Earth is a cesspool of poverty and disease ruled over by one government, the World Leadership Organization, known as WLO. They will do anything to protect the wealthy, including sanction and fund the Institute& MORE...
Forty-Five remembers much of her past. As a crippled child living out on the streets, her chances of survival are zero, until Schultz and Schmidt kidnap her. They save her life and make her body whole.
But s MORE...
Thirty-three has no past—at least none that she can remember. Raised by the Institute from infancy she has been through hell and back due to a training incident that took her limbs and almost killed her.
Paire MORE...
Twelve knows only one life—the Institute. As part of an elite group of assassins, she is trained to kill and follow orders. Her lifelong dream is of freedom, and she would risk everything to make it come true.
Twenty-four is a highly trained killer, a cyborg that owes her life to the Institute. Her orders? Destroy the rebel cell on the planet Brevona. But she has a personal mission of her own and will stop at nothing MORE...
Seventeen knew no other existence but the Institute and its training program. Trained as an assassin since she was a toddler, she must now face the ultimate test—locate the traitors, Two and Four, and extermina MORE...
Two is an eliminator, a trained assassin. She has one mission—enter the portal, eliminate a rogue general, then activate her microchip to wipe her memory. But she knows a secret that would rock the foundations MORE...