea what she was in for.

“Yes,” Markus said from beside her. “It will, but it’s what you need. It’s what you will always crave.”

Lowering her eyes, she looked down to see her nipples were hard and her pussy was dripping wet. When had everything suddenly changed? One minute they were catering to her every whim and the next they were preparing her to be spanked. Her head might be confused, but her body was ready.

She saw a tree come into view that had a long, somewhat low branch. Parker shifted her in his arms as Nathaniel and Markus hung a rope around the branch and then secured her wrists to it via some kind of strap made from a soft material.

She had been suspended, her toes were barely touching the ground. When the first open palm hit her tender ass, she jerked as her pussy tingled with pleasure. 

She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Again and again she felt their palms slap her ass and then without warning, Nathaniel was in front of her with palm raised. She watched in horror as he slapped her pussy.  She jerked backward and screamed. Again she felt Nathaniel’s hand against her pussy, making her cry out, but this time it was followed with Parker’s lips that began to sooth her sore pussy and clit.

“God you’re so wet. I’m drinking you,” Parker said lifting his face from between her dangling legs.

“Oh, Dear God. What are you doing to me?” Amber struggled against her restraints. She needed to come worse than she could ever remember needing anything.

She felt herself drop as the rope was cut. Nathaniel caught and held her before he lowered her to the ground where she felt the soft moss and dirt beneath her.

“Go on all fours, Amber, now,” Nathaniel ordered.

She did as he asked and quickly.

No sooner was she in place then a cock was thrust into anus, not stopping until his balls slapped against her ass. Now beneath her, Markus’s cock rammed upward inside her pussy. His movements were quick and desperate as he began to fuck her hard. Strands of her hair were twisted as she felt her head jerked upward.

They were being rough with her, but she didn’t care because she liked it. Something about being used by them like this was turning her on like she would have never believed. Who had she become in such a short period of time? She knew she had asked herself that question more than once, but this was different. She had never known that sex could be so decadent and demanding while bringing with it such exquisite feelings of need and pleasure. Her body was no longer hers. It belonged to them, all three of them. Had they known she would take to this brand of love making so easily.

She looked up and watched as Nathaniel jerked off his large beautiful cock in front of her, holding himself just out of her reach. She licked her lips wishing she were licking him. She heard his deep rumble of laughter.

“You only get to watch me cum this time. I like being watched by you when you are being fucked by my brothers. You’re nothing less than intoxicating, Amber. Now stick out your tongue.”

She did as he ordered and was rewarded with his warm cum on her tongue and her lips. She was on the verge of coming herself as she felt both men’s cocks swell inside her. Nathaniel’s cum in her mouth was all she needed to lose it and give in to the sensations that catapulted her into what she could only describe as an erotic nirvana, a place where everything was more than right with her world. .

She shivered and moaned as her whole body succumbed to the wildest most wonderful sex she could ever imagine.


The Power of Her Submission


“We can’t go back, Brianna. We can only go forward. The fact that you made a conscious decision to change your life, that’s a beginning. A very good beginning.”

A knock at the front door made her take her hand from his and wipe her eyes. “I’m certainly not expecting anyone,” she said.

“If I were a betting man,” he said, “I’d lay down money that one or both of my brothers are at your door.”

“They must be wondering what’s taking you so long. I’ll be right back,” she said, rising from her chair.

“No. Please. Sit. I’ll get it,” he said pushing his chair back.

When he returned, he was followed by Toby and Teddy.

“So, he was able to fix the problem,” Toby said pulling out a chair. “When he didn’t come back right away, we thought he might need reinforcements.”

“I’m grateful,” Brianna said giving Nick a smile. “However, I’m afraid that Nick thinks the whole system needs to be replaced.”

Teddy walked around the table and sat down. “It’s probably been years since the plumbing was checked out in this place. Aunt Amanda was one for not fixing something unless it broke.”

“She had so many wonderful qualities, but home maintenance wasn’t one of them,” Toby added with a laugh. “When we had the house renovated, we found a lot more needed to be done then cosmetics. That’s why our estimate of a month ran way over.”

“She was a wonderful land lady. She gave me a home. For that I will always be in her debt,” Brianna said coming to Amanda’s defense.

“That she was,” Toby said softly. “I still can’t believe she’s gone.”

“Where are my manners?” Brianna asked. “Would you both like a cup of tea?”

“And ruin my buzz?” Toby grinned.

“We wouldn’t want to do that,” Nick said shaking his head with an affectionate grin for his brother.

“Hey,” Toby said acting the part of the injured party, “as far as I’m concerned the night is still young.”

“I’m so sorry to take you away from your guests. The crisis is over thanks to Nick.”

“You know we would have invited you,” Toby said, but we weren’t sure a party with booze flowing everywhere would be something you would enjoy…among other things.”

She watched as Toby’s eyes went to Nick before they settled back on her.

“I understand,” Brianna said quickly. “I’m not much of a party person, and with my history I can’t blame you. My feelings aren’t hurt.”

“Brianna’s not an alcoholic,” Nick stated. “She became addicted to pain killers after a bad car accident. She was telling me about it when you guys decided I might need help.

“I’m doing really well now,” Brianna blurted out. “I feel confident that time in my life is over.”

“That’s good to hear,” Teddy said, his eyes resting on Brianna with compassion. “I’m happy for you.”

“So you don’t have to worry about me and your parties. I mean, not that I’m asking you to invite me,” she added quickly. “I just want you to know I have no intention of falling off the wagon and booze doesn’t tempt me. I was never a drinker.”

“There’s a little more to our parties than just booze,” Toby said, suddenly serious.

“I’m not into pot or anything like that. I’ve never even smoked pot.” She knew it was silly on her part, but she didn’t want them to think she was like their cousin.

“It’s okay, Brianna. “We aren’t judging you,” Teddy said.

I think it is time that we get back,” Nick said getting up and grabbing his shirt while taking the towel from around his neck and placing it on the table in front of him. “We have been gone for a while. People might start looking for us.”

Both Toby and Teddy immediately rose from their seats.

“I’m sorry I kept you so long.” She pushed herself away from the table.

“You didn’t keep me. I asked you for the tea, remember?’

“Thank you for fixing the leak and for talking with me.” She surprised herself by realizing she meant what she said. She had enjoyed talking to Nick.

“Thank you for the tea and also for your candor.” Nick said rather gruffly. He walked toward the doorway of the kitchen before he turned, his eyes capturing hers. “Maybe we can have tea again sometime, Brianna.”

“I’d like that,” she said softly, looking down at her hands.

Toby and Teddy looked from him to her before Teddy said, “Are we invited for tea too?”

“Of course you are,” she said and smiled. “You three are very close aren’t you?”

“Yes. Very close,” Nick murmured.

“I always wished I had a sibling.”

“Well, they can be a pain in the ass too,” Nick said glaring at his brothers. “Especially when they come looking for you.”

“Maybe you’ll come to our next party,” Teddy said.

“No,” Nick said emphatically. “She’s not ready for that.”

Brianna gasped. One minute Nick was the perfect gentleman and the next he was insulting. Why? She brushed past them into the living room. She felt as if he had stuck a knife in her. It hurt.

She was waiting for them with the front door open. “Thank you again,” she said stiffly.

“Brianna,” Nick began before she stopped him.

“I’m really tired. Let’s all just call it a night and not say anything else to ruin it.”

He sighed before he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

She held onto her tears until she had closed the door behind them and then she let them fall. She shouldn’t be this upset because Nick didn’t trust her to come to one of their stupid parties. Normally she wouldn’t even want to go, except for some reason, now she did. Maybe it was only to prove to him that she could go without doing anything wrong. Whatever it was, she felt betrayed by him and that made absolutely no sense.




“On your knees, Brianna. Now. In front of me. I want your legs spread and your hands behind your head.”

She slipped off his lap quickly and did as he asked. She looked straight ahead without making eye contact with him. She could see his muscled chest as he sat still. She felt his foot push her legs further apart to expose her pussy. She felt her breath hitch. She was wet and her nipples were already hard. She wanted this so badly.

“Push your tits out toward me.”

“Yes, Sir.” She breathed.

“Very good.”

She could hear the smile in his voice. She wanted so to please him.

He stood up and walked away from her. She didn’t move, but stayed perfectly still as she waited for what would come next. Minutes passed as she sat with her legs spread wide and her back arched to push her breasts outward. Her hands remained behind her head. She was getting slightly stiff. However, her pussy was dripping.

She heard him come up behind her. He stood silently. She knew she was trembling from desire and from the position she was forced to be in. When he ran his fingers down her spine, she moaned softly.

“I know, baby,” he whispered into her ear. “You are being very patient and you will be rewarded, but first I want to make the ass of yours blush.

“Now bend over. You can use your hands to hold yourself. Lift yourself onto your knees and lower your back so your ass is turned upward.”

She knew what was coming.  He was going to spank her or whip her. The whip scared her, but she knew she would take whatever he gave her.

“You know what your safe word is, right?

“Red or Stop.”

“That’s right. Use it if you need to. I don’t want to push you beyond your limit, however, I want you to go as far as you can. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

She felt him kneel beside her. “I will spank you my palm only. I will do it ten times. I want you to count with me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now.” His hand landed hard and quick. It wasn’t as bad as she had anticipated.

“One, Sir.”

Again his hand came down on her ass. This time it was harder. She winced.

“Two, Sir.”

By the time he reached ten, she was crying, however, she hadn’t used her safe word.

“Ten,” she cried out.

“Oh, baby, he said hauling her to him, holding her in his arms. “You did so good.”

She cried into his shoulder.

She gasped as she felt lips on her ass cheeks. She turned to see both Nick and Toby behind her.

“Your such a beautiful shade of red,” Nick said softly. “Toby and I watched. You were magnificent, Brianna. More than we could have hoped for.”

She smiled as Teddy continued to hold her to him, her breasts pressing into his chest. He kissed her hard, his tongue in her mouth igniting her to new heights. She moaned into his mouth.

When he removed his lips from his he said, “Nick is going to fuck your ass, Brianna. He’s going to take you now. Toby,” he said looking to his brother who kneeled beside them, will slip beneath you and fuck your pussy at the same time. It’s my cock that will find your mouth this time.”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed, knowing this was what she needed and wanted. The spanking had made her wetter than she could ever remember. She was bursting inside to come. She had to have them, all three of them to make her complete.

When Toby had positioned himself beneath her and she was sitting on his cock, she felt Nick push his hard cock slowly at first and then faster inside her small hole. Teddy was kneeling beside her, holding her in place. Toby began to push upward. She felt them both and knew that it wouldn’t be long before she was lost to the sensations they were creating inside her.

Teddy lifted her head, gripping her hair and pushed his cock between her lips that opened to him. She sucked him into her mouth, relishing the taste of him. She took as much as she could as he began to move his hips to fuck her mouth. It was unbelievable to have three men doing what they were doing to her. What was insane was that she loved it. The spanking she received had just made her want them even more.

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