The Silk Rope Masters

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They ooze power, control, natural dominance—and sex. They are The Silk Rope Masters. None have ever found love but watch out. When they fall, they'll fall fast and hard. Fifty-one-year-old Sophie MORE...
Jake (MF)
1 ratings
They ooze power, control, natural dominance—and sex. They are The Silk Rope Masters. None have ever found love, but watch out! When they fall, they'll fall fast and hard. Jake Nichols, 53, is so tall that Em MORE...
Steven (MF)
3 ratings
They ooze power, control, natural dominance—and sex. They are The Silk Rope Masters. None have ever found love, but watch out. When they fall, they'll fall fast and hard. When fifty-two-year-old Avril Th MORE...
Kaden (MF)
0 ratings
Even at 55, Kaden Turner’s the ‘class clown’ of Silk Rope. He’s never been serious about anything in his life except his ‘51 Chrysler Windsor, his ‘49 Caddy—and Ki MORE...
Nico (MF)
1 ratings
They ooze power, control, natural dominance—and sex. They are The Silk Rope Masters.  None have ever found love but watch out! When they fall, they'll fall fast and hard! Master Nico Morelli, MORE...