Without Inhibitions (FF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 5,043
0 Ratings (0.0)

Visiting my sister in Australia was just what I needed to get over my last relationship. When your girlfriend cheats on you, it can be devastating. But who would have thought an encounter at a nudist beach would bring out the exhibitionist in me?

When I meet Kimberly, sparks fly between us. We hit it off immediately, but what seems to be a chance encounter has more to it. Little did I know she already knew all about me through a mutual friend ... and planned to seduce me if she could.

Without Inhibitions (FF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Without Inhibitions (FF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 5,043
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

The blast of sea air was exactly what I needed as I made my way down the sandy dunes. At the edge of the sand, a woman sat there demanding I pay two dollars.

“What? Why should I pay?' I complained.

“This is a private women's beach,” she said. “No men allowed. All women have to pay a nominal fee.”

No men allowed. Well, that was certainly worth more than two dollars. I paid my money and sauntered down. Wow. It was a nudist beach. Every woman here was naked. My mouth dropped open. Was this why Mark said I’d really love it? Was this his way of making up to me, by accepting the fact I was gay and bringing me here where I could be myself with no guys around?

I spread out the blanket and folded up my clothes. It was fantastic to be out here, naked and free, not worrying about some creepy guy ogling me. I lay down on my back, opened my legs to the sun, and relaxed completely ... After a while it became quite hot, so I decided to go for a quick swim to keep my body cool.

I was a bit tipsy from the wine and, combined with the sun, I found the water heavenly as it caressed my warmed flesh. The water swished between my legs as I treaded in the sea, then over my breasts like magical fingers lightly drawing over me and focusing on my nipples, tantalizing them until they became hard and erect. The waves soothed and relaxed me, exactly what I needed.

As I walked along the sandy shore, water dripped off me. I spied a woman who'd laid her blanket not far from mine. She'd put an umbrella up and had it resting on its rim, hiding her from prying eyes. She watched me and smiled as I picked up my towel.

She was stunning.

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