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Reviews by AngelaW

Our Gravity (MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This book gutted me. This was book 63 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Bryce Butler is a Lawyer who works long hours he is also a Dom who doesn't have a boyfriend so his boss convinces him to attend the weekly munch to set fix him up. Dustin Poole is a realtor who moved from Miami he works with Lara she invites him to the munch to help him find a Dom. When these two hook up it is fast and hot they have good chemistry. Bryce wants kids some day although Dustin doesn't and he is ok with that. When Bryce's bestfriend Kira tells him that she left her boyfriend Shawn and is coming home he is happy when Dustin meets her he knows it's something she is not telling Bryce. When Kira comes home Bryce and Dustin are shocked turns out she is dying and she is having a baby she wants Bryce to raise it. This was a really good emotional read that reminded me of Leah, Kade and Seth and when Dustin talked with Seth I cried. Dustin wasn't sure about wanting to raise a baby and being a father but he loves Bryce and doesn't want to lose him. This book also bought up feelings in me about losing someone I was close to from cancer. These two had a really good group of friends that were willing to help them out. I also liked Kira she was so brave even though she didn't know if she would make it to see her baby born she knew she had to be strong for Bryce who was a life long friend. She saw how Bryce and Dustin looked at each other and knew they were in love. This was a really good book that I loved reading the emotions were real the sex scenes were hot Tymber did it again. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 03/01/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Our Gravity (MM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Heartache Spoken Here (MMM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was book 54 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Stuart moves to Florida from Iowa because he knows being out as gay and kinky won’t be possible around his family in Iowa. It’s a new start for him, and he’s already made a kinky friend online or so he thought. Jeff is going through the motions of life when he takes is classic car in to be fixed by Brooke she invites him to a demo that Leah is doing at the club and to dinner with the group. Brandon is raising his daughter with his ex wife he feels guilty for leaving her because he realized he is gay. Stuart after getting settled in his new job and his extended stay hotel he shows up at the club to surprise his online friend Albert only to be told he has been catfished. Brandon is introduced to Jeff by Brooke and her guys and when Cali calls Brandon into the office Stuart meets the man in the picture turns out it was Brandon and the person that catfished him was a woman who was taking pictures at a private party the woman was banned from the club and lost her Dom and her place to stay. Brandon feeling bad for what happened to Stuart he introduces him to Jeff who likes what he sees. The three of them begin to play together and date. Brandon is having problems with his ex and her new husband Pat so his daughter moves in with him fulltime. I liked how they agreed to take it slow as far as it comes to having sex. Stuart was a virgin sub Brandon is a Dom and Jeff is a switch. This was a really good story. I also liked Brandon's daughter Emma and when she thought that Brandon was cheating on Jeff with Stuart and how she was standing up for him. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. This book has a part two coming out soon and I can't wait to read it.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 07/12/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Heartache Spoken Here (MMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Any World That I'm Welcome To (MMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was a book 53 in the "Suncoast Society" and it was another tear jerker. Tasmin Mulder has two Dom's Neil Abbott who she lives with and he is gay and Dexter Lee who she is engaged to be married to. Neil who loves them both and in love with Dex. Tasmin also loves them both but she knows that she is not enough for Neil. Tasmin is a music teacher and play a lot of instruments and Dex is a paramedic Neil works at a bank. Tasmin and Neil don't have any family and they have made there own. Neil is a sadist and I liked when he punished her for ruining another tire on her car and messing up his gelato and she gets so hot that she attacks Dex when he gets home. When a drunk driver hits Tasmin and Dex while driving home they are both seriously injured. Dex has internal injuries as well as a broken leg Tasmin also has internal injuries and head trauma. Tasmin is put into a medically induced coma so her brain can heal. Neil who has the power of attorney for them both is beside himself he doesn't want to lose either of them. This was a good read I laughed and cried and I liked how the friends of the Suncoast Society came to help them by staying with Dex and Tasmin when Neil had to work. I didn't like Dex parents and either did anyone else. As time past and Tasmin is taken out of the medical coma she is in a dream like state and they are not sure if she will make it Dex and Neil grow closer and Neil whips Dex they grow even closer and begin to have sex and although Neil is worried that he used Dex because he already has feelings for him although Tasmin wanted to see them together. The two get married at first to protect Tasmin if something happens to him but Dex realizes that he has feelings for him. After nine months Tasmin wakes up and she realize that the world has moved on she is angry because of what happened to her and she is not sure how she feels when they tell her that they got married. This was a good read the sex between Neil and Dex was hot. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or sex. Ms. Dalton writes some really good BDSM scenes and I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 07/01/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

This Moody Bastard (MMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This was book 50 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Sean Cali and Max are having a party. Another kinky party. The couple who has been going back and fourth on the subject of having kids and they have decided to not have them so the guys got fixed. This book hit home for me personally because I couldn't have kids and had to have a hysterectomy and it was hard for me to read because I have always wanted to have my own kid. The book talked about Mal and Kel and Brita and Ethan and the shooting. In this book we also meet both exs the woman that hurt and used the guys Lydia and Shane who is Cali's ex that left her broke and homeless. The sex scenes in this book were hot like all of the scenes that Tymber writes. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 06/26/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: This Moody Bastard (MMF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Walk Between the Raindrops (MF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was a really good book and very emotional. We finally get a story about June and Mark aka Scrye. They met when they were in their teens in high school they were introduced by June's twin sister July. I thought their names were funny June and July were twins and they have an older sister name May. Mark fell in love with June from the first time that they met and would do anything to protect her. When July was killed by her boyfriend Matt for breaking up with him June had her back. Both of the girls were into gymnastics and were trying to make the Olympic team when she was killed. June tricked Matt into thinking that he killed the wrong sister he couldn't tell them apart like other could. June killed him and put his body in the river. This book went back and fourth between the future and the past with June covering her tracks she left all but one detail and Mark covered that he has waited almost thirty years for her to tell him what she did and when the body finally washed ashore she has to tell him. The story was told with June talking to Sully which was also the same way Loren or Ross told there story. June was the same person that shot and killed Betsy's ex in book 25 "Vicious Carousel". I love reading this series all of the friends are close and they are there to help each other like when Leo was in the car accident or when Eva went into labor or Mal and Kel lost their baby. I have been wanting to read June and Scrye story for awhile and we also finally get to learn how he got that nickname. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 06/26/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Fire in the Hole (MF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was book 48 in the " Suncoast Society" series. Lara who is Everett's ex wife dumped her fiancée Steve on the day of her divorce from Everett because first she didn't love him and two because he was being rude to Everett and Wylie Steve was homophobic so she dumped him. Lara now has a problem she has given notice on her apartment because she was moving in with Steve so now she has 3 days to find a new place. Brad and his son Mark who live across the street from the guys join them for dinner and Brad drives Lara home and the two begin to talk and realize that they like each other. Brad offers to rent Lara a room he also tells her that he is submissive in the bedroom and wants to get to know her. This was a really good book Lara knows that she has a dominate personality and she doesn't like to be told what to do. Lara and Brad it off and they agree to take it slow. I really liked how the guys helped Brad's son Mark when he told his father he was gay although he kind of thought so and supportive he was for Mark and his boyfriend Jacob. Mark was also very brave when he caught Wylie's ex Ralph when he broke into the guys house he lassoed him. When Lara's ex Steve continues to harass her they guys try to get her to learn to shoot she gets a baton and when Steve tries to attack her she beats him up with it and Mark pulls a shot gun on him. Lara becomes a Domme with the help of Tilly. The sex scenes in this book were good. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 04/17/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Fire in the Hole (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Happy Spank Patrick's Day (MF, MM, MMM, MMF, FF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This was book 47 in the "Suncoast Society" series and the gang is have another kinky party this time at Sean, Max and Cali are hosting it. Right before the party they learn that Mallory and Kel lost their baby and the couple is devastated their friends want to be there for them but they want sometime for themselves. I love reading this series but this book was a little hard for me to read I don't know if it was because of the last book I read or the subject matter. Cali decided that she doesn't want to have a baby she likes her life the way it is and the guys agree. The party had some hot sex scenes and I was sad that Tilly and her guys couldn't make it to this one. We did get a scene with Leanna and her slave wife Sharon and it was hot. Ben and Jake also did a scene that was funny at the end. Leah tied Justin up and when she was done his guys DP him it was hot and Rusty and June they are always hot we also got to meet a new couple Brita and Ethan and who are fiends of Bill and Gabe I am looking forward to read their book. This book was well written like all of Ms. Dalton's books with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 04/06/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Happy Spank Patrick's Day (MF, MM, MMM, MMF, FF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Similar to Rain (MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This was book 46 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Lee Evans has just suffered a traumatic injury that has forced him to retire from his kicking career in the NFL and to top it all off his wife of 2 years just filed for divorce because she is having an affair with his teammate. Lee has a secret he is gay and had a crush on his high school friend. Arlin Odom's life is at a stand still he is a gay Dom who has never got over the crush he had on Lee, but after high school they lost touch. When Lee contacts Arlin on facebook he goes to get him to help take care of him. I really felt bad for Arlin and his wife Tila was a real B*tch who leaves their injured husband he was so grateful for Arlin's help. This book introduces the first F/F couple Arlin's assistant Leanna and her wife Sharon with Leanna being a Domme they are member of Venture and know Tilly Leanna also asked her to play matchmaker and fix Arlin up. This book also took place at the same time as book 45 "Splendid Isolation" as both Arlin and Everett attended an orientation at Venture. When Arlin helps him take a shower Lee confuses his secret that he's gay and so does Arlin only he tells him that he is also kinky. This was a really good short quick read and because of Lee's injuries they have to take it slow. When Lee is injury free he gets a job with ESPN but it's not in Florida and although Arlin wants to tell him to stay he knows that Lee has to be willing to come to that decision on his own and he did. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling like the rest of the books in this series. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I hope Tymber will write about Leanna and Sharon.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 03/09/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Similar to Rain (MM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Splendid Isolation (MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was a really good book. This was book 45 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Wylie Young moved to Florida from Los Angeles CA. to get away from his abusive ex who was also his partner in his software company after he bought him out so he buys a homestead to prove to him that he can do it and to also prove to his dead mother that he can also. Everett Cannon has been separated from his wife Lara for two years after he admitted to her that he is gay and kinky. Everett is a skilled artisan metalworker and welder who met Logan at a ren fair when he bought a knife from him and wanted a custom pair of handcuff Everett also meets Leo and his pack at the fair and gets a job offer from him. When he goes out on a job he meets Wylie and the two don't get off on the right foot. Everett is dealing with the guilt of his failed marriage to Lara who turns out has some Dom in her. With Tilly playing matchmaker these two meet at a non-kinky party that Landry, Cris, and Tilly are having. I really like the group of friends in the Society Leo and his pack take Everett under there wing and turns out he knew Eliza and Rusty from the fairs. Everett wants to take it slow and date he is wants them to get to know each other. In the book we also get to meet Eve Everett's sister I really liked her and his ex Lara. When Landry hires Wylie to do some consulting for him he has to go to L.A. where he meets Doyle and Mevi Wylie talks to Doyle about the things that his ex did to him and how he treated him and he even comes face to face with the man Ralph. When Ralph shows up in Florida offering Wylie a job in which he turns him down he tries to blackmail him into taking it. This was a really good read the sex scene's in this book were hot. I also liked that Everett and Wylie were able to help Mark the 14 year old neighbor that helps Wylie on the homestead turns out he is gay and not sure how his father will take it. When Lara breaks up with her boyfriend at dinner Mark's father takes her home and the two of them start dating I can't wait to read there book. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 02/24/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Unexpected Pleasures (MMM)
Alex Carreras
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This was a short quick read that I liked. When Marcus Cahn catches his live in boyfriend Alan in bed with another man he leaves and goes to Virginia too his sister's house to start his life over again. At the gym he meets Rob Rodriquez one of the owner's of the gym they are both instantly attracted to each other. Turns out Rob is in a relationship with Paul the other owner of the gym and they are looking for a third. All of the character's in this book are hot and sexy. Although the other did give a little backstory on these three I felt that the book could have used more. I also liked Marcus sister Eve she wanted her brother to be happy when Marcus was having trouble with the idea of being with two men at once and when after he left in the middle of getting his groove back she decided that she needed to play matchmaker. The book also didn't give enough of them together. The sex scenes were ok but I wanted more. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading more of this author.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 02/19/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Alex Carreras
See all MER reviews for this author: Alex Carreras

Happy Valenkink's Day: A Reunion Story (MM, MMM, MF, MFM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This book 44 in the "Suncoast Society" series and the gang is having a party this time at Nick, Lucas and Leigh's house. Tilly is also babysitting the kids at her house with arts and crafts. One of my favorite couples was in attendances for the party Mevi and Doyle with a sexy scenes in the pool or hot tub that I liked. I also liked that Leah tested a new rigger with Seth being tied up. Leigh is worried because she keeps forgetting to take her pill and she is not sure if she is ready to have another baby with them being busy and not being able to be in public with Nick and she is not sure how they feel. Abbey and Gilo are also there with him wearing a cupids outfit including a diaper which everyone laughed at. Mevi who has been giving guitar lessons to Laurel who is Leo and Eva's daughter along with Darryl's son Kyle who is 14. With all that these kinky friends got there kink on. This was a good read I love reading this series. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 02/18/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Happy Valenkink's Day: A Reunion Story (MM, MMM, MF, MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Time Out of Mind (MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was a book 43 in the "Suncoast Society" and one of my favorite books in this series. Doyle Turner’s a psychologist specializing in addiction recovery and is a professional sober companion. He’s also a recovering alcoholic with over twenty years of sobriety. When he gets a call from Tilly asking him to meet with Clark who has a client that needs his help. Malcolm "Mevi" Maynard has lost everything his former manager stole millions of dollars from him so he hit the bottle. Mevi has to stay sober and get through the next tour or he is out of the band. Mevi also has another secret he's gay and has been hiding it for years. This was a really good book and from dealing with addiction and working with people who are recovering I think the author did a really good job it's hard staying sober under stress. With help of Tilly Mevi also discovers that he is a submissive and he wants to be Doyle's "Good Boy". Mevi also learned something's about his self wants he started submitting to Tilly he learned to open up about his past and he also learned to accept himself as he is. I also loved how Tilly helped Mevi's band get rid of the guy that wanted to replace Mevi Enrique who is blackmailing the drummer with a video of him getting a blow job. Tully is a true sadist she scared the shell out of him. I felt bad Bonnie the keyboard player told Doyle that her and Mevi were getting back together she is in love with him he used her for years. I also liked that the band accepted him. This was a good book and it took Tilly to get these two back together. This was a really good book it was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 02/05/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

A Kinkmas Carol (MMM, MFM, MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
This was book 40 in the "Suncoast Society " series. Seth and Leah are hosting a Xmas party. This book was also about Kaden and the people who knew and loved him and also how the group met. This book was emotional at times Seth is struggling and Kaden knew it was going to happen so he left more instructions with Leah and what to do. Each one of the friends thought that they saw Kade in the shadows even Leah and Seth. This was a really good book. I love reading about this group getting together although Tilly and her guys couldn't make it. The sex scenes were hot and I want to read more about June and her Master. I was also happy for Susie and her guys. I also felt a touch of sadness when Seth and Ross were talking about being in the same boat in regards to having kids. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 01/02/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: A Kinkmas Carol (MMM, MFM, MM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Home at Last (MM)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Spoiler Ahead This was a really good book. Ben Hodges became homeless when his Master and boyfriend Mort left him after stealing his identity and his money. Ben has been best friends and coworkers with Jake Murray for ten years Jake is a Dom. Jake ask Ben to move in with him he has an extra room. Jake who is in a bad relationship with Allison is bi although he has never told anyone. When he breaks up with her he starts realizing that Ben is a perfect sub and slave. Ben also realizes that he is in love with Jake but he doesn't trust himself after what happened in his last relationship so he ask Tilly for help. I love the friends in the Suncoast Society they always come to the rescue of their friends. This book has some really hot scenes Jake and Ben have their first scene at a play party and Tilly and her guys new house it was hot. Jake realized that he is in love with Ben and when he goes out on a date with another man he has to come clean and confess. I also liked how June and her Master had Ben and Jake's back. I wanted to slap Allison and Jake's parents for the way they acted. This was a really good book one of my favorite in the series. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I love reading Ms. Dalton's books and I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 12/14/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Rhymes with Orange (MMMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Spoiler Ahead This was book 35 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Danielle "Dani" Webb recently moved back to Florida with the help of her family after being in a car accident and leaving her live in Dom. Because of the car she lost her career as a performer. Ned "Coop" Cooper is a Dom and Hunter is his longtime slave he has a boyfriend Todd who is not a Dom. When Coop's girlfriend Bethany decides she wants to move in with him and he wants her to stop playing with Hunter he breaks up with her not in a bad way but he knows that she is not submissive and he told her before that she should call before coming over she was coming over on Hunter's time. Coop always consider himself straight although Hunter and Todd have told him that they would be interested in more. Coop meets Dani at a munch when her friend Mikayla and her Dom Carson. Dani and Hunter have a few things in common they both suffer from anxiety and she also has OCD. I could relate a lot to both of these character's as I too have anxiety and the more I stress the worse it gets. Hunter who is in the closet with his family about being gay and kinky his. Hunter works in the family business that he hates because his grandfather left him money that his father controls and with his 35 birthday coming up he is worried that his father will make him wait another five years. When Coop begins dating Dani Hunter feels that she will take him from him although Coop was very up front with her about Hunter and Todd. When Coop ask Dani to pretend to be Hunter's girlfriend around his family both of them are not sure it's going to work, but it does. This was a good book although other's in this series are better this book didn't have any crazy exs or anyone getting seriously hurt although Dani does have a medical scare with her heart. The sex scenes in this book are hot Tymber writes really good BDSM scenes. This book was well written like the rest of the books in this series. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. If you like reading BDSM with Dom's who are not a**whole than I recommend that you read this series each book can be read as standalones.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 08/05/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Switchy (MMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Spoiler Ahead This is book 34 in the "Suncoast Society" series. Em Woodland's parents moved in with her three years ago, and it wasn't her idea. Her mother's meddling has killed Em's love life. After her busybody mom calls the cops on the two new guys next door. Jarred and Garrison are still mourning the lost of there lover and owner Janis it's been thirteen months so when Jarred inherits the house next door to Em the guys see it as their new start. Turns out Em's mother is more than a busybody she is having a psychotic break down and wanting to run Em's life. Jarred and Garrison like Em a lot but they know that they have to take it slow she is not in the lifestyle. I also like Mitchell and Brent her bosses and they also like the guys and want the best for her. I also liked her dad he has let his wife run the show and he has had enough and is putting his foot down. After taking her to the doctor and finding that it's not physical they find out it's in the mind when she refuses to move out of Em's house and her brother and sister finally understand what Em has been going through. The sex scenes in this book weren't has good in this book as they are in other books by Tymber. Em did meet the group at Tony and Shayla's house although she already knew Chelbie from "Sapiosexual" but she didn't know the aspect of her relationship with Nick and Rich Hurst. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I love reading this series and can't wait to read the next book.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 07/22/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Liability (MMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Spoiler Ahead This was a really good book and one of my favorite in this series. Kim and Cole have been a couple for two years. Kim was married and her ex husband tore her down and created a rip with her and her parents. When Kim tells Cole that she wants to try BDSM he agrees they meet the members of the Suncoast Society. Mason Lange moved away from Florida for a job in Nebraska where he hooks up with a 23 year old guy Freddie when he moves back to Florida he breaks up with the him Mason is a Dom who missed the lifestyle he was friends with Kade and was there when Ventura first opened and he is glad to be back home. Mason makes friends with the new couple he knows he is gay and a sadist and agrees to help them. Cole realizes that he can't give Kim all that she needs so he ask Mason for help. This was a really good book and another heart breaker by Tymber. Mason's ex Freddie is stalking him he doesn't know when to let go although Mason has told him it was over and that he only wants to be friends. Mason knows that he is attracted to Cole and is surprised when Cole admits that he wants him but not as his sub but as his boyfriend. Freddie upset mason by showing up at his house and tries to kill him by running him over. I really loved how Tilly came to the rescue to help Kim and Cole get through it and how Cole stepped up and faced Mason's parents. This was a really good book with a lot of kinky sex scenes and there was so heart breaking one's as well. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I love reading this series each book can be read as stand alones or in order. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 07/19/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Liability (MMF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton

Crafty Bastards (MMF)
Tymber Dalton
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
This was a short quick read that I wished was longer. Cali Charleston's ex Shane took advantage of her she helped build his business and he left her homeless with no money. Cali is strong and independent and stubborn and masochistic and according to her not very submissive. Max Trendle and Sean Dennison have been together for over ten years started out first as roommates and then lovers. After Cali spend one night in her new apartment the build catches on fire leaving her homeless again. The guys really like her, but they have been hurt by a woman a Domme Lydia in the past. I love reading Tymber's books the sex scenes in this book were hot I also love reading about the people of the Suncoast Society the books can be read as stand alones. Max and Sean also make BDSM equipment and they want Cali to help them with their website. Max and Sean work to show Cali that they want her forever that a menage can work. I also like the fact that although Lydia tried to hurt them that it didn't work. I also like that Cali didn't want to take handouts from the guys that she wanted to pay her own way. This was a good book it was well written like all of Tymber's books with no errors in spelling or grammar. I am looking forward to reading more books in this series.
Reviewed by: AngelaW
(Date: 07/19/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 18 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this title: Crafty Bastards (MMF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton
See all MER reviews for this author: Tymber Dalton