Throne of Light (MMM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 80,030
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Sequel to Throne of Waves

Calix knows he is dying. He has been since birth. His brother has always taken care of him. When Perseus announces he is marrying a god, Calix is thrust into the world of immortals. Forced to live on Olympus with Zeus, he must battle his nemesis at the academy to earn immortality.

The only problem is, that as much as Calix hates Zeus, he also can’t ignore their attraction. Can Calix survive and handle the most burdensome god?

Throne of Light (MMM)
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Throne of Light (MMM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 80,030
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“Calix is cowardly. He cannot inflict harm,” Zeus taunted.

“I harmed you,” Calix griped, annoyed at the god’s presence.

Zeus fell silent, his face darkening. The other gods exchanged glances at Calix’s comment but said nothing. Even Selene remained quiet and uncertain about how to proceed. Zeus swallowed; he picked at his own nails. A small droplet of blood formed around the god’s nails. Calix felt a sense of victory at besting Zeus.

“Stop. You’re cutting yourself,” Calix blurted, irritated. He pulled Zeus’s fingers away from his own hand.

Zeus pushed Calix’s hands aside, affronted.

“You cannot tell a god what to do,” Zeus declared.

Hades and Poseidon approached them, ready to intervene.

“I can if they’re causing themselves to bleed,” Calix argued, stepping away from Zeus. He was fearful that lightning would run through him if he did not control himself. Zeus caused a sense of irritation in him; no one else did.

Zeus scratched at his chest under his tunic. Calix refused to look at the god’s body, maintaining eye contact. He glared as intensely as he could. He did not suspect he looked intimidating at all.

“Stop telling me everything I’m doing that’s wrong. We’ve known each other for a few days. It’s aggravating.” Zeus cleared the blood from his nails. “Take these. They’re your best option. You’ll be terrible with them, but that’s not a surprise.” Zeus pushed a bag of throwing knives toward Calix.

Calix looked at the small blades that could be tied around one’s thighs or arms. They were not heavy, and they warmed to his touch.

“I think Zeus may be right. Try them,” Selene encouraged.

Calix’s nostrils flared, angry that Zeus could be right about anything. He took the knives and found Adonis and Eros. Adonis was dodging arrows lobbed playfully by Eros. Eros had removed his clothes. He lay naked on a tree branch, watching Adonis amused as he rolled and ducked his lazy attacks.

“Try harder,” Adonis ordered as he evaded another arrow. He waved at Calix, gesturing for him to join them.

“Get me harder,” Eros yelled from the tree, eliciting a laugh from Adonis.

Calix showed them his throwing knives, dropping them as he tried to grip them. They were tiny. They had neat black handles and small, sharp, lethal blades. He almost cut himself trying to grasp one.

“Hold them like this.” Adonis stood behind Calix, wrapping his hand around his. He guided his hand to the knives, making sure they were positioned.

Calix tried to throw a knife at the tree near him. The knife flew into the ground, far to the right of his target. Calix reached for another knife and tried again, only for the knife to sail through the air and crash against the wall of the cave.

“You can do it!” Eros cheered.

“Imagine that tree is a wall. Your knife is your brush. Splatter the tree with paint,” Adonis instructed.

It was a ridiculous comparison. However, Calix did as he was instructed. He imagined the tree as his bedroom’s wall back on Olympus. He imagined a droplet of paint sailing through the air and coloring it. He threw his knife. The knife hit the side tree, sinking into it with a thud.

“Well taught, Adonis! Well learned, Calix!” Eros praised, jumping down from the tree. “Such exhausting instruction. Why am I the only one undressed?” Eros asked, frowning at their attire.

“Because we are not running or wrestling. Hence, we are clothed,” Adonis responded. His eyes softened as Eros leaned his naked body against him.

“Then let us wrestle. Calix and I versus you. No rules,” Eros challenged, grabbing Calix and pulling him to his side.

Calix expected the dutiful Adonis to protest. Adonis scoffed, offended at the thought that he could be bested. Adonis pulled his tunic off with one clean motion. Eros’s jaw dropped at the sight of Adonis’s semi-erect cock. Eros turned on Calix, waiting for him to strip.

Calix doubted that Adonis would actually do anything but wrestle during class. He did find the idea of the three of them touching arousing. He removed his clothes, standing with his arms around himself.

“We must work on your confidence. The things I’m going to do to you if you let me,” Eros whispered.

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