In this loose adaptation of the Grimm Brothers' tale Faithful John, the queen's untimely death leaves her son in charge of the brothel-like castle dungeon. Though her devoted servant, Faithful John, promised the queen he would keep the young man from the cursed Mistress Mei, nothing can divide royalty and young love. When the young king asks for her hand in marriage, she realizes her acceptance is a death sentence and says yes even so. Can Faithful John save Mistress Mei from her prescribed fate, or will his devotion see him turned to stone?
‘Is that some kind of swing? Ingenious!’ he cheered as she grabbed hold of his hair. To stifle his verbal ejaculations, she set her wet pussy down on his ebullient mouth. When his lips met hers, she released a great moan and rocked her body against his hungry mouth.
He craved pussy, and he ate her hard. She held tight to his hair so she wouldn’t swing too far away from him. She trembled at the sensation of his warm tongue on her pussy lips. When he shook his head side to side, sucking her clit deep inside his hot mouth, she screamed with joy. In all her many encounters, she’d never been subjected to a loving caress. It was wonderful.
Realising her fate, Mistress Mei leaned back to grab his legs. Using them to steady herself, she bounced her ass upwards to slip the rope swing back along the beam. When she was perched above his ready cock, she took hold of the segment of rope she’d left as a rein. Taking a deep breath, she let herself plunge to her death at the stake of King Edward’s cock.