Lynn B. Davidson

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Lynn lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of almost twenty years and two kids. If she isn’t writing, it’s usually because she is driving a carpool or volunteering at one of her kids' activities.

Lynn’s favorite pastime is reading. She especially enjoys erotic romance, mystery, mainstream romance, science fiction, suspense, and young adult fiction.

Lynn has dozens of story ideas dancing in her head. It will just be a matter of time, before she stops daydreaming about the characters and starts telling their story.

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Q: How do you juggle family, writing, etc.?

A: Most days center on my kids' very active lives. I drive a lot of carpools, volunteer at their activities and schools. I fit in writing whenever I have time. It does feel like juggling and I can only hope not to drop any balls!

Q: Besides Erotica what other genres do you enjoy reading?

A: I love mainstream romances, mysteries and suspense novels. I like it when lovers find a happily ever after and when the mystery is solved. Life is so complicated, I’ve always liked escaping into a novel, where I know it will all work out in the end. I also really enjoy non-fiction work, especially books on history and anthropology.

Q: What do you consider to be the most important element of a successful novel?

A: Whatever the genre, characters are the cornerstone. Characters are what I remember, long after the happily ever after or when the mystery is solved. Built around the characters are settings that are detailed and descriptive, situations that are realistic and relatable, and a conflict that is satisfying when it is resolved.

Q: Why did you choose a sci-fi setting for your book Golden Change?

A: I like to read anthological works about other cultures and one day I started thinking about creating a fictional society. As I started to think about what kind of society I would create and what kind of people would live there, the characters of my story appeared.

Q: Are there plans for more books in your future?

A: Yes! I am currently working on a sequel and have plans for at least two more books in my series.

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