The Dark Star has had Rovania aboard for nearly a year. Astrogator Cai and Captain Steele are delighted by their new friends and continue to support their integration into modern society. At the same time, War MORE...
When the long-extinct Rovania are found still alive, steps are taken to integrate them into the modern age. When the newly commissioned Space Corps Ship Dark Star reaches Earth to pick up crew, Astrogator Cai a MORE...
Astrogator Cai and Captain Nick Steele must race against time to discover where the alien Rels are going in such numbers. Once they realize where their enemies are heading, they face the even more daunting pros MORE...
Something’s afoot. Every Owl-class frigate in the fleet has been summoned to Hevetich, including Laughing Owl. Astrogator Cai and Captain Steele arrive prepared for anything, but they don’t expect the mission A MORE...
With their ship disguised as a tramp freighter, Captain Nick Steele, Astrogator Cai and the crew of Laughing Owl serve as bait to catch a pirate preying on the ships traveling the silk road. Their orders are to MORE...
Captain Nick Steele discovers that being married to an Astrogator isn’t as easy as he’d thought it would be. Not that Astrogator Cai was an issue, for they remained deeply, passionately in love with one another MORE...
When war breaks out, the Laughing Owl is sent on a mission to discover, if they can, the system of origin of their mysterious rolling adversary.
Dying of boredom while waiting for something to happen, Captain MORE...
With their maiden voyage behind them, the crew of the Laughing Owl is sent on a mission to ferry scientists to an odd planet where, according to reports, Santa Claus has been sighted, flying high in a sleigh pu MORE...
Captain Nick Steele is young to be in command of a starship, and his Astrogator, Cai, is fresh from the Guild Halls himself, which is not how things are supposed to be done. It’s bad enough that they’re both we MORE...
Two young men travel separate paths toward their destinies. As one claws his way out of the deep hell that is his life toward something better, the other spirals down from the heights of luxury toward madness. MORE...