The Dommes of Ballingal: Kristin (MF)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 21,775
1 Ratings (5.0)
[Siren Allure: Erotic Paranormal Consensual BDSM Romance, wax play, HEA]
Kristin McCrory would never in a million years have thought her ex-husband would show up on Ballingal and profess his need to sub for her. Flynn is the ultimate stubborn Alpha male, and his refusal to even discuss her need to be in charge had already cost them their marriage. That, and his apparent need to seek out the most dangerous place to report on in his work as a television documentary reporter.
However, the Flynn she knew is not the Flynn who stands before her now. This Flynn is a broken man and she can’t just turn him away. As an Empath and mind reader, Kristin can sense his emotional and physical pain. It means Kristin feels even more drawn to the man she loves, and their connection is as strong as ever.
Love is worth fighting for after all, and Flynn finds new strength in his submission.
Note: This book contains a heroine who is a domme.
A Siren Erotic Romance
The Dommes of Ballingal: Kristin (MF)
1 Ratings (5.0)

The Dommes of Ballingal: Kristin (MF)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 21,775
1 Ratings (5.0)
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Cover Art by Christine Kirchoff
Kristen walked away from her marriage emotionally scarred. She’s the ultimate Domme and requires submission from the men she’s with.

Flynn is alpha to the core and couldn’t and wouldn’t submit to Kristen, or anyone for that matter.

When Flynn arrives on Ballingal asking to be Kristen’s sub she is shocked to the core. But she realizes quickly he isn’t the same man she knew. In order for this to work he needs to be honest with her and tell her all his secrets. Will they be able to move forward? Will they find love again?

It’s rare for me to read a book where the lead heroine is a strong person and isn’t a doormat. It’s not surprising that Raven could bring me a heroine, a Domme, who I love. Not all books with a Domme are alike and not all are great and well written. That is one of the make reasons why I love this book.




“Bring those, please.” She didn’t wait to see if he would do as she said, but turned her back on him and began to walk like a ship in full sail back up the path toward the cluster of stone buildings a few hundred yards up the hill. The dozen or so other visitors scattered in various directions as Flynn slung his bag over his shoulders, picked up the boxes, and walked three strides behind her.

Is this welcome to a sub’s paradise? Fuck that for a game of soldiers, or subs. I might say I’ll sub, but there’s subbing and subbing.

“There isn’t, you know.” Kristin had stopped and turned toward him. Flynn missed bumping into her by inches.

“Eh?” He rocked back on his heels and held on to the boxes for grim death. It wouldn’t be a very auspicious start to drop them.

“There’s just subbing where I’m concerned. One way.” She paused and ran one long pillar-box-red fingernail over his cheek. “My way.” She turned and carried on walking.

Flynn shook his head. Either he’d been talking out loud or she was a mind reader. Hadn’t he discovered in his research that really there were as many ways of kink as there were people?

“Mind reader,” Kristin called over her shoulder. “And I’m not other people.”

Fuck, and if you’re reading this be warned, Mrs. McCrory. Sub to you I may be, doormat I won’t.

There was no answer. So it was selective thought reading then?

“No, I chose not to answer.” Kristin stopped outside a bright yellow door, with baskets of spring flowers on either side of the porch. “You’ll submit to me and in my way, or you won’t, Flynn. The choice is yours. We’ll discuss it later. Here’s Nicole’s place.”

He blinked and raised his eyebrows. What was he supposed to say to that? “Very nice.”

Kristin dropped the post sack a few inches from his toes. He was glad he had sturdy shoes on, and he didn’t flinch.

“I hope you think so. It’s the bed and breakfast—guest house. Where, I assume you have a booking?”

Flynn shook his head. He loved the way her eyes glittered, and her fingers twitched. Green eyes, red hair, and a temper to match. Oh so stereotypical, and great fun to light the flare and watch the sparks fly. He was adept, or he amended to himself, had been, adept at ducking.

“A very nice lady called Justine told me it was full and I’d be stopping with you.”

Her mouth dropped open and Flynn grinned. It wasn’t often he had ever been able to surprise her. “Didn’t you know?” he asked in as innocent a voice as he could muster.

“No I did not.”

If she could conjure up frost, he reckoned he’d have frostbite, or icicles on his dick.

“And you are not stopping with me.”

Flynn put the boxes down, very carefully. He felt as if he was about to walk on eggshells. “I’ve paid my dues, surely? Three years I’ve given us. Now I’m ready.”

“You’ve given us?” Her tone was incredulous and her dark eyebrows disappeared under the carroty red fringe of her hair. The two colors should have seemed incongruous, but Flynn hardly noticed. She’d dyed her eyebrows and eyelashes ever since he’d met her.

Given us?” Her voice rose. “Get real and open your tight little mind, Flynn. You’ve given me fuck all, except heartache. I vowed when you walked away I wouldn’t cry one single sodding tear. And you know?” She poked him in the chest. The look in her eyes made it clear she would have preferred to use a knife, not her finger. “I didn’t. Not one.”

A lump wedged in Flynn’s throat. She hadn’t been upset? He’d gone on a misery-fest for a month, and eventually been dragged out of his bed by his Director. Was it all a mistake? Should he turn round and sit on the jetty until the boat came back? No, no not that. I need her.

“You know why, Flynn?” She poked him once more, and the pain hit his heart and shattered it into tiny pieces of guilt.

He shook his head, scared if he spoke his voice would break as well as his heart.

“I’ll tell you then, shall I? Because I shed fucking millions, that’s why. I was a mess, and if it hadn’t been for Justine, god knows where I’d be now.”

It might be horrible news, and he did feel awful, but deep inside, Flynn had a tiny glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, something could rise out of the ashes of their relationship?

Flynn swallowed. “You’re—” He cleared his throat to try and make his cotton wool tongue work. “You’re too strong to do anything silly.”

She curtsied mockingly. “I’m glad you realize that, Flynn. Because if you’re serious about subbing to me, we’ve got a lot to talk about.”




“Up the stairs, third left. Don’t go to the third right unless you want your lessons to start with a vengeance.” Would he understand the inference?

His eyes narrowed and he nodded, before he held his hand out to her. Kristin took it and they walked side-by-side up the stairs to the room she indicated. Flynn turned the handle and stood back. “After you, My Lady.”

She nodded. “This time. Another time, if there is one, it may be different.”

He dipped his head in acknowledgement. “Of course. This time though, after you, and stand by the bed.”

Kristin walked past him and did as he’d asked. It was a strange feeling. She’d wanted to play like this. However, she’d never found someone she trusted enough to do so with. Always she’d stayed in her Domme and dominant mode. This was different. A side of her she’d never dare show to anyone before. Of course when she’d lived with Flynn, before she outed herself and everything went pear-shaped they’d made love and he’d taken charge, but this was different. When she had time, she'd take a long, hard, deep look at why she felt able to let go, now.

He didn’t speak as he walked up to her and cupped her face in his hands. She noticed they shook a little as he stroked her cheeks with his fingers. “I’ve wanted to be able to do this for so long, My Lady. I’ve dreamed of you. Felt your skin next to mine, experienced your lips touching me, and enjoyed your hands caressing me as you held me close. And then, then I woke up. Empty and alone.” He drew his hands down her face and onto her shoulders, before he swept her hair to one side and caressed her neck. “I’ve imagined touching you here.” He kissed the nape of her neck. Kristin’s senses went into high alert clit-clenching pussy spasms within seconds. “And here.” He kissed his way downward, toward the low V of her top and ever lower until he sucked oh so sweetly on the soft swell of her breast.

She moaned and he chuckled. “Like that, My Lady? How about this.” He pushed the sleeves of her top, and her bra straps over her shoulders and down far enough to pinion her arms to her sides.

So often she’d done that to a sub—although it was more likely to be with a belt or a special tie—but not since they’d been together had she experienced that feeling of “he can do what he wants and I’ll let him.”

Flynn trailed his fingers over her shoulders, around her neck and up and down each inch of exposed arm. It tickled and she squirmed. He raised one eyebrow and grinned. “Teasing is such sweet anticipation, My Lady. Where will he touch next? How will he? Can I bear it?”

Kristin made a noise halfway between a sob and a sigh. Her thighs were more than damp, and her nipples hurt as they pushed hard against the confines of her lacy bra. Her mind was befuddled and every sense honed in on her lover, his scent, his presence, and his touch.

My lover.

His teeth grazed her areolae and she stopped even befuddled thoughts and sank into his touch. His breath was warm on her skin, and he drew back and blew over her nipple. It puckered and tightened.

“Oh yes.” Flynn’s voice was deep and gruff with arousal. “Shit, if I don’t get us both horizontal fast, it’ll be too late. One sec.” He fumbled with the zip at her waist, and caught the material in it. “Fuck and bugger. Oh well I’ll buy you a new one.”

Through eyes still fogged with desire, and before she gathered her wits properly, Kristin watched as Flynn took hold of the sides of the zip and pulled firmly. The noise of tearing cotton sounded loud and violent in the room, and she jumped. Then she looked down at the remains of her skirt as it pooled around her ankles, and laughed.

“Ah well, it was about ready for the rag bag anyway.”

“How to spoil the skirt, eh?” Flynn shook his head in mock dismay. His eyes were once more dark with desire, and dangerous silver sparks danced in their depths. “And the moment? Now where were we? Ah, yes, trying to get naked and on the bed.”

“You’re dressed.” Kristin pointed out. “And I’m only almost naked.”

“Almost won’t be for long,” Flynn said. “And, My Lady, you told me to take charge.” His voice was too innocent. “I’m only doing as my lady instructed. After all, I don’t suppose it will happen often.”

 Nor did she, but somehow, Kristin knew this time it had to be so. He slid her well-damp thong down her legs, and she lifted each foot in turn to help him remove it. Flynn lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Ah, My Lady. You’re so wet for me. The scent of your arousal is so fucking intoxicating it makes me as hard as nails. I’m almost coming in my jeans like a randy school kid.”

Her face heated and she reckoned it would be the color of her hair. Basic lust, love and honesty in three short sentences. Her juices increase and coated the top of her thighs. Flynn helped her onto the bed and she wriggled, and pressed her legs together to get a little bit more friction. She needed to come, to let herself go and fly. Of course he saw her actions and tapped her mound, just hard enough to sting.

“You’re altogether too Dom-like for a sub,” Kristin said, half seriously. His face froze, and she could have kicked herself. What a stupid thing to say. “And as I’ve handed our play session to you, balach, may I say you’re doing superbly. Just as your lady demanded,” she added hastily. “I love it.”

“This time,” Flynn said, his expression still wary.

“This time,” she agreed. She wished she could reach out and touch him. To reassure him that this was what she wanted but she judged to say any more would be too much. She’d just have to hope she could put his mind at rest in other ways. Kristin lifted her hips from the bed, clenched her butt and pussy muscles and wriggled her ass in the air.

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