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Reviews by m_tyndall61

27 Ratings
Avg - 4.26
Two Sirs for Sasha (MFM) by Cooper McKenzie (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

I do enjoy Ms. McKenzie's characters in this series, and the sex is pretty darned hot. That being said, I do feel that this story could have been a little longer. It feels rushed near the end and while it is a happy ending, it's far from a great ending. I'm not giving anything away when I say the two Doms decide they want to keep Sasha forever. That's great, but they haven't exactly worked on her self-esteem issues. They magically solve every other issue she's faced on the last page with space for her fledgling catering service and connections to high society clients who will apparently make her business a smash hit. While this is sweet (if not a little rushed) it also doesn't help Sasha overcome her issues with an overbearing strict father. Sure she's removed from his presence and able to really get her dream business going, but she's never faced her father and "fought" for herself. Ms. McKenize tells us right away that Sasha is a woman who has been made into a virtual doormat by both her father and her abusive ex-husband. While the husband is gone, she is still under her father's thumb and is struggling to regain her confidence. What we see in the story is the beginnings of an awakening for Sasha, which is fine. I'd like to read more, see her gain more confidence, and I'd also like her to stand up to her father rather than rely on the men to solve her problems. I think a few extra chapters (or even an epilogue) depicting or summarizing Sasha opening her dream business, enjoying her sexy Doms and having it out with her father, would help. Whether this talk leads to a tentative truce or a break in their father/daughter relationship, Sasha would have finally stood up for herself and her own happiness. This would have made a more compelling end in my opinion. I say this only because I love to read these stories and become connected and invested in the characters. Because of this, I hate to see them short changed in any way. I want Sasha to thrive! Beyond that minor critic, this story falls nicely into the series with a few brief appearances from Jenna, Anthony, Jackson, Merlin and Taurus. It's a nice short story with some steamy sex scenes and a (quick) happy ending. What would make it better? More story for Sasha and her Doms :)

Reviewed by: m_tyndall61 (Date: 10/25/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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