Carter's Tryck (MM)

Brac Pack 17

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 27,885
173 Ratings (4.6)

[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, werewolves, light Consensual BDSM, sex toys]

Tryck Santiago is a wolf shifter who loves riding his motorcycle, hanging with his brothers, and giving Alpha Maverick Brac a hard time. His motto has always been “if you can’t fix it, burn it down.” But what will happen when his toughness can’t fix his mate’s problems? And what’s with all the tears?

Carter Santharian is a tall, slim Wood Elf. He’s also graceful and quick-witted, so what was fate thinking when mating him to Biker Bob? The man’s choice of clothes was blue or black, and the yellow bandana on his head reminds Carter only that two opposites may not attract.

Carter has to fight to make his own way in a world of shifters, and he now finds himself in love with a mate who refuses to show any affection in public. Can he get Tryck to show his more tender side, or will Carter tire of the struggle and shimmer away?


Note: Each book in Lynn Hagen's Brac Pack collection focuses on a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, we recommend reading the series in sequential order.

A Siren Erotic Romance

Lynn Hagen is a Siren-exclusive author.


Carter's Tryck (MM)
173 Ratings (4.6)

Carter's Tryck (MM)

Brac Pack 17

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 27,885
173 Ratings (4.6)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Jinger Heaston
Tryck was a little gruff for my taste, but by the end of the book I was so in love with Carter and Tryck.This was another great addition to the series. I am so in love with all the Brac pack warriors.
What can I say? I stalk the websites looking for these books. I cannot wait to get them. I am an addict and this did not let me down. People love the mates, but I love the warriors. Can you say HOT? I devour these books and I hate reading about illeagel downloads. BOOO!!! The real fans know you and your team work very hard to publish and make a living. Here's a big fan waiting for more hot M/M Wolf lovin'!
Professional Reviews

4 NYMPHS: "Carter's Tryck is the seventeenth addition to the Brac Pack series and the first book about the Santiago brothers. Tryck is the oldest and as such, carries all the attitude and sense of responsibility the position requires. He is also very much a prankster, which is evident by his interactions with Maverick. Carter is a Wood Elf, whose people are at war. Looking for refuge, Carter asks Maverick for sanctuary for his people. It is at this time that Carter and Tryck meet, much to Maverick's delight. Unfortunately, the wolf does not make a good first impression and Carter's shimmering out is totally understandable, given the way Tryck behaved. As fans of the series know, the fates have a habit of giving the wolves mates in need of help and Carter is no exception. The two men mesh well together and the author brings their passion and need for each other out wonderfully. I loved the way Carter kept referring to Tryck as Biker Bob, as well as the way Tryck fell so heavily for the wood elf. But, as can be expected, the two men soon run into problems, as both old and new enemies rear their heads. During the course of this story, the author continued to mix just the right amount of romance and action in order to keep the readers attention. I am sure Carter's Tryck will find its way to many keeper shelves, as it leaves the reader wanting to learn more about the Santiago's." -- Critter Nymph, Literary Nymphs Reviews

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Tryck then reached under the pillow, pulling a bottle of lube free. “Planning your attack all along?” Carter chuckled nervously.

, you are mine.”

Carter watched Tryck’s hands, watched as one unsnapped the cap and poured the clear liquid into the other. He licked his dry lips, watching as the slicked hand disappeared, and then his ass cheeks parted. Carter was thrown into a world of sensation alien to him.

The wetted fingers circled around and around his aching hole, a slight pressure, and then circled again. He wasn’t going to panic, no, he could do this. His hands gripped the arm that was across his chest tighter, his nails digging in as a finger breached him.

Carter’s head swam with the foreign sensation, his body responding in ways to Tryck that Carter never thought it would. His head thrashed in Tryck's arms, as he cried out from the overwhelming sensation.

“Relax.”  Tryck nipped his ear then kissed the sting away. Tryck licked his way down Carter’s neck, making his skin buzz with excitement. So this is what it’s like. He wished he hadn't waited so long, had been too scared to experience it before. If what Tryck was doing to him was anything to go by, Carter would never get enough.

Carter relaxed his ass muscle, unclenching his cheeks. He took a deep breath then nodded. That slight burn had turned into an unparalleled pleasure that he wanted more of.

Tryck moved the finger around, pushing a second one in. It felt odd, foreign, until Tryck did something back there, and Carter shouted. He wiggled around, humping air as electricity shot through his body. His whole being seemed to jerk as the sensations crashed through him.

“You like?” Tryck asked in that seductive voice that made Carter melt. It was guttural and seductive, making him want to hear it again.

All Carter could do was nod, his lips parted, panting as the sensations threatened to steal his very breath. Tryck did it again, and Carter came apart at the hinges. He pushed back, fucking his mate’s fingers as he moaned. He pushed his ass back over and over again, unable to get enough of Tryck, enough of his mate’s touch.

Carter became fuller. Tryck slid a third finger in, stretching him as he made the electricity shot through his body once again.

“Tryck,” Carter whimpered, his body coming alive for the very first time. He cried out in rising demand as Tryck fingers delved harder into Carter’s hole.

“I have you, gatito.” Tryck pushed his fingers deeper, scissoring them, and then pulled them free. “Now I will claim you.”

Tryck was losing his mind to lust. Carter was hot and ready for him, coming unglued in his arms. His mate moaned his name and Tyrck chest tightened. He was panting in his arms, ready to give Tryck his body.

The need to roll his mate over and thrust deep was trying to overtake him. He knew he couldn’t. Carter was a virgin, and special care had to be given. He lined his cock up, slowly pushing the head past the barrier of muscles, and then stilled to allow his mate adjustment.

He rubbed Carter’s stomach. Once the muscles in his mate’s abdomen relaxed, he pushed further in. Tryck fisted Carter’s shaft, squeezing gently as he made his ascension deep within his mate’s tight channel. When he bottomed out, he stilled once again, waiting for Carter to tell him when he could move.

Ten misericordia de mí,” Tryck murmured against Carter’s neck. “Have mercy on me.” Tryck blanketed his mate’s back, sliding his hands up Carter’s arms, pushing them above his head and locking his hands around his mate’s wrists, securing him in place. Carter tugged, as if to test his boundaries.

“May I move?” Tryck fought the primitive instincts to mount his submissive and take what was his. Carter had to tell him he was ready, even if it meant losing his mind.

“Okay.” Carter nodded into the pillow. Tryck kicked Carter’s legs up with his knees, and his mate’s ass rose higher into the air. He tangled his ankles around Carter’s, securing him in place. Tryck kissed along his shoulder blades, brushing Carter’s golden hair aside with his lips.

Tryck drove his hips forward, burying his cock into Carter’s warm sheath. His mate whimpered below him, raising his ass higher for Tryck to take. “Come for me, gatito.”

“I–I can’t. Help me,” Carter cried.

Tryck released one of Carter’s wrists. “Do not move your arm,” he instructed as he reached below his mate and grabbed his pulsating cock. Fantasies of tying Carter up played through his mind. Captivating images of leather wrapped around his delicate wrists, binding him for Tryck’s own pleasure, was nearly his undoing.

He pumped Carter’s cock, slamming into him rapidly at the same time. Carnal lust and desire flooded him systemically. It started at his toes and rocketed through his body like an orb sphere of static electricity. His blood was on fire.

“Tryck.” Carter bowed his back, his body quivering as he mewled and panted. “Make me come.”

, come for me.” Tryck bit into Carter’s shoulder, unable to stop himself. The whole room turned red from his shifting eyes as Tryck pistoned into Carter.

He raised his head. “Do you accept me as your mate, Carter?”

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