Midnight Black and Blue

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 10,265
1 Ratings (5.0)

Ned needed extra money to pay his way through the dance school he had fought so long to get accepted into because the scholarship only paid for the school itself. He found good money dancing at night in a club, introducing the crowd to someone who could really perform.

It was all fine until he met a bouncer who drove a big Harley. Sex was mind blowing, but Ned’s life didn’t have time for love or quick sex and anger was his protection as he danced.

Midnight Black and Blue
1 Ratings (5.0)

Midnight Black and Blue

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 10,265
1 Ratings (5.0)
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Cover Art by Angela Waters

It took him a year to get into the most prestigious dance school in the city. It took his teachers only a month to realize he had all the markings of a star with his body. Unfortunately, he had two failings. His attitude of thinking he knew better than anyone else and the fact that his scholarship only covered half of what he needed to live and attended the grueling classes.

He had no choice, but to seek a job. One that he could do well and that would bring in the type of money he needed. One that would fit into his schedule of dance exercise outside of the schools hours that were from early morning for four days a week.

Alcohol, drugs and heavy partying had never been something that Ned Midnight was drawn into. Except to dance with some handsome partner, or when a casual lover invited him out to a bar across town. He wasn’t one who attended bars, but because it was the friend’s birthday he went along with the group. It was different to go to a club he had never gone to before and everyone was excited because the club had a floorshow.

The bar was large with a couple of bouncer’s on the outside and inside a big crowd. Ned soon saw the attraction. There was a stage at one end of a runway that extended out among the tables. The music was loud, and the conversations were louder. With all the noise, a young guy who was good looking came out with a smile for everyone and started to work the pole. He was on the stage with thumping music and did an imitation of a strip tease.

Around the noise, whistles and yells there was also money that that was being tossed onto the stage. At the end of the kid’s rough hip rolls, he and a stagehand gathered the money, and he threw a kiss and let some guy stuff a twenty into his almost not there jock strap.

Ned watched the dancing entertainment happen every fifteen minutes with a break in between. The noise was to the level that could shatter glass and Ned’s single beer was not going to keep a headache away, but he did have an idea that he continued to develop.

The next night he came to the club before its usual opening time and asked to meet with the owner, saying he was a dancer and wanted a job. In the back office, he met Nick Chauser. Nick was a business man. That meant that he ran the club as a business to make a profit. The dancers and stage had been his idea. It was his idea to have security inside and out. It was his idea to have clean bathrooms and two rooms at the end of a low-lit hallway were a couple, or three could get away for a few minutes of quiet. The rooms had towels, sinks and wooden bunks and no questions asked. They also had locks like bathrooms on airplanes that indicated when they were in use.

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