Write Every Day Speculative Fiction Edition


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Word Count: 9,841
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The next installment of J.M. Snyder's popular Write Every Day series focuses on speculative fiction. There are many subgenres -- paranormal, dystopian, space opera, splatterpunk, alternate history, magic realism, high fantasy ... the list goes on. Anything fantastical or futuristic qualifies as spec fic, too. Whether you’re already writing speculative stories or you’re looking to get into them, this is the book for you!

This collection of 366 writing prompts can be used daily throughout the year (leap years, too!) as a starting point to get you writing ... and keep you writing. Each day of the year has its own, unique prompt. Set a timer for fifteen or twenty minutes, and write wherever the prompt takes you. Or, if you’re between stories and looking for something different to work on, flip to the prompt for today (or any random page) and start fresh.

This book will kick-start your writing or take you in exciting new directions every day of the year!

Write Every Day Speculative Fiction Edition
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Write Every Day Speculative Fiction Edition


Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 9,841
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

January 5
Write a story about a shifter whose ability is to turn into a group of creatures (such as rats or birds or insects).

April 10
A group of tourists embark on a thrill-seeking adventure in a sinister amusement park that turns out to be more deadly than they ever imagined.

July 25
After a lifetime of feeling like an outsider, you discover you can change into a bird.

September 20
A young girl discovers her imaginary friend is actually an alien who has been visiting her since she was born, and has been tasked with protecting her from a dangerous group of extraterrestrial hunters.

December 17
You start receiving mysterious messages on your phone from a number you don't recognize, and they seem to know everything about you.

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