Dee Carney began writing short stories in middle school, but did not attempt completion of a novel until almost ten years later which despite good intentions was never finished. Almost ten additional years later, she challenged herself to begin writing again and the love for storytelling was rekindled. Now, Dee is an award winning author of urban fantasy, paranormal and interracial erotic romances and erotica.

Dee lives at home in Georgia with her husband, two dogs and a cat. When not writing, Dee is usually curled up on the couch with a good book!

To learn more about her books, please visit her on the web:

Q: How did you get your start as a writer?

A: Personally, I've been writing forever. I have stories from when I was five that my mother has saved that make me smile. They're full of conflict (I don't like my brother) and angst (I don't like my shirt with stripes).

Professionally, I wrote my first book in October 2007. I wrote it to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo. Imagine my surprise when on a whim I submitted it to a publisher in November and they offered me a contract.

Q: What can you tell us about making that first sale?

A: Totally unexpected. I submitted it to a publisher whose covers I adored. I work as a nurse by day and logged in to my email on a Christmas day to pass the time. A good thirty days early and on a holiday, no less, was an email from the publisher extending a contract. I grinned like an idiot from that point on. I think I might have forwarded the announcement to everyone I ever knew. Lol.

Q: What would you most like to accomplish in your writing career in 2009?

A: It's not secret that I prefer writing short books. Recently however, I started plotting an urban fantasy that will be my longest yet three times my usual length. I am very excited about it and hope to be done by the end of January. After that, I just plan on just writing and growing as a writer. I do know I want to write more urban fantasy in 2009 since 2008 seemed to be dedicated more to paranormal. It's going to be a great year.

Q: What was the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

A: There's not enough money in the world to convince me to tell you about the most adventurous thing I've ever done. And believe me, everything after that is just downright plain.

Q: Where do you see Dee Carney in five years?

A: Still sitting hunched over a keyboard surrounded by two dogs and a cat while her hubby sits in the background muttering the mantra: "I do not want to know what she's writing about. I do not want to know"

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