Working together, Raz, Michaela, and Morgan seek to make Dodger immortal, but they’ll need to offer up a sacrifice. Morgan finds the perfect person, someone who is both a junkie and a Mystalic who is immu MORE...
No man lives forever, and Dodger realizes he is no exception to that rule. Not wanting the good he’s done to die with him, he takes on a protégé, Zeke, who will carry on the work of the Yest MORE...
Look, but don’t touch….
Combine an ancient tome, a potion, and a mage, and what do you get? A journey back in time, and the secret dream of every historian ever born. Of course there is the usua MORE...
Earth begins to heal with the passage of time. It starts with the land, different than the last time, when life began in the sea. Shadow’s twins, Morgan and Michaela, have come a long way, but their paths MORE...
Shadow and her children are in grave danger just by existing. Purebred elves fear she may be the one who will destroy the purity of their race. A contract is put out for them. How many will die so Shadow and he MORE...
Shadow finds herself a single mother, although not by choice, due to Ghost’s absence. Walking the thin line between love and hate, Shadow vows that if—or when—Ghost returns, she will make him MORE...
Since Jasarah arrived in Denver, her life has taken her to places she never imagined were within her reach. Now she lives under the alias Shadow with her true love, Ghost. He brings out the best in her, includi MORE...
Imagine a drug that creates a false reality in the mind of its user... then imagine that the drug’s creator is the government itself. Scientists and politicians combine to unleash untold devastation upon MORE...
Time is never on your side...
Man’s thirst for knowledge has always been unquenchable. The more he learns, the more he wishes to know, often forging ahead without caution or forethought. Just as a ho MORE...