Throne of Waves (MM)

Eternal Wars


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 77,959
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Sequel to Throne of Shadows

Basil seeks vengeance. Zeus has killed and hurt everyone who matters to him. When the gods host an academy to find the next generation of gods, Basil secures an invitation with one goal in mind. Destroy Zeus at any cost.

Unfortunately, Poseidon is far too attractive to be ignored. The god of the sea is dedicated to wooing Basil. Basil swears he can keep secrets from the alluring god, destroy Zeus, and find his happily ever after. Can Basil have it all when the gods are both plotting for and against him?

Throne of Waves (MM)
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Throne of Waves (MM)

Eternal Wars


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 77,959
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

The room smelled of ocean salt water and wooden pine. It was a smell that was somehow soothing and gentle. Once the door was closed, the noise of the students was blocked out, and all that could be heard was the waves of the ocean. It was the most tranquil room Basil had ever stepped foot in.

An archway led to a private bathroom and a steaming bath for the two of them. Basil touched the water, which was warm and welcoming. Basil left the bathroom while Hyacinthus undressed. His lean body was a sight to behold as he stepped into the water, relaxing against the stone bath.

A knock on the door startled the both of them, interrupting Basil from placing his clothes in the closet. Basil opened the door to see Apollo leaning against their door, grinning. Apollo peered his head in and almost fainted, seeing Hyacinthus nude in the bath.

“My dreams have come true. I hear the bathes in the chambers here are a vision. If you are so fond of baths, maybe you’d like to join me?” Apollo offered, sitting on the edge of the bath, flirting with Hyacinthus.

Apollo beamed as Hyacinthus stood, drying himself from the bath.

“Let us bathe together there. It will give us an opportunity to get to know each other. Basil, come with us?” Hyacinthus asked, wrapping the towel around his waist.

“I don’t want to interrupt your bath,” Basil responded, not feeling like watching the two of them flirt. He felt that may be awkward.

“Are you all bathing? I have wanted to show off my bathhouse for ages! Let’s go,” Poseidon declared from the doorway, overhearing them.

Apollo cheered, grabbing Basil by the wrist and leading him down the halls. Apollo released him from his grasp. He fell behind Basil and Poseidon, talking to Hyacinthus.

“I tried to design the bathhouse myself, but it wasn’t great. I’m not creative, tragically. I worked with Kal to design the bathhouse. I guess that is when he snuck in the orgy chambers. I should have paid more attention, not that I should complain. Sex can be quite a bonding activity. Anyways, the bathhouse is incredible,” Poseidon rambled, smiling as he talked to Basil.

Poseidon was earnest in a way Basil had not expected. Basil allowed himself to look at Poseidon closer. The god was tanned and muscular, his tunic revealing a defined chest and hint of abs. His biceps were muscular, and his legs were toned. The god’s wavy brown hair was loosely braided, and his green eyes were brighter than any other green eyes Basil had seen. He reminded himself that Poseidon was a god, and no god could be trusted. He would win Poseidon’s favor and trust to learn about Zeus and nothing more.

The group of them made their way through the dining room. The room had tables in yellow, blue, and black, representing each of the brothers. Poseidon led them to the far south of the academy, where spiral stairs led them into a warm stone room. A golden door stood in front of them.

“Undress here and wash yourself before going into the baths,” Poseidon instructed.

Apollo surrendered his clothes, revealing his tight body. His arms were muscular, and his abs were defined. Basil had never been too self-conscious about his body. He had strong arms from lifting and a thin lean frame from running. Basil poured water from a wooden bucket and scrubbed his body clean as was custom. The baths were to be social. Not to clean. One did that outside the bath.

Poseidon removed his clothes. Basil had to will himself not to stiffen at the sight of the god. He was tanned and muscular, his biceps flexing as he dropped his clothes to the floor. Zeus would be outraged if he knew how much Basil favored Poseidon.

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