Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada where she is fervently pursuing the writer's life while writing about lots of gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers and you can reach her at [email protected].

Q:Why write for the M/M romance line?

A: They say write about what you're passionate about, and I seem to be passionate enough about this to be able to get lots of ideas in my head. Also, I enjoy the genre.


Q: Who is your favorite M/M author?

A: The only author that I've ever enjoyed enough to follow his work beyond what he's done in a single series is Josh Lanyon. I read his stuff for inspiration, and have the print version of his book on writing M/M romance on my shelf. I flip through that whenever I need some guidance. It's never far away. There will probably be more favorites that I add to that list as time goes on, but right now he's at a solid lead.


Q: What is your writing day like?

A: I tend to sleep pretty late, but I tend to think it will be a good writing day if I can get 1,000 or more words written before noon. If I can't get that then I feel I've wasted my day, and even if I get my word count, it doesn't feel like a success. One thousand words before noon always pumps me up for the rest of the day.


Q: What is your suggestion to other aspiring authors?

A: This sounds cliché because everyone says it, but it's true. Read as much as you can, and not just in the genre you write for. If you like M/M romance then you can be reading anything from Science fiction to Westerns to get your ideas. If time is an issue, and it is for me too, then I suggest audio books. Audio books have helped me get through so many books in a series that might otherwise still be sitting on my To Be Read pile. Ideas come from reading—or listening—to books, so read a lot.

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