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Reviews by Monica Cardoza

Soldiers of Pearl 3: Sing Me a Song (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Wow if I could give this book more than a 5 Star rating I totally would!!!
When I started reading this book I felt a little lost because I tried to figure out who this book was about. But the further I got I liked what Ms. Dwyer did with this book and how mother and daughter would get their happily ever after.
Sydney was a beautiful young woman that had a lot on her shoulders but moving to Texas was the best thing for them as a family. Her mother Stella recovered from breast cancer and what can I say about Ella but that soon she would have to grow up every quickly. There was something about Sydney that I could relate too. It was like me reading about my own life when I was growing up. I remember having to take care of my little sister after my father went to prison. I was the one that had to work because my mom was disabled and my sister was in high school. It’s hard when you live to take care of your family and totally forget about yourself about what you need. Coming to Texas was going to change her life and she was finally going to be able live her dream.
Hart, Juno, Orsin and Atlas were hard men but a small beautiful brunette was going to change them forever. They loved their mother so much and they blamed their father for her heart attack. They lived near him and in all this time in Pearl they had not ever seen him but all that was going to change every soon. When Hart saw Sydney for the very first time he felt an attraction but he fought it that was until his other brothers felt was he did. Altas and Orsin were the first men who had the privilege to take her out for lunch and even a stroll to the last not to mention a kiss. This attraction that they feel is something that frightens them and they can’t help but think about the woman that broke them that made them so hard against a relationship. But Sydney was going to open their heart to not only love but maybe also forgiveness.
Ella is a bright young woman but doesn’t make the right choices at least until it’s too late. Sydney is always there to take care of her little sister making sure that she doesn’t get into any trouble but this one time Ella is dug in deep. I couldn’t believe what Ella had done and to not only put her mother and sister in danger but then Matt and Jimmy. Ella needed to grow and quit flirting with every man that pays attention to her. Did she not learn from the jerks from New York?
Sing Me a Song was an exceptional read! I loved this story it was full of emotions that got my heart racing. I was watching two relationships develop but what I wanted to read more about was the bonding between daughter and father. The chemistry between Sydney and her men was explosive and passionate. I love how they were able to get take care of Sydney because she was a wonderful person that deserved happiness.
I totally recommend this read!!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 02/21/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 9: Her Shadows of Light (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
When someone believes they made a mistake it could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
This is the ninth book in the Hearts on Fire series and a series that I have loved from the moment that I read the first book. There is just something about first responders that I love maybe it’s the uniform or maybe it’s because of the brilliant women these first responders fall in love with. The story lines in these series are awesome they are creative and intriguing. They bring out so many emotions in me when I’m reading that at times they are overwhelming.
In Her Shadows of Light you have Brighid that believes she made a mistake the night her fantasy came true. Then you Reece and Rusty that can’t believe that the woman they were both so attracted to fled the morning after. The only things was they never thought that they would see her again until Pat and Tobin invited her to go to the Station. I have to hand it to Brighid she tried her best to sneak away but she was not fast enough. She feels so bad because she can’t believe she slept with brothers but the worst part is that she is attracted to the four of them. She shouldn’t feel ashamed because the brothers are her future they are her everything. Once their relationship starts she realizes that they are first responders and they could be harmed in the line of duty. It is not until the day that the explosion happens the day that she realizes that something is going on at her job that the men she loves could be taken away from her. Only she doesn’t think about herself and what could happen if something happens to her. What will happen if her men can’t get to her fast enough?
This story is great and it’s intriguing. The chemistry between these characters is steaming HOT and oh so very erotic. I love how Ms. Dwyer’s writes her love scenes, they are tastefully written. Ms. Dwyer’s writing is exceptional, it’s flawless. I can’t wait to see what she has in store next for this series. I would love to see what is going on with the other characters how they have advanced in their relationships. I would love to know if anyone is expecting.
I totally recommend this read!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 02/10/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 8: Saving C.C. (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Well Ms. Dwyer has done it again with this story. I couldn’t believe how much emotion I felt while reading this story. It brought me pain, sadness in reading this story because it brought me memories of reading the first book in this series. The pain that CC was feeling was like reading Serefina’s book all over again but in this care CC had lost more than just her boyfriend.
CC was a beautiful young woman but with everything that had happened she needed a change in her life. She needed to leave her family and live and that was just what was going to happen in Treasure Town. Her hunk of junk ended up breaking down near a mechanic shop where Kyle and his brother Frank worked. When they saw her it was like lust at first sight. But CC was not ready for anything with anyone now she just needed to concentrate on healing from all that had happened. Kyle knew that there was this instant chemistry but could it be possible that they had found the woman that could bring them back together. He thought that was possible when he met Felicia but all she wanted was to sleep with him and his brothers. Could it be possible that Jenks and Mercury could have the same feelings as Kyle and Frank? These guys were possessive of the woman that they wanted and I could tell that when Frank saw someone named Chris called her. When the explosion was announced on TV I knew that the person that had killed CC’s brother and brother-in-law was not done with his revenge. I knew sooner or later he was going to be seeking CC out and when he found her it was not going to end well. CC was a strong, smart woman but when dealing with a psycho no one is strong enough.
Hears on Fire: Saving C.C. was an amazing read. It was great to see some of the old characters back in this book. I really wish that some of the woman would have made an appearance. Then there was the little problem with Kyle and the woman that hurt him I wanted to know more about what happened. But no matter what the intense chemistry that these characters have for each other is steaming HOT. Ms. Dwyer is an awesome writer and love how the words just flow. When I read any of her books I can feel the emotions of the characters as if I am them. I love getting lost in a fantasy world where I can just forget about everything.
I totally recommend this read!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 02/08/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 7: Claiming Catalina (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Love is something that can sneak up on people but when it’s meant to be they will be reunited but in order for it to last there need to be communication and trust then it will last forever.
When Catalina met the four men that would be in her life for the rest of her life I knew I needed to make sure to read her story. I know that it has taken me awhile before I have read it but yay I finally pushed all other books aside and finished it. I loved that there was a slow build up to their relationship well at least as slow as four handsome hunks would take it.
Catalina was in a point of her life where she wanted to fall in love and live happily ever after like some of her friends. She thought that would happen when she met four handsome brothers but they ended up leaving Treasure Town but only lived about an hour away. She thought about leaving and starting her life somewhere else but then there is an opening at the hospital she works at. She is the only employee with the certifications specified but she was not certain she is used to the action in the ER.
Cooper and Don were training some new recruits at the fire station and they were out having a good time. They end up seeing Catalina and it’s like the light at the end of the tunnel. The woman that was meant for them is there and this is the perfect time for their other two brothers to come and see her. But there is only one problem that Cody and Jeremy were still trying to find themselves they didn’t want to leave their jobs but what would happen when they saw who they had been courting. I do have to say one more thing about the guys holy cow are they alpha males with dominate tendencies. All I can say is yum, yum and yum.
Hearts on Fire: Claiming Catalina was a short story but filled with suspense. The person(s) that were trying to make Jeremy pay were still out there. They needed to be careful because while they are not looking Catalina could be in danger. Trust is something that is important for any relationship and also truth and that’s something that Jeremy needed to learn. But Catalina also needs to learn about communication and trust when it comes to her prior relationship and what could have happened when she saw him again. Ms. Dwyer’s writing is exceptional, sensational and the characters were amazing. The chemistry between these five characters was passionate and HOT. They were amazing together. I couldn’t believe what happened to Catalina and I was at the edge of my seat because of what that psycho planned to do to her. I was yelling at the guys to hurry up and rescue her before he did something horrible to her.
I totally recommend this read to other readers!! I can't wait to read the next book in this series!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 02/06/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 6: Healing Sophia (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Wow, every time that I read a story written by Ms. Dwyer I know that my emotions are going to be all over the place. I know that there will be tears from sadness but there would also be tears because of happiness.
When I started reading this story and read the prologue I couldn’t believe what was happening to this poor young woman. While I was reading I could feel the pain that Sophie felt by the hands of a monster. He was a monster that deserved the worst kind of pain and I could think of a few things but can’t say them on paper but in my head of course. When Jeremy was willing to take Sophia away from Mateo and his right hand man I knew he was risking not only his case but himself because if they found out what he did they would kill him. Jeremy knew that he couldn’t trust the agency but there were some men in Treasure Town that he could call and they would keep Sophia safe.
Lew, Cedric, Gideon and Andreas were ex-Navy Seals that were going to protect Sophia a woman that had been through so much. They didn’t know the extent of what she went through but sooner or later they would know what scare she had on her body. Sophia tried to feel safe in what would be her new home but being surrounded by four huge guys and not get scared. They tried to get her to go into town and try to be a little normal but she couldn’t. Every time that she looked in the mirror and saw her mark she knew she needed to do something but she knew she needed to fib in order to get it done. She knew that Mateo and his right hand man were out there and sooner or later they would find her. But she also knew she needed to start living again and before she would follow through with her feelings she needed to have something covered up. That was what she needed to do in order to start over again get the second chance she knew she deserved. Her men were going to keep her safe and protect her with everything they had but one night they weren’t able to protect her.
Hearts on Fire: Healing Sophia was an exceptional read. I love reading about second chances and love it even more when there is this instant chemistry that they can’t fight no matter how much they want. This story was fast paced and the characters were well developed. I love how descriptive this story was. Ms. Dwyer’s writing is flawless and captivating. The chemistry between these five characters was sizzling HOT, intense and passionate.
There was something special about Sophia because she really was so strong and so brave. She went through something traumatic and no matter what she was able to open herself to love again and not only with one man but with 4. These men were special and they loved her and they gave the space she needed and they got her use to their touch to their presence. Sophia was able to get on with her life but knew that there was danger but as soon as the mark was gone and she couldn’t see it any longer it was like she was reborn. Sophia wanted to find love in Lew, Gideon, Cedric and Andreas and she wanted to be loved and that she was.
I can’t wait for the next book!!!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 10/25/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
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Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Beautiful, tragic, sweet and emotional read that I devoured in no time at all. The storyline felt real and scenes were brilliantly written. I love it when the author’s writing is creative and vivid that I can picture everything happening in my mind. I love it when there is a slow build up to their sexual chemistry; love it when you know sooner or later she would be with the four brothers. The four brothers are going to have to show her that they are trustworthy and that they are nothing like her ex-boyfriend.
Francesca “Frankie” Sonoma wanted to leave the man she was going to with because he was a crooked cop but things didn’t turn out the way she had thought. Now she was on the run and needed to stay on the down low but a murder happens and she was the person that was attacked that night. Apparently Gloria didn’t like her but what she did to Frankie had consequences and Frankie is on the radar with the Hawkin brothers, Turbo, Mike, Nate and Rye.
Mike happened to see Frankie at a club and he was fascinated with her and knew his brothers would be attracted to her. So when the Hawkin brother’s go to a bachelor party Turbo felt the instant attraction, as the other brothers but she wanted nothing to do with anyone that tried hitting on her. Then the moment that another waitress comes in and smacks her, the brother’s were there to help her and they wanted to protect her but she wouldn’t have it. Now Turbo is part of the investigating team of the murder of Gloria and when they interrogate her he is not the only one that knows she is hiding something.
Carlotto wants to push his drugs into New Jersey and Prestiage is the perfect place to do that. Kevin wants Frankie and he will to anything to get her back and sooner or later they will find her again.
Loving Frankie was an exceptional read that I enjoyed immensely. The characters were well written and loved them all. There was something about Frankie that I connected with instantly, maybe it was because she was so strong but over cautious so very real. Then of course there are the men, the four gorgeous men that were intimidating, alpha male but no matter what they were protective of Frankie they wanted to keep her safe. They were everything that Frankie needed to feel safe again and learn how to trust again. The sex scenes were hot and passionate and tastefully written. The Hawkin brothers were so tender with her that it melted me.
I can’t wait for the next book!!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 03/24/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Badge of Honor (LoveXtreme)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
If there were more stars to give in a rating this would be more than 5 Stars! I loved everything in this story.
What more can you ask of a story when you have action, suspense and 5 gorgeous hunks that are ready to protect the woman that they have fallen for. I love Ms. Dwyer’s writing style and how I can have a tear of two running down my check then be laughing because of something that one of her characters said. There is something about a woman that is independent but sometimes it’s nice to lean on other people for support. Everyone now and then a person needs a hug, they need that secure and safety feeling and oh my did Lauren get that with Galvin, Gus, Harper, Orin and Mace.
Lauren is a great detective but she did her job a little too good when she went undercover for one night. She had no idea that that night would mean hiding and having a price put on her head. Her story was so sad and I wanted the best for not only her but also for her sister’s. Now as for the guys they were sexy, actually they oozed sex and they were pure men. Only that each one had a uniqueness about them but they needed that one woman that could handle them and Lauren was that woman. I have to say that the banter and confrontations were perfect and enticing.
Now let’s get to the steamy parts of this story and I can sum it up in one word, HOT! I have to applaud Ms. Dwyer because her senses yes are steamy, wickedly HOT but the most important thing they are tastefully written.
As the story starts to unravel the secrets, backstabbing are known but the most important question is will Lauren suffer or will her men protect her.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 01/26/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Sometimes even though you should trust your family it doesn’t always mean they have your best interest in life. This is something that this character suffers from but when she comes to a town called Pearl these total strangers end up being more like family than her real family.
Lucia Monte escaped from South Carolina due to a monster of a man, if I can even call him that, named Derek McMillian. When her story was told I felt sick to my stomach of how a person could drug someone, girlfriemd, and take advantage of them. When anyone says the word “no” that means no. I know that it is reality and this happens in the real world but no one should ever experience this. I could not believe the things that her mother told Lucia I so wanted to strangle this character. Could her mother not see that he raped her daughter but I guess not when all she was thinking of was the money and social standing? I’m sorry but money is not everything in this life, she should have been hugging her child and giving her comfort not forcing her to be someone she was not.
So in the prologue we was able to see into the Walter family and how each brother differs from the other. So we have Lucifer who is finisher and works in construction, Gabrielle is a welder and then Maxwell who is a detective. Then we have Salvatore whom helps Lucifer on jobs but he is great in custom designing wood. We also meet Brutus which is almost or should I say basically attached to Salvatore helps him, calms him. Salvatore was a Marine but not only a Marine but in a special unit the other brothers were in the military also but they didn’t experience what Salvatore did. Gabriele had a good point about dogs being a good pal to have for those soldiers that would come back from their tours and suffering from PTSD. There are many times that those little creatures are truly a man’s bestfriend and they help in big ways because they know when their owners are not well and they are there to comfort them. PTSD is something that not only military people suffer but sometimes it’s hard to get them to recognize that they have a problem. They need to want to get better because at times if get pestered enough they could just end up tearing up a family. All someone can do is be their when they decide and admit that they are suffering and they need help.
When Derek McMillian was introduced I already did like him when Lucia was telling her story but I disliked him even more when he acted like the concerned boyfriend. I knew sooner or later when he got his own private investigator on finding her I knew she was in big trouble.
I loved little Ms. Matchmaker Mary working her magic or should I say her scheming plan to get Lucia and the Walter brother’s together. She wanted her bestfriend son’s to have a love and to finally see them happy to have the love that Lilly and Benny had together.
Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story was an exceptional read. I have to say that I loved Lucia and how she thought of everyone’s needs except herself. She needed that coat to keep her warm but to her she could wait to buy something instead of taking from people that needed it more than her. Some people are not that way and take advantage of donations that help those that are less fortunate but not her she was a true angel. Now as for the Walter brother I have to say that of course from being a little overwhelming with their good looks and their attitudes they were very good men. They just needed to find that special woman that could bring them all together even more and love them for who they were. She was a woman that felt alone but she didn’t need to be alone, all she needed to do was open up her heart, open herself up and tell them what happened to her and together she could heal them but they could heal her too. No one is truly alone there is someone out there that is meant for everyone
Ms. Dwyer is an amazing author and has an amazing talent writing powerful heart-warming stories. Trust is hard when someone so close to you has broken that one sacred thing but not all people are untrustworthy and in this case those four men would do anything to win her heart and protect her from all harm. Thank you for sharing your creativity and can’t wait to see what is next.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 12/18/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Armored Hearts (LoveXtreme)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Can a city girl become a country girl? Can these five guys open their heart and let her not to leave?
I have start off with how much I love Ms. Dwyer’s writing style and how it just comes across unforced and the emotions that it stirs up are intense. The scenes are so descriptive and vivid that it seems that I’m with the characters that I’m caught into their love, into their anger and into their sadness. The abuse that India experienced was gruesome, the violence was heart breaking but what got to me was the five men that took care of her. I was mind blowing they were described as these ex Special Forces that were tough and hardbutts. But when they said yes without even knowing what they were getting into not knowing if the Russian Mafia would come to Pearl they didn’t care but from the moment that they saw her it was like something changed in them.
India Brooks is a sophisticated, smart, strong woman that has done well for herself. She invented a program design and has her own company. One night she is kidnapped and beaten almost to death to deliver a message to her friend. She had no idea that when she opened her eyes that she would end up falling in love with the men that were caring for her. India suffers from nightmares and she is in so much pain but she makes it through but as she spends more time with the guys she gets turned on. It seems that they are near her it’s like her body tingles, even when they speak to her especially when they use their dominant voice.
Ford Montgomery, Fenton Lewis and Flynn O’Connor are still risking their lives saving important people but they know it’s time to stop. Fisher Lent and Grey More actually work in Pearl but are still in law enforcement. Ford knows that when his friend Silas calls that he needs someone to take care of his sister there is no thinking about it, they will take her in and help her heal. I have to say that out of all of them Fenton acted like a real bad boy but I knew deep down he was the first one that lost his heart for India. He was the one that thought about the consequences of what would happen when she healed and when it was safe for her to return. I know the other guys fell for her also but something called out to me for Fenton. They were five hard, muscled, hunks that healed a woman, fell in love with a woman that was destined to be with them forever but if they didn’t communicate it’s was not going to work.
Armored Hearts was a quick heart-warming read. This was one of those reads that makes you think about second chances. I know that India went through something horrific but she took the bull by its horn and changed her life. She changed her life to be with the men that stayed by her side and took care of her. I know it’s cruel to say but things happen for a reason if the horrific incident hadn’t happened would she have met these amazing men, would they have had a chance to have a woman.
Ms. Dwyer delivered another amazing read. These were characters that healed each other and I cheered them every step of the way.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 11/27/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (LoveXtreme)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Cora is a broken soul but the men that have an interest in her are also broken. Can they heal their hearts together so they can live as one unit, one heart, one family?
Okay so where do I start with this story. From the moment that Cora was introduced in her sister’s story I knew I wanted to know her story. She was a broken soul that just wanted to protect her children she wanted to be strong no longer feel weak. I felt so relieved for them when they were able to get away but the monster that hurt her and her family not excluding the children was still out there somewhere hiding in the shadows. This is a love story in the making. I know there were some scenes in which I held my breath because of how some of the scenes unfolded. All of the characters in this story each had their own story that had to be heard and heard I did.
Cora and her men’s story was spellbinding and their relationship was powerful especially because some of those men were dominating, mean but they would not hurt a hair on Cora’s body. Beau was a man that was so much like Cora, they both dealt with nightmares from their past and they both had that emptiness in their eyes. Only that I was surprised on how he acted with her children and especially when Julia grabbed his hand when they were headed out to the swimming pool. Then there was Blade, big bad Blade and his anger towards all women. I hate when men categorize all women under as lying and manipulative but not all women are like that. He needs to realize that she is not his ex-wife and she doesn’t have alternative motives. Then there are the twins, Asher and Avery, and what can I say about them but I fell in love with them from the moment that they were in the pool with Cora’s children, Julia and Liam. I know they were playboys that made it known that when they were with a woman it was sex with no strings attached but it was different with Cora. Then there is Cason was a deputy and he was one of the first one’s that I think fell in love with Cora. He found himself looking at her at a distance but also he was the one that told her he wanted to be her friend. He knew that if she came into their unit she could be the one, the one meant for him and his team and even the big bad commander.
Everything changed for Cora and her men the night of the surprise birthday party for Blade. I could not believe the direction that the men’s thoughts went to when Cora was acting secretly how could they when they could see she was so shy. But the words that Blade told her shattered her and that caused a huge panic attacked that sent Blade to grovel but he needed to do more groveling. He hurt her and labeled her as a mission and assignment and what made it worse was that she told her about them seeking to be her guardian with the exception of him.
The passion between Cora and her men is passionate and explosive. Cora has to open her heart as well as the men but I was more concerned about her. I know I’m being unfair but she was a woman that lost everything to a monster and she had one thing left. There was one scene in which I interpreted that if she did give the one thing that had not been brutalized and they left her she would be worthless. Only that first night they loved her and showed her how it was to be loved and treasured. All she asked was for them to be patient with her.
Like in almost every story especially when dealing with a monster that is still on the run they always come back to finish the job. Anthony wanted what was his and he was not going to stop until he got her back.
Healing Souls was one of those reads that left me breathless and at the end with tears in my eyes. I loved at Arabella wanted the best for her sister. She needed to let her go and see her take her life and do what she needed to do. I know that she wanted to be there for her but if she was going to fall she needed to pick herself up and move on. This story was well written and very descriptive which I love. I love getting lost in the story and love when I can connect with the characters. Their love is what helped them conquer the devastation that was coming.
This is a book that I couldn’t put down. I know that this story was not all about fun and laughs but about how love can do powerful things and if you can open your heart just a little bit it has a chance at healing. That one person could mean the happily ever after you never thought you had a right to.
The perfect ending the kids got the best Christmas gift ever!!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 10/18/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Soldiers of Pearl 1: Invasion of Hearts (MFMMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Family is everything and when one’s family is in danger your own self is left behind, the only person that matter is them. But then something amazing happens four can you believe four men make her see that she can trust them, that she can lean on them and they will protect her and her family.
Did I like Invasion of Hearts well actually I didn’t I totally loved this book and I can’t wait to see what else Ms. Dwyer has up her sleeves for the next installment. The storyline was intriguing, the characters were amazing and I was so in tune with the characters and their emotions. I do have to say that I was a little frustrated with the heroine because she couldn’t see that the townspeople of Pearl were there to help her and her family. But then again she had been the bread winner of the family for a very long time but it became even worse after they went on the run. I know that her sister’s so called boyfriend helped them but that came with a price. Then they came to Second Chance and things changed for not only her but also her family but she just needed to open up her heart and see that these people are sincere, trustworthy and the four men loved her dearly.
Arabella Hopkins had a degree as a chef and she made pretty well for herself and her family. She had also taken the exam to be a police officer and she passed with flying colors. There was only one problem and that was Anthony Perrone her sister’s boyfriend her niece and nephew’s father and what he did. He was an ex-police officer but not only that he was also Special Forces. Her sister, Cora, was not tough enough to stand up to him but not because she wanted to do his dirty work but because he beat her badly. Arabella and her mother hated to see him hit her but if they got in Cora would get it worse. Cora had a hard pregnancy and her labor was worse she was very weak and Arabella had enough of Anthony hitting Cora so she went on the job for her. Things got out of control and something bad happened but that was not the worst. When she got back home Kever, ex narcotic division and Special Forces, was a evil, evil monster that wanted Arabella and he swore that she was his woman and that no other man would ever touch her and he left her a mark that when she would see it she would remember who she belonged to. Arabella’s story is so sad, I could not believe everything that she went through not only right before they fled but even when they left. They were on the run for 3 years and she was getting thinner and thinner as the days went by. She needed for her family to be safe.
Brock Reynolds, Smith Spencer, Rex O’Rourke and Reno Davis owned Liberty Construction and Development. They were all retired military men and now they were making a life in Pearl. When they were invited to their cousins wedding they decided that they were going to not only share a woman but put down roots in Pearl. Brock was the leader and I could tell that he was the alpha male but Smith was not very far behind and I knew that there was something going on with him. When they go out to Rocky’s its Smith that is entrapped with Arabella, Bella, and he knows that she is the one. When they touch hands it’s like something happens and he knows that the other guys need to meet her. She is a little skittish and they know that they are going to have to go very slow with her if they want her as their woman. The first thing they need for her to understand is that she is running away from someone she can trust them but also she can trust the townspeople in Pearl. They need to get her to stay in Second Chance and see that they are safe, that her sister can get help; her mother can see a doctor and the kids can feel safe and play with other children. Then they need to make her see that she can trust them, that she will be safe with them and that they can protect her. Only they never thought that the two people that she was running from were Special Forces but also that something very, very bad was done to her. Can they really keep her safe from two psychopaths? Will she be able to give them her heart and trust these four hunks?
Invasion of Hearts was a very well written story and I couldn’t put it down. I needed to know that she was finally going to trust the people of Pearl. The amount of emotions this story had was unbelievable. Oh and how can I forget that it was extremely sexy as soon as she was not able to deny them her everything. I loved seeing Arabella growing and becoming more confident in herself, she was very vulnerable in the beginning of the story but that all changed by the end. I didn’t only see her grow confident of herself but also Cora and how she wanted to help her sister in seeing that she had the right to live her life. What can I say about the men, they were wonderful, patient and I have to say scrumptious.
This was an exceptional read and I totally recommend it.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 09/07/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 4: Kisses Sweeter Than Pie (MFMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This is a wonderful journey of a woman that needed to find herself needed to leave the abusive relationship she was in and by the end the amount of love that was given to her the amount of love she was able to give was extraordinary.
The Hearts of Fire Series has been a wonderful series that I have been able to connect to all of the characters in these books. The characters each share painful pasts but when they start their lives over in Treasure Town they are able to find the men that would do anything for them, they would sacrifice everything for that one person that has been embedded in their heart, into their soul. Nina Valone is a beautiful woman that has been emotionally, verbally and physically abused by a man that has belittled her that made her feel so low. She was a woman that had no self esteem but soon when it became too much and she knew that he was going to rape her she had to do something and she grabbed the first thing she felt and did what she needed to do. It was her life or his and she ran and kept running. That’s until she came to Treasure Town and it was time she lived her life but she needed to keep out of the system, out of the news but not when 3 first responder’s wanted her.
Trent, Buddy and Johnny Landers had their own stories but they still hoped that they would be able to find that one person that could bring them together. It seemed because of the fire that scarred Trent he was pulling away more and more. Then there was Johnny and the sexual harassment suit that was filed against him. It seemed that they could not trust a woman. That’s until Trent saw the most beautiful woman with the most gorgeous eyes but he could tell that she was hiding something. She wouldn’t answer his questions but most of all she was skittish. There was an arsonist out there that was setting fires but they could not find out who it was. Buddy was at his wits end and he thought that this person soon would be seeking to burn buildings that could hurt people. Then it happens a liquor store is set on fire and there is a woman that is trapped in the apartment upstairs. That’s when the brother’s see the woman that could be theirs if only she could trust them.
Nina can’t believe her luck she is homeless and what should have been the start of her dream is shattered in one night. Now she finds herself living in an apartment with three sexy as hell men that set her on fire. She had never responded to a man especially three men the way her body responds to them. Nina had been hurt by a horrible man but there was no way she was going to be able to trust someone else. Only that they were so sweet but not only them. She actually made friends and she felt great. These friends helped her with making her yummy pies, they took her out but most of all they were there when she needed them. Now all she had to do was trust three amazing men that would do anything for her and her first sign that she wanted them was when she told them about her past. Now they knew that she was running away from a dangerous man and they knew that they needed to protect her no matter what. Only that they can’t be with her every minute of the day and the past will find her.
Kisses Sweeter Than Pie was an exceptional read that captivated my heart. Ms. Dwyer’s writing style is flawless, it’s descriptive and focused. The amount of emotion that is felt while reading this story are so many but love is something that can cure all but first she needed to open her heart as did the brothers. The characters were well developed and they seemed so real. I do have to say that there was one past character that totally rocked and that was Michaela. I loved how she was defended Nina. The storyline was amazing, it’s something that lots of women go through and some woman are fortunate enough to find that special someone the person that would treat them like an angel a princess.
I would like to thank Ms. Dwyer for her writing she has a way with works and they touch my heart every time I read one of her books. I love it when there is this emotional connection with her characters that I know that she writes from her heart.
I can’t wait to see who is next!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 08/17/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
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Task Force Two: Fennigan Pack's Earth Angel (LoveXtreme)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This is a second chance love story dealing with loss of a mate, finding a woman that brings out the wolf wanting to claim a woman but can they keep her safe enough from the evil that is surrounding them.
I have been a great fan of Ms. Dwyer since I read my first paranormal genre book, Were She Belongs, and since then I have enjoyed all of her stories. What can I say but this story drew me in, it was extremely moving, sad and beautifully written. I was happy to see some of the old characters like Feldman and Princess Charity. While reading this story there were so many emotions that I felt, anger, joy, fear, sadness but most of all happiness. These were characters that deserved to be happy not saying that she didn’t deserve it as much as the 6 were hunks but I’m sorry they deserved happiness because of everything they had gone through. So let’s start with this small incentive so you can hurry and grab your copy of this great addition to a wonderful series.
When I started reading this story I have to say that just the prologue I could not help but fall in love with Angus Fennigan because of how he felt in not deserving to be alpha. I felt for all of the brothers, Quinn, Brady, Delaney, Eagan and Adrian Fennigan, they had gone through so much. Then I meet Salina “Sal” Santos a feisty woman that I just knew was going to give the Fennigan brother’s hell. She is set in her ways and she is there to protect people and make sure that the bad guys get justice.
She gets the shock of her life when she hears that what she has been dreaming for a while is true. The man that she shot in the head is alive and now this gigantic man is turning into, what did she call him a “big dog”. I was totally laughing my butt off. Only that’s when she found out that her partner, Reggie, was holding out on her and he knew what they were.
From the moment that Angus and Quinn “sniffed” her they knew something was wrong how could she be their mate, their mate had died had been killed. But they were not able to do anything until the other brothers came from around the world and see if they got the same sense. Sal learns from her father about who they truly were and how her mother died. She couldn’t believe what was happening but there was no way that she was going to be barefoot and pregnant with little cubs to keep the pack growing. I couldn’t believe her way of thinking but then again she knew nothing about wolf pack and especially how thoughtful, passionate alpha males could be especially 6 alphas pleasuring her and holding her.
Things go so wrong when the Carbarone brothers, Jaydin, Jeremiah and Jett, and their uncle Vargon Carbarone take interest in Sal there is this scent that she is giving off and they know she has powers but what. There is one person that could tell them exactly how strong her powers are and that person is Torque. Just remember that things don’t always turn out the way you think. That’s all I’m saying.
While reading this story I was swept up in the lives and the drama that I just knew was going to unfold between Sal and her men well at the time she didn’t know that they were going to be her men. The dialogue is humorous and truly engaging and love that I was able to see who they truly were. Each alpha male was different and they were all going to play a role in protecting Sal when the time came. The pace was perfect and it moved so rapidly and I wanted just to call a time out because I knew that the end was near. The part of this story that will stay with me is where her father is asking the gods to please his daughter and I know I was already crying because of the situation but the tears like came like a waterfall. Now let’s talk about the chemistry between these characters and all I have to say is HOT, well maybe EXPLOSIVE but hot damn Sal is one lucky lady. Can you believe that they were going to keep her in bed for a month, holy crap.
I don’t know how many of you readers read the “Dedication to readers” but I love that personal touch that Ms. Dwyer’s does in all of her books. It gives me a little more insight in her feelings about the characters she shares with her readers. Thank you Ms. Dwyer for your creative writing, for making I know for certain me fall in love with your characters.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 07/26/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (MFMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Love can make you do so many things because you want to keep the people you love safe you would go through hell. That’s exactly what Tasha did to the point of almost losing her life.
Wow, I don’t know where to start but I do have something I have to say one thing before anything else. Ms. Dwyer your writing is exceptional, so captivating; the amount of emotions that your writing brought out in me was unbelievable. There were moments that I wanted to shake Tasha and smack some sense into her but I understood her. I know for sure I wanted to kill the villain with my bare hands. The amount of tears that I shed were so many I can’t remember the last time that a story hit me so hard. The events that happened in this story are events that happens too many women everyday but Tasha was so strong and I envied her but she needed to draw the line somewhere before something worse would happen to her.
If you have been following the Hearts of Fire Series then you know that Tasha Malone is in love with Eddie, Lance and Tyler Martelli but she believes that they only see her as their sister’s bestfriend. If only she knew that they wanted her so bad but they had their reasons of why they couldn’t get close to her. Now Lance is the first Martelli to kiss her he makes sure to tell his brothers that they need to hurry to make it known to her that they want her. Only before that can happen Tasha is speaking with her cousin, Melanie, again and this time her cousin has her come to a club. That is where she meets Dash, the slime ball, and I can’t believe what he does to her on their first encounter. I love that she is able to talk to Serefina but hate that Tasha put her in a bind. Again and I will not get tired of saying this over and over Tasha was a very strong willed character.
Tasha knows that she needs to push her friends away and the men that she loves it’s the only way to keep them safe. The Martelli brother’s can’t believe that they have lost the woman that they love but there is something about the man she is seeing. When they see them together every time that he tries to get near her she tries to move away. That can’t be normal if she is in love with this douche bag she should be touching him not trying to get away from him. It’s only a matter of time before Tasha is a punching bag again and this time her friends are there for her but for how long. Is she safe or will Dash be in her life again and this time she won’t be able to get away.
Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha is the best book in this series so far. I couldn’t put the book down I just wanted to keep reading and reading and I didn’t want for it to end. This was a beautifully told story even though the amount of pain and suffering that Tasha went through was gut-wrenching. The characters were well developed as was the storyline. I was so happy that the Martelli brother’s finally got their happily ever after but truly wished that they could have put aside their age difference. These four characters captured my heart and I adored every single moment that I spent with them. I love when I get captured in the story, how I’m able to feel myself with them. I do have to wonder who will be next to get their book maybe Melanie or maybe Catalina.
I totally recommend this read to all readers that love not only Ms. Dwyer’s writing but readers that love a romance story with a happily ever after. I do have to warn the readers you might need to have a tissue box handy just in case a tear or two or the sobbing starts.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 06/16/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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Hearts on Fire 2: Michaela (MFMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Trust is something that is earned not just given. Three men are going to have a tough time to get Michaela to trust in them because trust goes both ways. They need to remember that she is her own person and she is the one woman that will complete them and make them the happiest men in the world.
Ms. Dwyer did it again in this wonderful, amazing read. From the moment that I started reading this story I was enthralled. Then when it ended I could not stop crying because of that beautiful letter that Michaela’s sister wrote to her. My tears would not stop falling it was something that she needed to hear, something that would mend her heart. All she needed to do was trust these men to protect her, to make her feel safe and love her and she would be complete.
Michaela is a woman with a past that if it catches up with her she could end up dead. She is alone in the world, her mom passed away then her father and lastly her sister. She couldn’t believe the hurtful things that her sister told her the day that she passed away. Now she needs to start over but who knows when she will need to leave again because of they find her she knows that she will die. Only that she never thought she would find three men, yes three men that wanted her but she couldn’t be with them, she had never been with anyone before. How insane was that.
Jake is the Sheriff in Treasure Town and the moment that he saw Michaela and the situation that she was in he had this overwhelming feeling to protect her. She was able to handle the situation but she shouldn’t have to. She was such a small, petite little thing. When Hal and Billy met Michaela this instant chemistry happened and they wanted to know more about her. Their father also liked her and she was working at the Station, an establishment that was owned by their father and his friend. Jake could sense that she was hiding something but they needed to trend lightly with her and take baby steps in order to gain her trust.
Something happened to Jake, Hal and Billy before Michaela. They were in a ménage relationship with a woman that was a snob. She didn’t deserve them and she hurt them in the worst possible way. Only that they needed to remember that she was not Lisa, she was a woman of worth a woman that was meant to be with them. They needed to talk to her the way she trusted them with her past. Just when things were going great between them and she gave them everything that is when the past finally catches up with her. Only that one of the brothers finds himself getting super jealous because of the man that taught her how to protect herself. He started to have doubts, he starting thinking that Michaela could be like Lisa and if he didn’t stop he could lose Michaela. He needed to get his head out of his behind or else.
Hearts of Fire: Michaela was an exceptional read. The characters were well developed and the storyline was intriguing. Ms. Dwyer has a way of drawing me in. Every time that I read something new it’s has a deeper meaning something that just takes a hold of my heart and makes me wonder. The chemistry between Michaela, Jake, Billy and Hal is passionate, sensual and really erotic. These men know how to treat Michaela and of course there were situations that happened where her sassiness came out and she needed a little spanking. I loved that they took it slow and they were about getting Michaela comfortable with them before they moved to the next level. Their personalities compliment one another perfectly and the spark that surrounds them is so evident. I loved how the town people came together to help her out when there was a small fire in her attic that was truly something.
Ms. Dwyer has a writing style that is smooth and clear that makes it hard for me to stop reading. The scenes are descriptive and the emotions that the characters are feeling are felt in her writing. She has an eye for detail and as I said before her stories always have a great message.
I definitely recommend this read. If you are not a big fan or ménage relationships give it a try you will not regret it.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 04/14/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Hearts on Fire 1: Serefina (MFMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
I believe that Ms. Dywer said it the best at the very beginning of the story, “Love is not something to take for granted, yet many of us are guilty of such a thing. It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?”
I know that this is the first book in the series and I have to say that this series will have a spot not only in my heart but it’s one series that I know will not be leaving my library any time soon. Ms. Dwyer’s writing is exceptional and it grabbed my attention from the moment that I started reading. The principle of this story is something at least in my opinion a lot of people go through. Depression is something that can bring a person down and they need their friends, family loved ones to get them through their dark moments. I know this story hit me hard because I know that I suffered from depression when my husband passed away and it’s hard to think that you could love someone after you loved that special important person. Only it’s true your other half would not have wanted you to stay alone, to not live and be happy and that’s what Serefina needs to realize and not feel so guilty. He would want for her to be happy and live and love.
Serefina Martelli is a brilliant strong woman that went through so much just starting her life. She had met a wonderful young man and just when they were starting their relationship and turning the page to another chapter of their lives the most horrific thing happened. One moment he was right beside her and before she knew what was happening he was gone and now her she was living and he was gone. Serefina was depressed and one thought came to her mind maybe she also needed to die and be with the one person that she loved, the person that she wanted to marry but she had a family that loved her. It was time for her to go home.
Ace, Ice and Bull Sullivan were brothers that did everything together. They were in the military together and now they were in the same firehouse together but as more time passed they were drifting apart. Their brother had passed away in a fire and they wanted vengeance for his death. The person that was responsible for his death was still out there maybe still causing fires and killing other innocent people. Ace is the oldest before and he felt responsible for his brother’s death. Now it seemed he was being a mother hen to Ice and Bull and they were pulling apart. When Ice was out on the beach jogging he never would have thought that he would have run into the most beautiful brunette he had ever seen. Sometime later Ace was at his family’s restaurant and she was there and he felt something. He could not believe it Marco had always said they would feel it when the right woman came along that was meant to be shared with the brothers. He knew he needed to get his brothers to meet her and that’s where their relationship begins.
Only they never would have thought that the psycho arsonist was going to come back for Serefina. She belonged to him and his Master but the Sullivan brothers vow to keep her safe. Only that a person is never truly safe when you are dealing with a psychopath.
Hearts on Fire 1: Serefina is an excellent read that had my emotions all over the place. I felt sadness for Serefina but also the Sullivan brothers for what they had gone through. I felt proud of Serefina because I would have thought she would have fought tooth and nail for the brothers to stay away from her but she was trying to live and that alone I felt happiness for her. I knew it was going to be hard for her but she was trying. The Sullivan brothers are all alpha males, very caring, protective and loving. The chemistry that they had was explosive and damn those brothers. The pace of this story was perfect and I could see a couple of male characters that could have their own story. I loved Serefina’s brothers and how protective they were with her but not only that they listened to her.
This is a great read that I totally recommend be ready to engrossed with it’s vivid, detailed writing. Be prepared to love this book as much as I did.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 03/31/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Goddess of Unity (LoveXtreme)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Everything happens for a reason. Maya believes that she is a nobody that she is this weak wolf that does simple jewelry. She has no idea that her jewelry will be of significance and it will be known for what when the time is right.
Maya McFey has no idea what is in store for her. She has been doing her jewelry for awhile now and it has been a great hit. Her jewelry has gone all around the world and something in her is guiding her to do this. When the time is right something amazing is going to be revealed but before that she needs to get ready for her life to change because in comes five that’s right five alpha males that are going to make her want to run.
Saxton Lemark and Tango Grey were the two were’s that were guarding keeping the Goddess of the Circle safe. Their job is done and it’s time to have a little down time and just enjoy and roam free through some beautiful land. Only that Saxton discovers something that will tie them bond them with a couple of were’s that lets just say don’t get along. Only Saxton has a way of talking to Maya and he is gifted with something that is to be treasured.
Kedar, Alden, and Caton Crimson do not like Saxton and Tango because of what they believe they did. That they killed innocent were’s when they had no idea what they were talking about. Then when Kedar found his mate he couldn’t believe that she was also Saxton’s. Then only to realize that she was also his brother’s and Tango mates. They did not want to share her with them but what they needed to learn was to keep their temper drawn in because their mate was a little skidish.
Something bad is happening there is a woman were that has her sights on the Crimson brothers, Saxton and Tango and she is willing to do anything to get Maya out of the picture. The knowledge is made of who the third goddess is but Feldman is locked away and is not able to let the goddess’s know who she is and to keep her safe. The only problem is that it’s too late she has been kidnapped.
Goddess of Unity was an interesting ending to the killing of the Demon that has been harming the goddess’s for a very long time. I enjoyed how Ms. Dwyer was able to connect all of the characters and show their importance in destroying the evil. The action of love for the were community the action of unity was evident throughout not only this book but in all the others. It takes special people for something wonderful to happen and for the whole were community to be safe and for the packs to be safe throughout the world. At times I wondered how Ms. Dwyer was able keep this storyline going, how was she able to keep me interested but some how some way she did it. Yes Maya was different from the other goddess but I could actually relate to her, I’m one of those that keeps to herself, keeps her head down and sometimes thinks I’m not important. Only that everyone has a purpose in this life and hers was to save her heritage. The sexual chemistry between Maya and the alpha’s is evident and the passion that they have together is explosive.
Thank you Ms. Dwyer for your writing and sharing it with all of your readers especially those that have been waiting awhile for this series. I know that I will be going back and rereading the Were Series again from the very beginning.
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 03/12/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Goddess of Were (MFMM)
Dixie Lynn Dwyer
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
It’s time for her to come to terms with her wolf. She has been away from her family, her heritage, her land for a while now but it was not for nothing. Her knowledge of the human world will help her in her journey.
Batya Venificus is battling with needing maybe wanting her independence. She is not so in tune with her wolf she has been in the city too long and she really doesn’t wait to be mated. Batya wants to find a human and give him her virginity, it’s her body and she should have a say to whom she chooses to give her virginity to. When she was younger she saw something that made her not want to mate for one thing once mated the woman were did whatever her mate told her. This alpha made his mate to something and it was not out of love. She knows that her family wants the best for her but she was not going home even though evil was just around the corner and would attack her since she was losing her identity and was weak.
Derry, Eamon and Talib Sinclair have been brought in to protect Batya and one of the council members, Micah. They had not seen her in a very long time and the moment that Derry had her in his arms he knew that she was his mate and he needed to protect her. Only that a human had his hands on her and he was ready to break them. Then when Eamon and Talib smelled her scent they knew that she was meant to be mated with all three of them. Only she is a stubborn were and is defying them at every turn they know that they are going to have a tough time claiming her. When they find her after she is kidnapped they want to shred apart the person or persons that put their hands on her. No one will ever hurt her again or touch her again.
Batya knows that there is something wrong with her there is a voice in her mind and she knows that it’s evil. She can sense her wolf wanting to come out and roam but something is holding her back. The only way she can find her true wolf her true self is by mating with Derry, Eamon and Talib. They will help her, they will love her and they will stand by her no matter what. She will need to find her true self in order to help one of her mates when the evil one threatens one with death.
Goddess of Were was an amazing read that ended too quickly. I could not believe the amount of dominance that these triplets displayed. Derry was one stubborn, dominate were that needed to control his were because he was driving Batya away. I know all he had to do was put her over his lap and that would have gotten her wolf aroused no matter how much she protested but he needed to approach with caution. I loved Batya’s character and how independent she was but I can say she was one stubborn were but I enjoyed seeing her roam and running throughout her land once she found her true self. Then of course what can I say about the triplets but my god were they dangerous. They had the stamina of I have no idea what but my god they were mouthwatering with the amount of passion they gave. The evil is getting closer and closer and it really showed how powerful it was when Batya was taken during a dream. I could not believe what the evil one did to her. Only that the bond that they have is something that they will cherish forever.
The pace of this story was fast and the characters were well developed. I do have to say is that I missed Lexi and her mates. Her name appeared but she did not play a part like the other two were’s. The storyline was captivating but I wanted more and of course more. The writing was clear and focused.
I totally recommend this read!!!!
Reviewed by: Monica Cardoza
(Date: 03/11/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Goddess of Were (MFMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer