Taking the Fall (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 88,176
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Sequel to Taking a Chance

Elis had no intention of reentering Latham’s life, especially as his own is starting to fall apart. But when slumlord Fredrick Mason threatens Latham, Elis’s lingering affection for the nobleman compels him to intervene. However, investigating Mason and discovering the extent of his hold on the criminal underbelly of the Lower result in Elis getting attacked and left to die in the street.

Except, instead of dying, Elis wakes in Latham’s estate, miles from the city and the danger he’s inadvertently drawn to himself. Isolated from civilization and trapped with the man who once pushed him away, Elis is forced to rely on Latham while his injuries heal and face his own fears or risk losing this unexpected second chance to forge a possible future with the man he wants to protect.

With the threat Mason poses hanging over their heads, and despite Latham’s attempts to dissuade Elis from getting involved, they must devise a way to shake Mason’s hold over the Lower while navigating the enduring feelings and desire simmering between them.

Taking the Fall (MM)
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Taking the Fall (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 88,176
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“So, are we going to sit here and swap pleasantries or are you going to come out and say what you want?”

Latham, holding himself stiffly, turned to Elis’s voice and Elis noticed the slight shadow under his eyes. It was the only sign something was wrong. Everything else, from his white gold hair to the toe tip of his polished boot, was pristine. But Elis well knew the symptoms of sleepless nights. It had his heart throbbing in his chest and a surge of unwelcome concern on Latham’s behalf.

“You need to leave Fredrick Mason alone. Now.”

Elis breathed through his irritation. He should have known this was coming. Latham had eyes and ears all over the Lower. Of course it had gotten back to him Elis was asking questions about Mason. Why else would Latham be here, if not to interfere and warn Elis off?

“This has nothing to do with you.”

Latham arched a brow. “We both know that’s not true. Whoever’s paying this contract --”

“Going to try and buy me out again?”

Latham didn’t hesitate. “If that’s what it will take.”

Elis looked him over. He was serious. When was he not? Latham never spoke without consideration. Like Jerry, Latham assumed this was a case brought to Mullen and Elis was simply doing his job. It would make more sense than Elis doing this on Lizzy’s behalf.

“It won’t make a difference.” That was all he was willing to admit.

Latham’s mouth tightened. “Who is it? Who wants Mason investigated?”

If Elis told Latham it was Lizzy, would he understand why Lizzy wanted Mason dealt with? Probably, but Elis wouldn’t betray Lizzy for going to him behind Latham’s back. Latham didn’t give second chances. His trust once broken never mended. He may have saved and protected Lizzy, but Elis couldn’t risk Latham turning her away as he had Elis. Elis didn’t like to think Latham capable of such cold heartedness. But he’d been wrong before.

“I can’t tell you.”

Latham’s lips twitched into a momentary fond smile. “It was worth a try.”

They fell into a strange, heavy silence, Elis watching Latham, his presence pressing in around him. He could look at his leisure, take in his fill of Latham’s beauty and power, but the tightness it caused in his chest had him looking elsewhere.

This was more painful than he thought it would be.

Latham shifted in his seat. “Elis --”

Elis closed his eyes as though it would also close his ears to the crisp, rich voice drawing him in. He stood and moved away, keeping a safe distance between them. “Are we finished here? I need to hire a locksmith before nightfall.”

Latham was frozen, his hand on the table forming a fist, then that same smile flickered across his mouth, but was gone a second later. He got to his feet and went to Elis, finding him through sound and smell. He stood close. Elis fought the impulse to step back. Up close he could see each wolf tipped eyelash, could feel Latham’s breath on his skin. The urge to push Latham away withered. He knew better than that. Latham’s reflexes were quick and accurate. Elis shivered as he recalled Latham’s strong grip around his wrist, how easily he could manhandle Elis if pushed.

“I’ll go, but I beg you, Elis --”

“Bet this is the first time you’ve begged for anything in your life.”

Latham didn’t miss a beat. “Leave Mason alone. It’s not just you who will be in danger if you pursue this.”

“I’ll be careful.”

Latham looked grim, but didn’t argue further. He stood very still, breathing in deep, his eyes so close to meeting Elis’s it had him frozen under that blind gaze. His heart beat a painful rhythm. He swallowed when his throat tightened so much it was hard to breathe. The air between them was charged, waiting for something to disrupt it, for one of them to make the first move, as though it were inevitable, as though they were always going to find themselves here, locked, unable to pull away or move forward. Or was that only how it felt to Elis?

Latham moved and Elis was too shocked to do more than draw in a sharp breath when Latham’s searching hand reached out and rested against Elis’s chest, just below his throat. Anyone else and Elis would have taken it as a threat and fought. He didn’t. Trapped like a petrified mouse under a cat claw, he didn’t move.

Latham’s palm pressed further, his thumb brushing and catching the top button of Elis’s shirt. “Elis --”

“Don’t,” was all Elis could push through his tight jaw when the weight of Latham’s hand grew painful.

Latham’s lashes flickered. “I --” He faltered and dropped his hand. “Be careful,” was all he said and left.

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