Ali is almost entirely non-verbal, but that doesn’t matter to him or his boyfriend Zach, who is also on the autism spectrum. They have their own ways of communicating with each other after years of being together. It’s why they work so well together, and it only strengthens their bond as a couple.
So when Zach comes home from work one day and both of them are craving some intimacy, neither of them has to say anything to know where they’re going to end up. Besides, Ali doesn’t need to talk when his mouth has other things to do ...
Both of them had always been labeled as quiet kids, Ali to the point where his parents thought there was something medically preventing him from speaking. He had walked out of that doctor’s appointment with a referral to get tested for Asperger’s Syndrome. Ali had had no idea what any of the grown-ups were worried about, which worried him too, and the worry only made him quieter. The positive diagnosis helped explain certain things about him that his parents had brushed off because he was only four at the time and still developing. They tried multiple techniques to get him to talk, but it always felt like trying to hold a pen with his feet to write; he could, but it was awkward and uncomfortable and strained him much more than simply doing things the way he always did. Zach never forced him to talk unless it was very important to have clarity on something, and in turn he appreciated that Ali didn’t bombard him with questions or expectations for small talk, since he was also on the autism spectrum and he didn’t like unnecessary talking any more than Ali did.
When Ali closed his laptop, Zach patted his own chest. “Blanket?” he asked.
Ali smiled and nodded emphatically. He got up so Zach could stretch out on the couch, then lay down on top of him chest-to-chest. Zach draped his arms around Ali’s back and gently scritched the back of Ali’s head in their gesture for “Thank you.” Ali chirruped softly in Zach’s ear. Any time. He loved being Zach’s weighted blanket. Not only did it mean full body contact, but Zach almost always lightly rubbed Ali’s back with his fingertips in swirling shapes and zig-zagging lines that made Ali’s head tingle.
As they lay there, Ali synced his breathing with Zach’s so he would exhale when Zach’s chest filled and lifted him up, and he inhaled as Zach’s chest lowered him back down. He could fall asleep like this. He did generally doze off while being Zach’s weighted blanket if Zach asked for it later in the day or when Ali was already tired. The hypnotic tactile sensation of Zach’s fingers playing up and down his back definitely helped him relax.
There was another tactile sensation Ali enjoyed though. Ali reached behind himself to gently pick up Zach’s hand and move it down to his ass. Zach chuckled. “Yeah?”
“Mrrrh.” Hey, if I’m gonna be here for a while, and your hands are already there ...
Zach slid both hands under the waistband of Ali’s sweatpants so he could cup Ali’s ass. He dug his fingertips in for a deep massage. “Mm?” he inquired, which Ali knew to mean, Like this?
Ali hummed in heavy satisfaction and released all tension in his limbs. “Mmmmm-hmhmhm.” Fuck yeah, Zach, that’s the stuff. Excuse me while I dissociate so I can better focus on how good that feels. Ali had always described himself as pleasure-seeking, though most of the time that referred to non-sexual pleasures. He bought bags of white chocolate chips just to melt them in his mouth one at a time when he wasn’t hungry but craved flavor. He had a carefully curated collection of beard oils so he could always smell exactly the way he wanted. The thing he was most excited to purchase with his first real paycheck was an orange lava lamp that he still owned so he could sit and stare at it when he needed to tune everything else out and think. But on top of all that he also liked having his trusted and beloved partner play with his ass, both for the intimacy of it and because it got him hard.
It was more difficult to keep his breathing matched with Zach’s when he was gasping and moaning softly into Zach’s ear. Ali struggled to focus on both staying in rhythm with his partner and reacting to let his partner know how much he appreciated his touch. He settled for the latter. He whimpered and hummed between amorous kisses to Zach’s neck. My love, you’re the best. You know just what I like. I’d stay like this all day if I could. You’re probably feeling too crushed by now anyway, so let me see if you’re willing to take this somewhere else ...