In Her Arms

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 8,990
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Ashley, a semi-pro surfer from Canada, meets Josafina, a professional photographer, in Italy. With a picnic on the beach, romance begins, but time and distance between them as well as cultural differences regarding a love such as theirs threatens to end their romance. Perhaps a casual fling is all they can hope for, or is there some way for the two women to be together?

In Her Arms
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In Her Arms

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 8,990
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I heard her lock the door behind us and before I could say a word, she pressed her body to mine, kissing me strongly and moving her hands up my back. I was surprised by her move, but aroused nonetheless. Her kisses were damp and passionate. As she rubbed her cheek next to mine, I could feel the heat of her body which stimulated me. She was definitely the aggressor. The room began to pulsate and I didn’t want to miss a moment of this beautiful, sexy woman seducing me. She looked at me and smiled, taking my hand in hers, and walking me to her bed.


Within fifteen minutes we arrived at her place. It was a tropical hideaway set amidst tall coconut palms which sported an inviting hammock, a mango tree filled with fruit, and a row of banana trees. The building was a restored plantation house, painted colorfully with soft yellow walls, aqua trim and a hot pink door. My heart was beating fast as Josafina put the key in the door and turned the handle. The breeze was blowing the curtains wildly as we entered the living room/kitchen. As Josafina locked the door behind us, I kissed the back of her neck. It was a slow, moist kiss on her warm, salty skin. She sighed and her shoulders dropped. I slid my arms around her waist and she turned and looked deeply into my eyes. We gazed upon one another’s souls for moments before having our first long kiss.

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