My Friend the Phone Sex Worker (FF)


Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 2,986
0 Ratings (0.0)

Everyone wanted to be with Candice, and I was lucky enough to be the one she wanted. So because she was lacking in her sexual prowess, I’d taken it upon myself to educate her, and she was loving it.

Just as things were heating up between us, Emma called -- she’s a phone sex worker and an old girlfriend of mine. Maybe there's a thing or two I can teach Candice with Emma on the line ...

My Friend the Phone Sex Worker (FF)
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My Friend the Phone Sex Worker (FF)


Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 2,986
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

Emma and I chatted for a while, much to Candice’s annoyance, and then I said, “Sure, why not? I’ve been on my own all day, feeling horny, so yeah, run it by me and I’ll let you know what I think.”

I put my fingers to my lips to indicate I wanted Candice to be quiet -- I didn’t want Emma to know she was there. “I’ll put you on speaker so if I get into the mood, I can do as I please. Give me a minute to switch phones in the bedroom.”

With my hand over the mouth piece, I whispered to Candice that I wanted her to do everything Emma was saying on the other end, but I didn’t want Emma to know she was there.

Into the phone, I said, “Okay, hit me with your best lines.”

Emma’s voice came through the phone’s speaker and filled the room. “I’m going to grab those titties of yours, massage them through your T-shirt, would you like that?”

“I think you should add a bit more,” I suggested, “make it less to the point, if you know what I mean.”

“Sure, okay,” she said. “Your breasts, they’re fantastic. I’ve never seen any so luscious before and I believe they’re just begging for me to touch them. Do you mind if I do?”

“Hmm,” I said as Candice massaged and attacked my breasts. “Yes, that’s better.”

“Good,” Emma said. “Now I’m going to pull that T-shirt over your head, grazing your breasts as I go. Your T-shirt is tight so your breasts squash against the fabric. You’ll love it, your breasts will harden under my touch and you’ll be dying for me to see them naked, won’t you?”

“Oh, yeah, I want you to see them,” I said as Candice inched my top over my midriff. Her tongue danced over my flesh as she exposed my cleavage, then flipped my shirt over my head.

“I’m going to unclip your bra, allow your breasts to fall free. I’ll cup them for you, kiss the marks where your straps were, rub my fingers over them to ease the ache as your breasts hang. God, that does feel good, doesn’t it?”

“Sure does,” I said, sighing.

“Now I’m going to slip off your skirt, grab hold of your g-string, and rip it straight off you. Oh, that was a bit of a shock, wasn’t it? The elastic tearing as it burned into your skin. Sorry about that, but it did make it more exciting, didn’t it?”

Candice was really getting into this, acting out everything Emma was saying.

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