What I Want

Cobblestone Press LLC

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 6,000
1 Ratings (3.0)

Katherine Krieg has been friends with Jason Shepherd for years. He was her late husband's best friend, and became the one person she could lean on after her husband's untimely death.

Jason has loved Kathy ever since the first moment he laid eyes on her. He’s bided his time, waiting until she was ready for another relationship before telling her exactly what he wants and exactly how he wants it.

He’s shocked her with his bawdy talk, but Kathy cannot deny her own desires. It isn’t long before lust overtakes propriety and they both go up in flames.

What I Want
1 Ratings (3.0)

What I Want

Cobblestone Press LLC

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 6,000
1 Ratings (3.0)
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Forest Ridge, Colorado, 1879

“I want to kiss you until you can barely breathe. I want to lick you up, down, and sideways, until I’m covered in your scent. I want you to scream my name when I come inside you. That answer your question?”

Katherine Krieg stared at Jason Shepherd with her mouth wide open. He’d shocked her beyond speech. She’d never thought he’d be so blunt, and it didn’t help matters any that he’d cornered her in the barn in an empty stall.

She’d come out here to tell him dinner was ready, only to find him shirtless and sweaty, pitching straw with a vengeance. When she’d turned to leave, he’d grabbed her arm, dragging her into the stall. Katherine vowed then and there never to ask another man what he wanted again.

Swallowing hard, she attempted to speak, but nothing more than a squawk escaped her mouth. She licked her lips and tried once more. “You…you shouldn’t talk to me so.”

“Why not? We’re both adults. You think I climbed this mountain for my health?”

Katherine had a hard time holding his piercing brown gaze. His eyes were so dark and expressive, she could usually read his moods. Apparently, in all the times he’d visited her, she hadn’t read his lust. Now that she knew what drove his thoughts, her nipples stood at attention, chafing behind her blouse, aching for his touch.

“I th-thought you climbed the m-mountain to help me.”

Jason shook his head slowly and with such intensity, her entire body trembled in response. He was handsome man who could have his pick of any of the available ladies in Forest Ridge, and yet he had chosen to make the trek to the top of Alder Mountain twice, sometimes three times a week. He’d chopped her wood, exercised her two horses, milked her cow, and even offered to help her with light housework.

Truth be told, Katherine enjoyed his visits. Every time she saw his black gelding approaching from the south, her heart hammered. He had a way of making her blush all the time, telling her she looked nice in blue, or that she should wear her hair down more often, but never once had he been as bold as he was being right now.

“It’s been more than a year, Kathy.” His deep voice rolled over her like water. “I miss Richard just as much as you do, but he’s gone now. It’s just you and me up here. You’ve made me plenty of dinners, and I’ve stayed late plenty of times. But tonight, I want to spend the night. In bed. With you.”

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