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Reviews for Mere Temptation (MF)

Books written by
Daisy Harris

Hiro's Merman (MM)   Diva and the Frat Boy (MM)  
11 Ratings
Avg - 4.18
Mere Temptation (MF) by Daisy Harris (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Paranormal , Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

As the first story in my Ocean Shifters world, Mere Temptation is near and dear to my heart. I love Isa's journey from New York to the Florida Keys because I'm from Florida and moved to the Northeast as a child- so it felt like coming home! I enjoyed telling the story of a girl who went back to her hometown and fell back in love with her first sweetheart. Whether you're human or mermaid, first loves grip the imagination. Sidon was teenage-lust all grown up in a sexy-man-slash-sea-dragon package, and I just want to eat him up! Reading the story through now, I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's sweet and sexy, and pretty dirty in parts. Karon and Gracie's subplot worked better than I could have possibly imagined! I enjoy subplot characters so much because they don't have to be nice. ;-) I'm giving this story a rating of 4 for a couple reasons- 1. because that's what most other reviewers and readers seem to be giving it, and 2. because I like each book in the series better than the one that came before! I need to leave room for improvement. Even though I knew what would happen, I really enjoyed reading Mere Temptation through again. Plus, this time of year, it was nice to take a mental vacation to the caribbean!

Reviewed by: Daisy Harris (Date: 11/28/2010)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 5 See all my reviews

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