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Reviews by Karly Maddison

Books written by
Karly Maddison

Love's Hiding Place (MF)   Time Slip (MF)  
3 Ratings
Avg - 4.67
The Ghosts' Release (MFM) by Simone Sinna (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre , Paranormal , Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

This contemporary story links Australia with the UK and is fast paced, keeping the reader moving along quickly. References to Wuthering Heights and smugglers passageways give it an almost gloomy historical atmosphere at times in keeping with the characters foremost challenges and clashes with sinister villains. You can almost feel the mist swirling up from the moor or the fog-filled streets as you read. But it’s not all bleak and mysterious. Who doesn’t love a wedding scene in the middle of a book, leading to a sizzling hot bondage scene in the bedroom - with some mind-link communication thrown in for good measure! The main storyline hinges on viral history and genetic tampering by the antagonists to conquer their enemies. However, the protagonists persist in their attempts to hamper such research and hopefully shatter an ancient curse - therefore destroying threats to their family lineage and longevity. Fortunately the authors occasional subtle touch of humor, expressed by the heroine and hero’s, buoys the reader along through some of the more dark and dangerous incidents within the story. Also, in this book the female shifter form was certainly different and intriguing from the usual, though readers of previous books in this series, will already be aware of this – and while the outcome looks dodgy toward the climax of this suspenseful story line, the reader is soon led to an end where the leading characters successfully conquer evil and finally cement their pre-destined love triad.

Reviewed by: Karly Maddison (Date: 04/04/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Simone Sinna

Karly Maddison >
Total reviews by Karly Maddison: 2

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Books written by
Karly Maddison

Love's Hiding Place (MF)   Time Slip (MF)  
21 Ratings
Avg - 4.52
Peaches 'n' Cream (MMMF) by Lynn Stark (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM , Menage a Trois/Quatre , Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Lynn Stark first came to my attention when she sent me an email expressing how much she loved my ebooks and mentioned she was preparing one herself. This book went on to be Peaches n Cream, of which she gave me a kind dedication in the front. (Thank you Lynn). I have to say this book is very HOT! In fact it nearly blew my socks off. The pace throughout is so smooth and the writing style is accomplished with colloquial charm(Why did we have to wait so long for Ms Stark to be published?). There was the odd occasion where I envied a line, such as "filling out ones life quilt" etc, and wished I'd come up with it myself. I'm not usually a reader of menage and it might be a rare day that I ever write one myself, but if you as a romance/erotic reader like easy reading books filled with plucky, spirited heroines and sexy, attentive heroes that are HOT HOT HOT, I recommend Peaches 'n Cream to you.

Reviewed by: Karly Maddison (Date: 11/04/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Peaches 'n' Cream (MMMF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lynn Stark

Karly Maddison >
Total reviews by Karly Maddison: 2

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