Echoes From the Past (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 24,786
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Billionaire Winston Smith has died, and at the reading of his will, his workaholic grandson Nolan Smith is shocked to learn he will be disinherited if he does not find a mate and marry by Valentine’s Day. Nolan, who swore off relationships after his grandfather found out he was dating a guy and his grandfather made him break off the relationship. Since then, Nolan has been spending long hours working at his grandfather’s publishing company. Another stipulation of the will is he must produce an heir in one year or the publishing company will go to the city.

When Cooper Jackson overhears a conversation between his next-door neighbor Nolan Smith and his older brother John, he thinks it’s funny at first, but then changes his mind when he finds out Nolan has no friends besides John and has no clue what to do. Cooper agrees to marry Nolan for two reasons. One, he wants the money and two, he’s secretly carried a torch for Nolan for years.

Echoes From the Past (MM)
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Echoes From the Past (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 24,786
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“I never saw this coming,” John said.

Cooper smiled. Also present at the breakfast table was Cherish and Nolan.

The chef Cassie Rodriguez had come and taken everyone’s order.

“It’s the perfect solution for his problem,” Cooper said to John.

“Yes, but what about you? Didn’t you just have a bad breakup?” John asked.

“Yes, but it’s over and I’m dating Nolan now.”

“How? You’ve only been back in town one week.” John turned to Cherish. “You see what I have to deal with. He does things without thinking them through.”

“That’s not true,” Cooper argued. “Nolan and I have discussed this. Why should some cats get what is due to him?”

“Lost here,” Cherish said.

“You should at least introduce us,” Nolan said to John.

“Yes, where are my manners. It’s kind of like you proposing to my brother without discussing this with me first,” John said sarcastically. “Nolan Smith. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Cherish Moore. Cherish, this is my childhood best friend and next-door neighbor Nolan Smith.”

“Nice to meet you, Nolan. John speaks very highly of you.”

“Yet, he failed to mention that he was in a relationship with such a beautiful young lady.”

“I like him,” Cherish said.

“He’s gay,” John reminded her.

“I know. But he has very good tastes,” Cherish said.

“I have a problem where my grandfather had it in his will that I have to get married in thirty days or I will lose my inheritance,” Nolan explained.

“And I offered to marry him,” Cooper said.

“Commendable, but I thought he was your nemesis,” John said. “When did you two ever speak?”

“Last night,” Cooper answered. “He called the resort looking for you and I answered. He invited me to dinner and I accepted. We started discussing his issue. I volunteered to marry him. He is your friend and he needs help.”

“What’s in it for you?” John asked Cooper.

“You know.”

“Does he know?” John asked.

Cooper shook his head.

“What?” Nolan asked.

“That he’s had this big-assed crush on you since he was a teenager.”

Nolan looked at Cooper. “Really? I didn’t know that. Thought he hated me.”

John chuckled. “He did until he grew up and went through puberty. Apparently, he thought you were hot stuff. Tall, blond, and handsome.”

Nolan looked at Cooper again. “Really? I guess that’s even more reasons to get married. Look at it this way, he’ll be helping me out and I’ll be making all his fantasies come true.”

“Yuck,” John said.

Cherish chuckled.

“I’m supposed to be protecting him from predators,” John said.

“He’s not a predator,” Cooper mumbled.

“You can still keep an eye on him since he’s going to be right next door,” Nolan said.

“What about your jobs?” John asked Cooper.

“Nothing will change. I still plan to open my makeup studio in the resort and work the reservations desk. And I think Nolan can give me a room to film my YouTube videos.”

“How are you going to perform your husbandly duties with all that going on?” John asked.

“Husbandly duties?” Cooper asked.

“You know, cleaning the house, cooking dinner and entertaining his business associates,” John said.

“Don’t forget tending to the baby,” Nolan said.

“What baby?” Cherish asked.

The chef came in with their breakfast and all conversations ceased. Everyone got waffles with syrup. John and Cherish got bacon and sausage. They all had eggs, and Cooper got fresh fruit. They all had coffee and water to drink and John got orange juice.

“Thank you, Cassie,” John said.

The chef returned to the kitchen and the conversation resumed.

“As a part of his grandfather’s will, Nolan has to not only stay married for a year, but also father a child in that year,” John explained.

Cherish looked at Nolan. “Let me guess. Your grandfather didn’t know that you were gay?”

“Oh yes, he knew. That’s why he threw that in. He assumed if I slept with a woman, it would ungay me.”

Cooper chuckled. “Not going to happen.”

“So how is this supposed to work because I’m at least ninety-nine percent sure that Cooper is a guy,” Cherish said.

“What’s the other one percent?” Cooper asked.

“You’re wearing makeup, and I think we’re wearing the same cologne, and your fingers are not only manicured, but they’re also polished,” Cherish said. “One percent not male.”

“Lucky guess.” Cooper said grace and began eating his food.

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