Throne of Shadows (MM)

Eternal Wars


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 75,052
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Harmony only wanted to survive. When the new gods defeat the Titans, Harmony is forced into a world of the gods. Three ambitious brothers seek to discover the most powerful mortals. The ones they love will join their ranks as immortals. The Academy of the Gods is filled with the wealthy and powerful.

An orphan sent as one of the few survivors of his village, Harmony is an immediate outcast. Hated by Zeus and abandoned by most of the other students, Harmony is only protected by Hades. The god of the underworld is a mysterious and reclusive god. Harmony finds himself falling in love with Hades while detested by Zeus. Can Harmony survive the new gods and find love?

Throne of Shadows (MM)
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Throne of Shadows (MM)

Eternal Wars


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 75,052
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“There’s only one bed,” Harmony acknowledged, confused.

“I wasn’t expecting a roommate. Where are your things?” Hades questioned, looking him over for the first time since they had met.

“What things?” Harmony asked. All Harmony had was what was given to him by Hades and Poseidon. The purple robes and new shoes on his feet.

“Clothes, jewelry, books, art. You know, your things,” Hades prompted.

“I don’t have anything,” Harmony stammered, blushing. He had nothing before the new god’s insurgence, let alone after.

Hades wasn’t shocked. His eyes focused on him. Harmony was used to being looked at the way Zeus and the other students looked at him. They stared at him with dislike and a sense of superiority. Hades looked at him in a way that confused him.

“You were one of Atreo’s slaves?” Hades observed, gazing at him.

Harmony blushed. He had told no one for a reason. Slaves weren’t meant to be among the gods.

“Our village only had two survivors,” Harmony responded.

Hades grabbed one of the scrolls off his bed and read it. His fingers traveled down the page with familiarity. His index finger rested on a small name, Harmony’s.

“I researched all the students. All royalty or wealthy. It took me a while to find you. You weren’t in the census. I finally found you when Atreo listed you as property,” Hades stated.

Harmony was written and labeled as the property of his former master. Harmony felt a sense of rage creep in him.

“I am not anyone’s property. Elpis sent me here,” Harmony insisted, unsure of what would happen next.

Harmony expected Hades to make a slave of him. Or, if he was kind, he would dismiss Harmony and let him run into a neighboring village poor, but free. Both seemed unlikely. No one would care what happened to him.

“What do you need?” Hades asked. It was a soft voice, and he spoke as if Harmony were a hurt animal that needed consoling.

“Nothing. I know how to survive,” Harmony retorted.

Harmony had met people like Hades before. He hated those who pitied him. When he was a child, he would ask for help, but no one would ever do anything. They wanted to say they tried.

“What would you like?” Hades rephrased.

“My own bed, and I don’t have any clothes,” Harmony responded, testing the waters.

Hades did not blink or squirm in discomfort at seeing Harmony’s need. He didn’t grimace or make excuses. He looked rather bored after Harmony continued listing what he would need.

“I would like some books and paper,” Harmony added, continuing to test Hades.

“I will see to it,” Hades responded, sitting on the bed.

“We will have to share the bed for the night. You may rest now if you’d like. There is an important ceremony tonight,” Hades mumbled.

Harmony blushed. Hades’ frame was slender. His passionate dark eyes drew Harmony in. He turned so Hades couldn’t see his face. The room felt small and intimate. He had never shared a bed with anyone before and had never wanted to.

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