Dangerous Flirtations (MFM)

The Callens 4

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 46,599
15 Ratings (4.1)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, spanking, sex toys, HEA]

Hot architectural designer and new employee Tracey Redman hits it off with her hunky construction manager, Colby Stone, because he, too, shares her passion for mountain biking. His powerful legs, excessive stamina, and total fitness level light a flame inside her. His naturally accepting and warm nature opens her heart to the possibility of loving again.

When the innovative company owner, Dustin Callen, asks her to spend a few days at a green conference, she's captivated by his business prowess, his adventurous spirit, and his unique ability to listen. The chemistry between them ignites. Now she's unsure how to handle falling for two men.

When she learns that Colby is an ex-con, she freaks. As much as she yearns for him and loves the person he's become, he's forbidden fruit as far as her family is concerned. How can she be in a ménage relationship without alienating her parents?

A Siren Erotic Romance


Melody Snow Monroe is a Siren-exclusive author.

Dangerous Flirtations (MFM)
15 Ratings (4.1)

Dangerous Flirtations (MFM)

The Callens 4

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 46,599
15 Ratings (4.1)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Les Byerley
I am loving the Callen series! This family and their friends just get better and better!! Can't wait for the next book to come out. :)
After what I thought was a disappointing third book, I almost ditched this series, but I'm so glad I didn't. Dangerous Flirtations is tons tons better. I read it in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Marie Jermy



“What’s she like?” Colby Stone leaned his elbows on the bar and drank his beer as he scanned the crowd.

His boss smiled. “Hot.”

At that description, Colby refocused his attention back on Dustin Callen. “Willing to share any details?” The last architectural designer had been married with three kids.

Dustin swiveled sideways on the stool and gave him a hard look, one that said he was debating how much to reveal. “Tracey Redman is from Seattle. She has six years of design experience and knows marketing. Her portfolio is the best I’ve seen. Good enough?”

Hardly. He wanted the important statistics, the least of which were age, eye, and hair color. Intrigue, Wyoming, didn’t have a lot of women, and Colby was always on the lookout. “She single?”

Dustin laughed. “She never mentioned a husband, but if you’re thinking she might be the sharing type, you’d be wrong.”

He didn’t like sound of that. Ever since he moved back to where he’d grown up, he and Dustin had shared a few women, but none of the ones they’d chosen wanted anything permanent. Neither of them were getting any younger, and now at thirty-two, they’d both decided it was time to settle down. “Did she say something to indicate she was against a ménage arrangement? After all, Intrigue’s permissiveness is well-known. ”

Dustin cocked a brow as he peeled the paper off his beer bottle. “The topic of sex never came up during the interview. I must have been slacking.”

There was something he wasn’t saying. His boss could get any woman he wanted if he set his mind to it. After all, he had an Ivy League education, owned his own construction company, and was, according to every woman in town, the most devastatingly handsome man alive.

“When does Tracey start work?”

“Monday morning.”

“Good. There’ll be no downtime. I really need her at the construction site as soon as possible. We just finished framing today.” He liked to be sure what the men built matched the architectural design. Mistakes early on could be costly.

Dustin had pounded into their heads that they couldn’t afford to mess up this one. It was the big break Dustin had been hoping for. A high-end green developer had hired Callen Construction to build all the homes. “I’ll stop by the office first thing Monday morning and take her to the site.”

Dustin laughed. “You do that, but remember she is an employee.”

Colby couldn’t believe his best friend would say that. “Like I’d sexually harass her or something? You know me. The women make the move on me, not the other way around.”

“From the way she holds herself, she’s a bit self-conscious about her looks. I don’t see her coming on to you.”

“I thought you said she’s hot.”

“She is, only she doesn’t realize it.”

Colby finished his beer. “I’ll bet you she’ll sniffing at my heels in a month’s time.”

That was unless someone tipped her off about his past. High-class women shied away from ex-cons. To them it wouldn’t matter that he’d only spent a few years in prison.




Colby spread her legs and slid the silky panties to the side. She squeezed shut her eyes, knowing that what he was about to do would blow her mind. His warm breath blew across her opening, prompting her pussy to contract. The rush of air almost tickled until he rubbed her sensitive clit with this thumb. Sparks of need raced everywhere. She wanted him to suck on her, but instead he took his time, lightly rubbing her tender nub. The slow, lazy attack made her want more.

She wiggled her hips to get him to lick her, but he seemed content to drive her crazy. She moaned and pressed down on the top of his crown. “Eat me.”

“I’m liking this too much.”

Colby must have been paying her back for the initial rejection.

Dustin lifted off her bra, causing the chilly air to ripple across her tips, puckering her nipples. He licked one tip while he massaged her other breast. She had a hard time knowing where to focus her attention. Her pussy was vibrating with need while her tits wanted more. Dustin obliged by sucking hard on the nipple. The taut pressure drew a gasp.

He stopped. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. It was wonderful.”

He smiled and returned to what he was doing. His teeth nipped the swollen crest. The tree frogs and insects made a racket outside, but her moans and groans helped block out the noise. One minute she’d realize there was an outside world, and the next they’d transported her to another universe where there was no noise other than her whimpers and sighs.

Colby probed her with his tongue and her back arched. “You taste so sweet.”

He licked her up and down, crashing against her clit over and over again. Each flick caused lustful waves to pummel inside her. Each time he stabbed his tongue into her pussy, her walls contracted.

As much as she loved his tongue, she needed his cock more. Ever since the night they were all together, she’d yearned for the delicious friction. She needed to know she was alive and wanted one of them to thrust into her so hard she screamed.

Colby rubbed his palms up and down her legs, warming her both inside and out. Dustin abandoned her tits and raised his head to capture her mouth. The first kiss was light. He lowered his head and sucked on her bottom lip then ran his tongue along her teeth. She cupped his face and kissed him back.

When they finished dueling, tasting and exploring with their tongues, he lifted his head. “You are the sunshine of my day. I can’t put into words what joy you’ve brought to my life.”

Her heart sang with those words. She would have responded had Colby not slipped two fingers into her pussy.

“Oh, God. Colby.”

Dustin smiled. Her lids closed, and she squeezed Colby’s shoulders. What he was doing should be outlawed. Maybe it was the combination of the clean air and the forbidden nature of trespassing, but nothing had ever felt more right.

As if a signal passed between them, Colby pulled back. “Sugar, we need you to get on your hands and knees.

“I’ll keep her tits warm,” Dustin offered.

She was hot all over, but she wasn’t going to turn down his touch.

“I need to get her ass hot for you.”

What did that mean? The flat of Colby’s hand came down on her rear in one solid thwack. While the butt slap wasn’t hard, it surprised her. “Hey.”

“Did I hurt you?” The worry in his voice warmed her.

“No.” Hadn’t she imagined getting a spanking from these two men? “Give me all you got.”

He laughed. “She’s goin’ to be a live one, Dustin.”

“Want to change places?”

“One more spank.”

This time, he connected harder. The sting radiated down her rear and nestled at the apex of her thighs. The tingling bounced back up to where it started. Heat filled her pussy as the sting registered.

In seconds, Colby shot next to her and his hands raced to keep her tits warm. Dustin got in position at the rear.

He didn’t give her any warning either. The sting came quick, but morphed into pleasure in seconds. Now the pulses reached her pussy and she moaned in pleasure. “More.”

“She likes it!” Dustin announced.

Four more slaps descended, each one hotter than the previous one. Possibly to distract her, Colby rubbed her nipples. The twisting motion drew her attention upward, but her pussy still vibrated with need.

“I want a cock.”

On his knees, Colby presented her with the perfect opportunity to suck on him. She lowered her head and drew him into her mouth as much as she could.

“Sweet Jesus.”

For a few seconds, she balanced on one hand and cupped his balls with the other. Swishing them back and forth, she sucked hard on the head. One of his hands deserted her tit and found a new location on top of her head. His fingertips pressed down on her scalp, making her take in more of him. When his length reached the end, she lifted up and repeated the process.

“That’s enough, sugar. I don’t want to lose it now.” His fast breaths implied he was on the verge.

She dropped her hand to the ground, not even aware the spanking had ended. The smell of mint wafted around her and was followed by a greased finger making a circle around her anus. This time she didn’t clench. Dustin slipped his fingers into her puckered hole, and with the first press, her nerves shot to life.




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