Sex in the City - New York Volume One

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 20,400
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Travel on a journey to new places and sexual experiences with the Sex in the City series of destination erotica from Xcite Books. Each volume contains three stories that take you to the heart and soul of the city, its places, people and lovers.

Volume One Introduction Maxim Jakubowski Gotham Sex - Donna George Storey A Washington Square Romance - Maxim Jakubowsi Cell Mates - Polly Frost

The SEX IN THE CITY series is devoted to the unique attraction that major cities worldwide provide to lovers of all things erotic. Famous places and monuments, legendary streets and avenues, unforgettable landmarks all conjugate with our memories of loves past and present, requited and unrequited, to form a map of the heart like no other. Brief encounters, long-lasting affairs and relationships, the glimpse of a face, of hidden flesh, eyes in a crowd, everything about cities can be sexy, naughty, provocative, dangerous and exciting. Cities are not just about monuments and museums and iconic places, they are also about people at love and play in unique surroundings. With this in mind, these anthologies of erotica will imaginatively explore the secret stories of famous cities and bring them to life, by unveiling passion and love, lust and sadness, glittering flesh and sexual temptation, the art of love and a unique sense of place. And we thought it would be a good idea to invite some of the best writers not only of erotica, but also from the mainstream and even the crime and mystery field, to offer us specially written new stories about the hidden side of some of our favourite cities, to reveal what happens behind closed doors (and sometimes even in public). And they have delivered in trumps. The stories you are about to read cover the whole spectrum from young love to forbidden love and every sexual variation in between. Funny, harrowing, touching, sad, joyful, every human emotion is present and how could it not be when sex and the delights of love are evoked so skilfully?

Sex in the City - New York Volume One
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Sex in the City - New York Volume One

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 20,400
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Whenever anyone claims Bill Clinton ‘took advantage’ of young Monica Lewinsky, I remember how I stood in Joel’s bedroom door in his bathrobe and demanded with all the indignation an ambitious eighteen-year-old girl can muster, ‘Damn you, why won’t you fuck me? What are you afraid of?’
Joel’s head jerked back into the pillow as if I’d slapped him. Then his eyes narrowed and flashed with a steely light.
‘Close the door.’
Suddenly the room was noticeably chillier. Even his voice was different; deeper, implacable. It was my turn to start in surprise. My pussy tightened in an almost painful spasm.
I closed the door.
‘Take off your robe.’
I undid the belt with quivering fingers. The terrycloth fell to the floor and puddled around my ankles.
‘Come over here.’
Cheeks burning, I shuffled over to the bed.
‘Do you want me to fuck you? Is that what you want?’
‘Yes.’ How could I be so afraid, yet like it so much?
‘Get into bed.’
This time there was no nostalgic hesitation in Joel’s hands. He touched my flesh as if he owned it, tweaking my nipples, testing my slit to see how ready I was.
‘You are a wet, horny little bitch, aren’t you?’
I flinched at the words, but couldn’t deny it.
‘I want to suck your cock,’ I whispered, not sure if this would put me back in control or lead me deeper into this intoxicating new state of submission.
‘Go ahead and suck it then,’ he said, his icy tone unaltered.
I scooted down and straddled his knees, noting how pale his sturdy thighs were under the dark, wiry hair. I imagined them hidden away in his dark suits as he talked with clients, did all those mysterious things important men did. I felt another stab of lust in my belly. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and stretched my lips over the glans. I sensed his eyes gazing down at me from above, like the lights glowing down from skyscraper windows. I began to move, taking him as far into my mouth as I could, fighting the gag reflex to show him I could do it. Joel merely watched me in silence. I pumped faster, hoping to make him arch up and moan. Instead his hand came to rest on my hair.
‘That’s good,’ he said, ‘but I want to do something else now.’
Licking my swollen lips, I waited for instructions.

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