Vices (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,215
0 Ratings (0.0)

Nico has been fixated on solving a series of bank robberies for eight months. The same organized criminal mastermind has finally made a mistake. The only problem is he is gorgeous, kind, and charismatic, and something tells Nico the crimes go deeper than they appear.

Ash doesn’t mind robbing banks. Not when he spreads the money around. He also has to keep himself and others safe. No one can know why he does what he does, and he refuses to tell anyone. When a handsome police officer wants to help him, he has to keep his guard up.

Can the two explore their relationship while avoiding the consequences of Ash’s actions? Is Ash really the criminal everyone thinks he is or is something else afoot?

Vices (MM)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Vices (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,215
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

Ash grinned. It was the handsome officer. He ordained his most dashing smile. His plush pink lips separated showing his recently cleaned white teeth. He knew his jawline was attractive, and he was lean enough to garner attention with his clothes on. Fortunately, the ill-fitting robe showed much of his chest. The officer’s breathtaking green eyes widened in surprise at Ash’s flirtatious movements.

Nico was obviously gay. No straight man of Nico’s size would wear a uniform two sizes too small. Let alone one that highlighted his thighs, his arms, his biceps, his chest, and even a slight showing of his bulge.

“Giving a show or asking questions?” Ash questioned. “I’m fine with either,” Ash added with a charming smirk.

“I’m Nico. Just here to ask some questions,” Nico stammered, flushing. He ran his fingers through his red hair, twirling the ends.

Nico tilted his head, taken aback by Ash. Many men had the same reaction. Ash was certain he had him where he wanted.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better. You looked scared at the bank. You lost a lot of blood. I know some of these hospitals push people out before they’re ready. I’m glad Tricia is keeping you a full day,” Nico said, nodding to the nurse darting about outside the door.

Ash didn’t tell him she would be disappointed when he discharged himself once the officer was gone. Nico sat on the dented and grimy windowsill and crossed his ridiculously muscular thighs. Nico must be a bottom to work on his thighs and ass as much as he did.

“How did you get those injuries? No other witnesses recall anyone attacking you,” Nico asked, his voice a carefully practiced neutral in tone and volume. His voice was strained with worry.

“Ah, well it was less of the thief and more of the glass. I was right by the registers and then the glass shattered. There was a loud bang, and everyone turned. I don’t know who was at the front door but it set off a panic. People ran, and the glass broke. I got cut and went down and there was so much blood. Nico, blood was everywhere. Blood terrifies me. Almost vomited. Couldn’t stand up, couldn’t look at the blood. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over,” Ash recounted, answering more honestly than he thought possible. He smiled at his wittiness.

Nico scribbled notes, the sound of his pencil scratching disrupting the more soothing sound of rain. Ash leaned forward to see Nico’s notes. They were too tiny to read. Nico pulled away, his lips parting in surprise at Ash’s obvious attempt to read what he was writing.

“Any look at who was robbing the bank? I’ll also need your contact details for follow-up questions. Don’t want to exhaust you with questions today. We can organize follow-up if needed,” Nico stated, his tone calming.

Ash was often told he had a soothing voice, but Nico’s was richer and had more texter. Based on the response of his hardening cock, he liked it.

“The thief was handsome as hell. Defined jawline, and lighter hair but not blonde. I don’t know what color to describe it,” Ash admitted, looking at his hair as he used the television as a mirror. “Some might call it dirty blonde or brown. Right between those two. He has had to have thought about coloring it. He was toned, and shorter. He was shorter than you,” Ash answered, stifling a chuckle as Nico wrote his notes frantically. “Please do let me know if you need anything from me. I’m happy to organize anything with you for follow-up,” Ash laughed, giving the officer his phone number, address, email, and even his social media. No one could say he wasn’t cooperative.

Nico was aglow from the description. He beamed, his dimples drawing Ash in. He bounced on his toes in euphoria.

“Thank you. You’ve been helpful. I’ll be in contact with additional questions. Get some rest,” Nico said, his rate of speech quick and his volume higher than it had been. This was Nico unmasked. Animated, excitable, and openly joyous.

Ash debated confession but decided against it. One could not be certain his cellmate would be as handsome. Ash played politely until Nico left.

“Nurse, I’m ready to go,” Ash screamed once Nico was gone, pressing the call button on repeat. “Do give me some good pain meds. I promise I won’t drive or operate heavy machinery.”

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