Apparition (MM)

Hot Flash


Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 2,493
0 Ratings (0.0)

Two college students, Drew and Zach, have had a long distance relationship for quite some time, as they go to different schools. It isn't really a problem as they always connect through video calls or online.

One night, however, Drew can sense Zach's presence, as if his boyfriend is really there with him. The sensation soon disappears, though. Has something bad happened to Zach?

Apparition (MM)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Apparition (MM)

Hot Flash


Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 2,493
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

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"Hey, Richards! You come with us tonight?" Someone rapped at Drew's door and yelled. That must be his classmate staying next door who kept trying to get him to come to the Halloween party at Phi Theta Gamma. In a way, he reminded Drew of Zach, his boyfriend -- always making sure he was taken care of. Drew hated to be babied but he just couldn't seem to stop them.

Drew missed Zach so much. Here he was at Ohio State, while Zach was over at MIT. They didn't dare hope Zach would manage to get in when he'd almost failed to graduate, but Zach was a genius. He could get anything he wanted when he set his heart on it. Like when he'd wanted Drew and, yeah, he got him. Drew felt his cheeks burning. He still blushed whenever his mind wandered to the time they first fucked. It'd been almost a year, but he still felt as if it were yesterday.

So, to answer his friend's question, no, Drew was not going. He had no interest in that, no interest in parties in general. In fact, not having Zach around meant parties had no redeeming value whatsoever. Still, that jerk was not going to be satisfied until he got his answer.

"No, dude, I'm not coming," Drew yelled after the guy rained down on his door with another string of knocking. "I told you a week ago."

His friend cried out in disappointment and Drew couldn't help but giggle.

"Fuck you, Richards."

"Yeah, you wish."

The man went on his way and Drew went to the shower. He'd planned his night alone with Zach on Skype. He couldn't think of anything better than that when his boyfriend was away. Sometimes cam sex could be better than the real thing. Well, by ten percent or less. And Drew loved to make sure he'd cleaned up when he was meeting Zach. Even in cyberspace.

Drew stripped and turned on the water, checking the temperature. Perfect. He stepped in and let the water run down his hair and his eyes. He rubbed himself down, and had another jet of water wash his body. Drew thought of the times Zach joined him in the shower.

And suddenly he felt it. Zach patted Drew's backside and draped both arms around his damp, naked midriff. Drew sucked in a breath. What's going on?

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