Maia Dylan lives, loves and works in beautiful New Zealand. She married her best friend and they have two adorable, but stubborn children who obviously take after their father.

Maia’s career has featured a lot of travel, and she has filled her time at airports and in the air with books, books, and more books. Her love of erotic paranormal romance has seen her amass a huge library. She has been an avid reader and lover of ménage romances since she read her first book in this genre about three years ago.

In January of 2015, Maia submitted her first ever manuscript to Siren Publishing. She wasn't at all confident that it would be accepted and in fact she was expecting a nicely worded email with a resounding no! Much to her surprise less than two weeks later she had an acceptance and a signed contract in hand and since then she hasn't looked back.

Outside of writing, Maia loves to eat, so she loves to cook! Her herb garden is legendary, but she still has issues getting tomatoes to grow. She’s been a performer for years, and has even sung on international stages, she would love to own a classic Ford Mustang one day and of course have the opportunity to race it on a race track without fear of a speeding ticket.

Although ultimately her dream is to be able to write full time on a sandy beach with a Mai Tai in hand, she is quite happy to fit her writing in when she can. As long as someone reads her books, gets a laugh, and maybe comes to love her characters as much as she does, then she feels that she is living her dream no matter what!

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Q: What inspired you to write your first book?

A: I have always been an avid reader. I am never without a book or two to fill my day, especially as I got older and my career took me around the world giving me plenty of airports and flight time to fill. I would find myself continually thinking, what if that book ended in a different way? The next thing you know, on a recent flight and hotel stay, I started writing Lost Faith!

Q: If you could choose, which published author would you like to brainstorm with and why?

A: One? I can’t pick one! What a question and my answer could go on for miles, so I will try to reduce the list that immediately popped into my head. I’d love the opportunity to talk with Christine Feehan, Nalini Singh, Kresley Cole and Sherrilyn Kenyon about how they bring their paranormal elements to such vivid life. Then Sophie Oak, Heather Rainier, Honor James, Dixie Lynn Dwyer and a whole host of others about how they are able to weave such strong romance into a steamy sensual story that only enhances the readers understanding of the connection between their characters.

Q: What is the hardest part about writing?

A: Finding the time to write! Working full time with two small children and a husband can be a little time consuming, but I make sure to find time each and every day.

Q: What would surprise people to know about you?

A: I speak three languages.

Q: Where do you find inspiration for your characters?

A: Everywhere! I have been fortunate enough in my life to have traveled extensively and met many wonderful people who inspire me every time a new character turns up.

Q: What advice would you give aspiring writers?

A: Write, write, and write some more. Surround yourself with positive people and listen to the advice of people in the know. Write what you love to read.

Q: Is there any one author that you have read that has influenced your writing?

A: Every single author I have read has had an influence on me, but if I had to limit it to say three then I would say Heather Rainier, Nalini Singh, and Sophie Oak.

Q: Did you learn anything about yourself when you wrote your first book?

A: Ah yeah, I learnt that my grammar is terrible, there are a lot of differences between language used in the Southern hemisphere compared to the Northern, and that I love to write.

Q: Was becoming a writer a dream of yours since childhood?

A: Nope! My dream job was as an official chocolate taster, but alas, that was not to be. I do try to pay homage to that dream as much and as often as possible though.

Q: Do you plan your stories before you start to write them?

A: Not really. I just start writing and let the characters tell their own story. Sometimes it feels like I am just along for the ride!

Q: What helps you to overcome writers block?

A: Chocolate and dancing around the house listening to music, singing the lyrics into an old hairbrush. Works every time!

Q: What has been the most surprising aspect of your writing journey?

A: That someone would want to publish and others would want to read something that I had actually written!

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