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Reviews for Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)

Reader Reviews

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Another great story from Dixie. The people from Pearl are so very special to me. Each suffering from some tragic event. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves they decide to help others. Lucia is no different. She is young, scared and feels all alone. Running from an arranged marriage to a rapist and from the family willing to sell her to bind them to more money. She comes to the town of Pearl where she meets people that want to help her. Gabrielle, Salvatore, Lucifer, and Maxwell all suffer from their time in the Marines. Each are bound to one another to help with their healing. With the help of some matchmaking the brothers are forced to work with Lucia and what they each discover is that they all want to share her something that they never thought possible. I truly recommend this story and the rest of The Town of Pearl Books if you haven't read them!

Reviewed by: amybowens (Date: 01/09/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 56 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

A perfect holiday story. Loved it.

Reviewed by: rhondavb (Date: 01/02/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 891 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I have I just finished reading Dixie's latest book and holy smokes it was amazing. I can't recommend this author enough. She writes the most amazing books that seem to draw you in and it is really hard to put the book down. I look forward to the next one:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Reviewed by: cins (Date: 12/24/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 11 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Sometimes even though you should trust your family it doesn’t always mean they have your best interest in life. This is something that this character suffers from but when she comes to a town called Pearl these total strangers end up being more like family than her real family. Lucia Monte escaped from South Carolina due to a monster of a man, if I can even call him that, named Derek McMillian. When her story was told I felt sick to my stomach of how a person could drug someone, girlfriemd, and take advantage of them. When anyone says the word “no” that means no. I know that it is reality and this happens in the real world but no one should ever experience this. I could not believe the things that her mother told Lucia I so wanted to strangle this character. Could her mother not see that he raped her daughter but I guess not when all she was thinking of was the money and social standing? I’m sorry but money is not everything in this life, she should have been hugging her child and giving her comfort not forcing her to be someone she was not. So in the prologue we was able to see into the Walter family and how each brother differs from the other. So we have Lucifer who is finisher and works in construction, Gabrielle is a welder and then Maxwell who is a detective. Then we have Salvatore whom helps Lucifer on jobs but he is great in custom designing wood. We also meet Brutus which is almost or should I say basically attached to Salvatore helps him, calms him. Salvatore was a Marine but not only a Marine but in a special unit the other brothers were in the military also but they didn’t experience what Salvatore did. Gabriele had a good point about dogs being a good pal to have for those soldiers that would come back from their tours and suffering from PTSD. There are many times that those little creatures are truly a man’s bestfriend and they help in big ways because they know when their owners are not well and they are there to comfort them. PTSD is something that not only military people suffer but sometimes it’s hard to get them to recognize that they have a problem. They need to want to get better because at times if get pestered enough they could just end up tearing up a family. All someone can do is be their when they decide and admit that they are suffering and they need help. When Derek McMillian was introduced I already did like him when Lucia was telling her story but I disliked him even more when he acted like the concerned boyfriend. I knew sooner or later when he got his own private investigator on finding her I knew she was in big trouble. I loved little Ms. Matchmaker Mary working her magic or should I say her scheming plan to get Lucia and the Walter brother’s together. She wanted her bestfriend son’s to have a love and to finally see them happy to have the love that Lilly and Benny had together. Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story was an exceptional read. I have to say that I loved Lucia and how she thought of everyone’s needs except herself. She needed that coat to keep her warm but to her she could wait to buy something instead of taking from people that needed it more than her. Some people are not that way and take advantage of donations that help those that are less fortunate but not her she was a true angel. Now as for the Walter brother I have to say that of course from being a little overwhelming with their good looks and their attitudes they were very good men. They just needed to find that special woman that could bring them all together even more and love them for who they were. She was a woman that felt alone but she didn’t need to be alone, all she needed to do was open up her heart, open herself up and tell them what happened to her and together she could heal them but they could heal her too. No one is truly alone there is someone out there that is meant for everyone Ms. Dwyer is an amazing author and has an amazing talent writing powerful heart-warming stories. Trust is hard when someone so close to you has broken that one sacred thing but not all people are untrustworthy and in this case those four men would do anything to win her heart and protect her from all harm. Thank you for sharing your creativity and can’t wait to see what is next.

Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza (Date: 12/18/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

This was a wonderful book and warmed my heart.

Reviewed by: colleenmb (Date: 12/18/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 34 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

My heart broke for Lucia, how any ones parents could be so cruel is unimaginable. I knew this would be another great Dixie book when reading the first couple chapters I got goose bumps all over from the emotions coming from the book. Well done Dixie! Can't wait for the next one.

Reviewed by: lisareader71 (Date: 12/14/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 23 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

It was a good read that I couldn't put down until the end. The main female Lucia is sweet and easy to relate to. The brothers were a delight. Typical Town of Pearl storyline and I loved it. The only thing that was missing was the description of the lead males. Only one brothers appearance was given so trying to picture what the other brothers looked like was a little distracting.

Reviewed by: pearl-fire (Date: 12/14/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Another great book

Reviewed by: Jlg29 (Date: 12/13/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 608 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I absolutely loved it!!! I loved the part where she was there for Salvador when he needed her. I also loved the part with the ring!!!! It was the best way to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones! Loved it!!! Dixie Lynn Dwyer is my favorite author!

Reviewed by: Stines (Date: 12/12/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 16 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Love this book. Wounded veterans + wounded woman = love story.

Reviewed by: mommabear (Date: 12/12/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 16 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Another AWESOME story by Dixie Lynn Dwyer!

Reviewed by: Robin Lynn (Date: 12/12/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 3 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.62
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I just love the town of Pearl and all the people that live there. How Ms. Dixie takes an emotional scared female and pairs her up with strong and sometimes damaged men to make the perfect pair is beautiful. The love she shows is to readers is priceless. If you have never read a Dixie Lynn Dwyer book you are missing out.

Reviewed by: Kimmi Wakefield (Date: 12/12/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 9 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer